Monday, March 10, 2025


The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of Days" and prepare a place for us, His Faithful Ones to live with Him forever, He will surely return to take us home in due time (Dan. 7:13, John 14:3). This takes place after trials of faith, for we are equipped in the Spirit to overcome anything, as Sons and Daughters of God, nourished with the knowledge of Truth which separates and frees us from all evil as we stay faithful til the end (Mark 13:24-27, John 8:32).

So, let's patiently, "wait for the LORD, be strong, and take heart," staying confident in His Word, and we will remain worthy, as His Faithful Bride, upon His glorious return (Ps. 27:13-14).

PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, the Covenant keeping God who never fails, for Your Divine presence in my life keeps sustaining life on Earth and preserving me as an adorned Bride for the Bridegroom, Your Son - my Lord and Savior. Please keep me strengthened to disciple more souls and bear fruit that remains, for the return of the Redeemer of our soul, in Jesus' Name,


From Acts 1:9-11

Friday, March 7, 2025


Hearing, acknowledging and recalling the Living Word leads to His Salvation of a soul from remaining condemned, being rejected by God and perishing for eternity, as each disciple has been imputed with righteousness by faith, kept in actions even greater than Christ Jesus; still, being favored to receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit, the Helper who is sent in these latter times, keeps every one who believes what He has done, empowered as a Witness of God's redeeming Word, to testify freely of His Truth, Love, and everlasting existence, boldly declaring the Truth to all in need of the Father's Saving Grace to this day (Hs. 4:6, Mark 16:15-16, John 14:11-18 & 26, Acts 2:1-4, Rom. 10:17-18). As anointed vessels of God's Word, He makes us Faithful Christians, the Church, chosen to  go forth as a generation of God's Royal Priesthood specially preserved to glorify the LORD and advance His Kingdom by bearing fruits that remain, in His Holy Name, through the preaching of the Gospel of Salvation for the redemption of souls as they faithfully receive the Spirit of Holiness (1 Pet. 2:9).
Therefore, as we remain steadfast, not allowing any distraction to move us away from the path of Truth and Highway of Holiness shown by the Word of God, through the ministering vessels of the Holy Spirit, we will stay empowered forever as Christ's Witnesses to the World, revealing the Father's Love to all (Col. 1:23).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, LORD, Ever-Gracious Father, for making me a living Witness of Your Word and marvelous works on Earth, through the presence of the Holy Spirit who lives in me, keeping me empowered to reach out to every nation, race, and tribe, even in every tongue, solely to testify of Your Greatness for Saving souls, and unifying Love;

From Acts 1:8

Thursday, March 6, 2025


Times and seasons have never been in the hands of anyone except our Heavenly Father and the Creator of all things, who has placed these under His Divine authority, yet reveals what we need to know before it comes to pass, so we may act according to His will and testify of His Greatness at the fulfillment of His Word (1 Thess. 5:1-2). Besides, the exact time of Divine changes on Earth is far from the knowledge of men, and the coming of Christ is kept from all, including the Angels, by the Father, who has set everything in order (Matt. 24:36).
So, as Christians, we should not be worried concerning the brighter future of which the Father has assured us through His Word by the Holy Spirit, because everything is under His Divine authority and as we continually watch and pray, we will stay strengthened as Overcomers of the flesh, at the fulfillment of God's Divine will (Matt. 26:41).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Heavenly Father and Creator of all things, for I trust in You, knowing that everything under Your Divine Authority is safe which brings peace to my soul. Please keep me preserved and strengthened in the Spirit so, at the fulfillment of Your goodwill over my life, I will be found worthy of Your Grace and Love,

