Praying for all converts - and not only those we are discipling to disciple in the Way - to remain strengthened in faith and united with the Father, in Jesus' Name, is part of our responsibility as Ministers of Good News to the whole world, for many are still ignorantly away from the Body of Christ; so our Calling is to bring them, through constant, intercessory prayers and evangelism, into the fold, where we are one flock having one Great Shepherd, Jesus Christ who laid His life down for many, in accordance with the Law, Songs and Prophets of God (Matt. 24:14, John 10:14-16, Rom. 12:5). Christians are called in one hope, faith, and baptism to embrace one God and Father of all Believers, through His Word; as we pray for His Brethren and our Sisters, physically far and near, we are also praying for the unity and growth of the Church, on the only solid foundation (Eph. 4:3-6).
So, let's remain willing to bring all who are far from the presence of the LORD, into the fold of Jesus through discipleship so that more souls may become one with Christ just as we are mercifully in Him who is one with the Father, forever.

PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for keeping me united in the Body of Christ and favored by the Holy Spirit to intercede in prayers for all who have faith in the Word. Please continue to touch the hearts of all who confess Your Name to seek Your presence in another and stay united with You, loving one and all, as we have been greatly forgiven and loved, in Jesus' Name,

From John 17:20-21


Every vessel of mercy recreated to proclaim the Good News of Salvation in Christ Jesus, the Word of the LORD, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, remains cleansed and alive in His Holiness so, as many people as acknowledge the revelation of God's Truth, ministered with our mouths and practiced through our devoted way of life, may realize the sanctifying effect of God's Living Word and become purified by it daily, as they receive Jesus Christ into their hearts (1 Thess. 4:7-9). This way, we live for Christ on Earth, advancing the Kingdom of Heaven and staying fruitful in His Vineyard, as branches in the True Vine who will crush His enemies (John 15:5, Rev. 19:11 & 13-15).
Also, we are empowered with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, sanctified in the Name above all names to seek for lost souls, convert, and disciple as many from the world as our Heavenly Father gives us, ambassadors of Jesus Christ, His everlasting Word who keeps us purified as we abide in Him, "the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6)."

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Holy Father, for keeping me sanctified by grace through Your Word washing and regenerating me as I stay consecrated for Your Will; please, help me remain a living example of Your Word, transforming the mindsets of men and sending them throughout the Earth as well, for Your glory!

From John 17:18-19

Happy New Year 🌹


There is no discrimination in the Body of Christ, for every Christian, faithful in service to the LORD, remains cleansed with the washing of the Living Water, which flows over our souls by the Word of God, Jesus Christ, our Savior, to be united as the Church, presented in white, without defilement, for the LORD (Eph. 5:25-27). Our Heavenly Father makes no distinction between saints as He purifies our hearts by faith in His Word through the Holy Spirit, making every Christian converted by grace through receiving God's Anointed Son, remain separated from the World yet united as the Church, sanctified by the Truth to subdue any deception of the World (Acts 15:8-9).
Moreover, as Christian souls, continually obedient to the Word of the Father keeping the hearts of Brethren cleansed, we remain citizens, not of the World but of God's Heavenly Kingdom, where Truth and Faithful Love reigns (Ps. 119:9, 1 Pet. 1:22).

PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for separating me from the World through Your sanctifying Word of Truth, which purifies my soul to remain deserving of Your Kingdom. Please, keep everyone who is converted through the Holy Spirit in me, cleansed and purified for Your advancing Kingdom, in Jesus' Holy Name,

From John 17:16-17

                                   Happy 🌺
                                              New Year 


Praying for all converted and those being discipled in the image of God as Sons and Daughters, by the Holy Spirit who ministers through every faithful member of Christ's Body, keeps the growing Christians delivered from all evil acts and preserved for the glory of our Heavenly Father (Matt. 6:13, 2 Tim. 4:18). This is a self-sacrificing duty of love, meant to keep converts from the influence of "this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father," so that the ever protective banner of the LORD, which strengthens the Faithful, will also keep them guarded and guided from the snare of the wicked one (Gal. 1:4, 2 Thess. 3:3).
Moreover, "we know that whoever is born of God does not sin," by understanding the Gospel; yet, Ministers shouldn't stop praying for the Disciples under our care so that the fallen one may not touch them (1 John 5:18-19).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Heavenly Father, for giving me the grace to pray for all whom you've placed under my care to disciple and everyone converted in Your Mighty Name. Please continue to strengthen my faith in Your Son and keep Your own protected from all evil initiatives of the devil and his agents,