From Acts 1:6 & 7

Wednesday, March 5, 2025


The several appearance of Jesus Christ to the Apostles during the forty days between His resurrection and ascension into Heaven during which He continually thought about His Kingdom reign, gave the positive proof of His resurrection, rebuking the unbelief and hardened hearts of many clouded with doubtful thoughts (Matt. 28:17-18, Mark 16:12 & 14, John 20:19 & 26-27). This makes every Faithful Child of God graced to be able to boldly affirm Christ's eternal existence and Divine authority, through the Holy Spirit, testifying of His Peace and everlasting Comfort, presented to all (Luke 24:34 & 36).
Moreover, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior was seen, not only by the first Apostles, but many others who are faithful too, and we are not denied the Joy of being in His presence because we see, feel and acknowledge Him through the Holy Spirit who reveals Him and the Kingdom of Heaven, at the perfect time (1 Cor. 15:5-8).

PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for making me realize Your supernatural presence in my life, proving beyond a doubt, Your eternal existence as the Author and Finisher of our faith. I bless Your Name, for Your presence keeps me alive in the Spirit to boldly declare to the World Your everlasting Love, Power, and Authority, as a living Witness of Your Divine existence; may Your Kingdom come,

From Acts 1:3

Tuesday, March 4, 2025


The bodily baptism by water is necessary for every repentant soul who is remorseful for his or her sinful past and is willing to be cleansed and receive new life by cleaving to the Word of God; still, to stay empowered by Grace as an Overcomer, triumphing over every trial of faith and oppression from the kingdom of darkness standing against our Calling in Christ, we are soon favored with the promised Gift of the Holy Spirit, fulfilled in our lives so we may serve as God's Temples consecrated to minister as Heirs of the Father, Living on Earth, the Great News of Salvation, with boldness (Matt. 3:11, Acts 4:31, 1 Cor. 3:16). We are fully baptized by the Father with the Holy Spirit through His Living Word, Jesus Christ, as we stay in His presence, meditating on and keeping to His teachings which are conceived in our hearts when we give room for His Divine existence, blessings, and wisdom to understand the Good News we receive wholeheartedly (Acts 11:15 & 16).
So, let any who have gone through water baptism, yet without experiencing the Gift of the Holy Spirit who testifies of our union with the Father, constantly meditate on God's Word and abide by it, even as oneself is separated through renewing their mind and being washed, from lust for desires of the flesh, solely to remain in the presence of the LORD, who will baptize him with the Holy Spirit in a short time (Is. 55:7, Rom. 8:16-18).

PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for baptizing me with the Gift of the Holy Spirit, promised by the Father for my good and His glory, which keeps me empowered to live in the fulfillment of my Calling in Your Holy Name. Please, help me to reach out to more souls who are baptized with water only, still lacking the Power of the Holy Spirit, so I may disciple them through Your Word who cleanses the hearts of the Faithful and makes them deserving of Your Divine presence, in Your Holy Name,

From Acts 1:5

Monday, March 3, 2025


Being made worthy of the Father's promise revealed by God's Word, Jesus Christ, as the Gift of the Holy Spirit who comforts and strengthens the Faithful to overcome every trial along the path of Truth and Righteousness, requires waiting patiently, trusting in the living God, as we stay separate from the lust of the flesh to abide in His presence (Is. 40:31). The promise of the Father has been kept and it's manifesting in the lives of all who are faithful to His Word, to help us understand all that's needed for our spiritual growth so we may remain one with Him in Christ Jesus, His only begotten Son (Luke 24:49, John 14:26 & 15:17, Acts 2:33).
Therefore, staying in the presence of Jesus by meditating on and affirming God's Living Word in faith, while we remain practical examples of what we preach, forever keeps us deserving of the Gift of the Holy Spirit, promised for our good and God's glory, so we may minister efficiently in the Spirit as Sons and Daughters of God, advancing His Kingdom, as we dish out, not added stipulations nor limits on the evidence of the gift of the Holy Spirit, but a guide to effectively sharing the Good News of Salvation with all, as we wait with faith in God's Son and in unity with the Brethren (Heb. 6:12).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, LORD, the Covenant-Keeping God and Gracious Father, for guiding me through Your Word who cleanses a cluttered conscience of condensation and keeps me away from every distraction in the flesh separating anyone from the Comfort and Peace of Your presence, so I may stay empowered by the promised Gift of the Holy Spirit, fulfilled in me as Your Holy Temple and living channel of Your Word on Earth.