From John 17:15


The Divine presence of God's Word given by our Heavenly Father to faithful souls for the redemption of followers of Christ, greatly sets His own apart for Himself, being sanctified for His glory and separated from the lust of the flesh to dwell in the abundance of His grace, mercy, and favor as Heirs of His Heavenly Kingdom proclaiming His good will on the Earth. This makes those who reject the Love of the Father shown through His Son, Jesus Christ, distance themselves from Godly people, thereby declaring their disbelief and hatred for He who lives in every Christian (Luke 21:17-19, John 15:19).
Also, as Children of God, we are not going the way of the dark world, being blessed as His representatives, so whenever we are falsely accused for Christ's sake, we should not be disturbed, for there is a Divine assurance that we will surely be rewarded as Heirs inheriting life in God's Kingdom (Luke 6:22-23, 1 John 3:13-14).

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for Your Word distinguishing my life and keeping me severed from all evil, though the workers of iniquity may dislike this Way of Life because of Your Word written in the tablet of my Heart; still, I have a Divine assurance that Your saving grace and everlasting Love always keep me and those identified as Christians separate from the unholy and preserved for Your glory and my good, in Jesus' Name,

From John 17:14


Continuing the redemptive work of Jesus Christ by taking the Good News of Salvation to the reach of all lacking the knowledge of Truth, makes ministering vessels of the Holy Spirit, live to the fulfillment of the joy of Jesus our Savior while transforming the lives of all faithful to receive Him. The preaching of the Gospel in Love, is delightful to all who, in Christ Jesus, are serving together in His Vineyard and He fills as many as receive the Truth, declared in God's Holy Name, with Divine Joy over His finished work, which brings peace to guard the hearts of the Faithful (John 15:11, Phil. 4:7).
Furthermore, we are channels of God's Word, living as ambassadors of the Kingdom and bringing the image of the Beloved Son to the World before His return. Also, as we reveal the Father's Love - keeping us with each other beyond this passing world - lives are renewed for God's glory while hearts remain filled with His everlasting joy, which springs forth in praise to the LORD!

PRAYER: Thank You, Ever-loving Father, for filling me with sublime Joy through Your Spirit who lives in me, making me a channel of Your Word on Earth. Please, keep me empowered to reach out to more souls before I meet our Father, that many may experience and be filled with Your Joy as they receive the Gospel which I proclaim with authority, in Jesus' Name,

From John 17:13


After the conversion of souls still in the world, their formerly worldly mindsets transformed by the inspired Words of God ministered by the Holy Spirit tending to people through us - like our Lord Jesus Christ lovingly interceded for and guided His Disciples to safety all through His life on Earth - we need to walk in His footsteps, praying in His Name to our Father for the protection even of their Salvation, so that they may also stay preserved as we are in Christ Jesus who has redeemed all who believe in Him (Col. 1:13-14, 17 & 21-23, 2 Peter 2:20 & 21). His covering is necessary for the unity and growth of every fruit we bear so that they may remain worthy of a place in God's Vineyard, guided by the Word of the LORD and empowered by the Holy Spirit to triumph over every trial and temptation that comes their way (Luke 22:32, Rom. 12:5).
Therefore, loving all kindred Jesus has given us and who are about to give account, praying until the end for the household of God to grow in the Spirit so they may not fall yet remain strengthened to subdue every challenge that comes their way, remains our responsibility as intercessory vessels of God's love preserving every repentant soul we oversee as good stewards, in God's Holy Name (John 10:38-30 & 13:1, Heb. 13:18-19).

PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for keeping me set apart from every distraction of the flesh, to remain comforted by the Spirit and redeemed by Your gift of Salvation through faith, so I may live long as an ambassador of Your Living Word to all you have given me to disciple in Your Holy Name while remembering my days are numbered (Ps. 90:12). Please, strengthen those who watch over my soul and the Sisters and Brothers You've placed under my care, even after I'm gone, for Your glory so they will be equipped in the Spirit to prevail over every force trying to separate them from Your presence, being one in the Name of Jesus Christ, Your Son,

From John 17:11-12


Praying for all converts - and not only those we are discipling to disciple in the Way - to remain strengthened in faith and united with the...