From Acts 1:4

Friday, February 28, 2025


The deeds, claims, and promises of Jesus Christ reveal the Love, Grace, and Power of God, going far beyond every record kept by men and written through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit as the Gospel of Salvation, compiled for the redemption of all who need to know the Truth (John 8:32 & 20:30). Everyone is personally offered Divine deliverance from the bondage of sin, received through faith in the abundance of God's Living Word, written in the Bible and the History books, and served by His ministering vessels as the Bread of Life, sustaining the Faithful whose hearts are open to receive and accommodate His Divine presence (Acts 16:14, Eph. 1:7-8 & 2:8).
Moreover, we need to "hunger and thirst for righteousness," which can never be fully explained in written words or scriptural notes, yet as we constantly meditate on the much we have been given, it will be multiplied by grace through the Holy Spirit so we may stay fulfilled with Divine understanding to live eternally in the Righteousness of God, Jesus Christ, who keeps us away from sinfulness, to testify of the changes He's made in each of our lives and keep doing the right thing, like the Master, exactly as Our Father instructed (Lev. 11:44, Matt. 5:6, John 14:31).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, LORD, Ever-Gracious Father, for the instruction You gave Your chosen ones to write and share the knowledge of Truth and Your Salvation to all seeking redemption. Please keep me growing by the plenty I have collected and never keep it to myself, so that I may continue to be filled with Your Righteousness as I keep sharing the knowledge of Your Word for the growth of Your everlasting Kingdom,

From John 21:25

Thursday, February 27, 2025


The conduct of one's lifestyle graced with honesty and faithfulness to the True God, shows the purity of Jesus' Word pouring out of his heart with the love received, making him a ministering vessel trusted by many who willingly listen to and observe his ways of life, believing the Good News he shares, which makes them testify of him as a Witness of God, sent to the world as an ambassador of Christ's Kingdom (John 19:35, 1 John 4:19). Our faithfulness and humility shows many the Light of God in us, for as we continuously tell of His Grace and Anointing in our lives, the Divine identity will be revealed through more Witnesses of the Truth in Christ Jesus, to Him forever be the glory (3 John 12, Rev. 1:4-6).
Also, by walking out an exemplary life by the Holy Spirit confirming and disclosing the Word of God which we declare, we too will stay trustworthy to everyone who wholeheartedly embraces the Good News by faith, even as they desire to be guided by the Spirit, in order to grow more in their sincere understanding of the Truth which we continuously testify to, so they may come near to the true God and stay equipped to experience and advance God's Kingdom within, as well.

PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for giving me testimonies and making me a Witness of Your Word, testifying to the Truth in Your Holy Name, which touches the hearts of many to affirm Your Divine Grace and Anointing on my life and the love freely available for them to draw from. Please keep me strong and validated as I continuously immerse myself in and proclaim the Good News of Salvation for the advancement of Your Kingdom,

From John 21:24

Wednesday, February 26, 2025


Being dead to the flesh and alive in the Spirit, as an adopted Child of God, consecrated to live for Christ on Earth and stay deserving of eternity in Heaven, "your life is hidden with Christ in God," for only He can determine your lifespan as the Creator and Source of Life (John 1:1-4, Col. 3:3, 1 Sam. 2:6). So, as Followers of Christ, we should stay committed to live for Him until our last breath, knowing that whoever sleeps in the LORD after living to the fulfillment of one's calling in Christ, done with all their strength and might, bearing fruit that remains, will surely gain Everlasting Life with Jesus, reunited with all Believers, in Heaven (Phil. 1:21-22).
Moreover, "it's appointed for a man to die once, and after that comes judgment;" yet, only Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, "holds the keys of death and the Grave," for He alone can determine the lifespan of His own, anointed and preserved for His glory, untouchable by the kingdom of darkness, as the Beloved of the LORD (Ps. 105:15, Heb. 9:27, Rev. 1:18).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Omniscient Heavenly Father, for keeping me preserved and sustained by faith through the Holy Spirit, waiting for the second coming of Your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, in whom I am alive and ready to serve as a vessel of glory in Your Hands til my last breath on Earth. Please keep me fruitful as I continuously testify of Your Love, Peace, and Power for the Salvation of souls, revived to live in Your advancing Kingdom,

From John 21:23

Tuesday, February 25, 2025


We are called by Christ, through His ministering vessels, anointed for His glory; yet, to stay among those chosen as Joint-heirs with Him in the bosom of the Father, we should make it our ambition to concentrate more on our Calling in Christ, obeying His words by following His footsteps to bear more fruits that remain, attending to our own business advancing God's Kingdom and earning a living which wins unbelievers' respect, instead of on our fellow Ministers who are called for the same reason but placed in different positions of edification in the Body of Christ (1 Thess. 4:11-12). Our Lord and Blessed Redeemer is coming very soon and "will then reward every man according to his works," so "hold tight to what you have, that no one may take your crown" (Matt. 16:27, Rev. 2:25 & 3:11).
Moreover, concentrating on our Christ's Calling as the Blessed Ones of God, favored to serve in His Vineyard, testifying of His saving Grace and abundant Love, we should endeavor to keep His words as living examples of the Truth we proclaim while not allowing ourselves to be distracted by the presence of others around us who have different trials and vocations in the continuous growth of God's advancing Kingdom, from following Him alone, and we will remain God's Chosen, ordained for His goodwill on Earth.

PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for the glorious call to serve and walk in the Spirit as Your Follower commissioned to advance Your Kingdom. Please keep me away from every distraction trying to stop me from obeying Your words so I may not lose concentration on my Calling in Christ, who loves me personally,

From John 21:20-22

Monday, February 24, 2025


Every growing Christian starts as an infant born of God, then gets washed and Divinely circumcised to stay separate from the influence of sin brought upon human flesh by the deception of the devil and his agents on the surface of the Earth; new disciples are protected by the shield of God's Love, Grace, and Anointing, in their spiritual innocence, so that as they go along the path of Truth in an immature state, they won't fall away from their true identity and Divine destiny. As we become committed to knowing God more, even if it means a brief time of sorrow and suffering, we stay ready to please the LORD and bring glory to Jesus through constant meditation on the Cross Christ carried; we have received the Comforter who allows us to be girded up with Wisdom to understand the Truth, which we seek to immerse ourselves in and abide by, to remain armed as Good Soldiers of Christ, wrestling against every deception brought by the Father of Lies (Jhn. 8:44, Romans 8:17-18, Eph. 6:11-13, 2 Tim. 2:3-4).
Moreover, only when we gird ourselves with the knowledge of God's Word, which reveals the Truth as Jesus being the only Way that leads to our Heavenly Father, will we be able to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus, who carries us all through the narrow path of Life, to grow into maturity as Sons and Daughters of God, glorifying Him on Earth during mockery, persecution and cursing from those God plans to curse, even as we bless them on Earth, before we finally follow our Savior Home, into eternal glory (Gen. 12:3, Mtt. 5:44 & 48, Jhn. 13:36 & 14:6).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for suffering for and with me and keeping me girded by the Truth, Your everlasting Word, as your disciple, growing in faith through the guidance of the Holy Spirit who warns me ahead of time and gives me the Wisdom to understand why I'm mistreated in this life, and to become mature for the advancement of Your Eternal Kingdom, bearing fruit with and without season. May some of those who hate me receive this unconditional love and change before their mortal life is over, in Your Holy Name,

From John 21:18-19


The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...