Showing posts with label Holy Spirit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holy Spirit. Show all posts


Having been reborn in the Spirit as the Body of Christ and Heirs of the Kingdom, we are graciously sanctified to live in the righteousness of God as a Temple of the Holy Spirit, who testifies that we are not of our own, but our bodies are from the LORD (1 Corinthians 6:19). The Holy Spirit works in and through us, so that we may bear fruit which remains - having been purified for the purpose of advancing God's Kingdom.
The life of a true Christian is not easily influenced by desires of the flesh nor are  events happening around a distraction; for the inner man is strengthened in the power of the Holy Spirit who moves and motivates us solely to please our Heavenly Father. So, wherever the Spirit leads, we will go, as faithful Children of God; for as He brings the wind out of His treasuries, for His glory, so are we sent, as messengers of the Gospel on Earth (Psalm 135:6-7).
PRAYER: in Jesus' name, thank You, Abba Father for equipping me to be of service in Your Vineyard, through the Holy Spirit, who keeps us readily prepared to move at the call of every Divine assignment, which brings glory to Your Holy Name,

From John 3:8


As faithful Christians, we are born of the Spirit,  being dead to the flesh through our union with Christ, sealed by His precious blood, so that we may remain rejuvenated by the Holy Spirit to live for Christ, as joint Heirs with the firstborn Son (Eph. 1:7). We've been reborn of Spirit, to do our Heavenly Father's will on Earth, so that His Love may be revealed to all who thirst for the Living Waters flowing from His vessels. This renews lives, and gives way for more souls to be reborn of the Spirit; for, "flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God." (1 Cor. 15:50)
Moreover, the flesh is corruptible and easily influenced by the devil; yet, he who is begotten of the Spirit is divinely empowered to overcome carnal desires and the mortality of the flesh, to act generously - solely to advance God's Kingdom - subduing the forces of darkness as a vessel of His glorious Light, commissioned to declare His Salvation to all (James 1:15-18).
PRAYER: In Jesus' Holy Name, thank You, LORD, for having birthed me anew, of the Spirit - overcoming the flesh, even as I remain equipped in Your glorious nature, to live for Your Glory,

From John 3:6


The Wisdom of the Holy Spirit is our long-awaited Grace, given by He who is Faithful, to us as Sons and Daughters of God; our adversary can't resist, nor contradict, since we speak by the authority of Christ in us. So, we need not be defensive, premeditating on what to say or do when we are brought before a Judge, nor any persecuting counsel; for the battle is of the LORD, and every word that comes from our mouth - in defense of our faith and Christ's Calling, has been divinely given by our Heavenly Father, who speaks through us by the manifestation of the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, let's remain courageously strong, having no fear nor feeling distressed, for the LORD our God is ever with us, protecting us from every manipulative effort of the wicked, standing against the purpose of our existence as chosen vessels, ordained to advance God's Kingdom (Joshua 1:9).
PRAYER: Lord, Jesus Christ, thank You for the Divine Wisdom of the Holy Spirit You've bestowed upon Your Children, which gives us the boldness to stand before men to proclaim the Good News of God's Salvation, even as we remain vindicated by Your Divine authority in us,

From Luke 21:14-15


Always hold fast to your faith in Christ Jesus, and never get disturbed, worried or troubled when you are faced with persecution challenging your faith, for the Spirit of the LORD is upon you, and He will surely lead and direct you all the way; teaching you what to say and do, even as He gives you the the courage to proclaim the Gospel of Truth and Salvation in Christ Jesus, who is still standing as your advocate and Divine witness, to justify your Calling as God's chosen vessel, assigned to advance His Kingdom by bearing fruits for His glory, wherever placed.
Though the authorities as well as the laws of your location, city, or country, may not be favorable to you, yet Holy Spirit will teach and direct you, even as He speaks through you, leading even leaders to recognize our Commander, standing against every deceptive and manipulating force of the wicked, to defend and declare you just before all present, as the chosen vessel of God, protected from harm.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD Jesus Christ, for the gift of the Holy Spirit, our Divine advocate, who teaches and speaks through us, for the Salvation of souls, that we may remain faithful in the True Vine, advancing your Kingdom, in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 12:11-12


Speaking ill and defaming words against anyone may be forgiven, once you come before the presence of the LORD with a repentant heart, seeking mercy and divine restoration by the grace of God. Yet anyone who deliberately or intentionally blasphemes against the works and manifestation of the Holy Spirit, saying terrible and unholy words, which give false impressions about the sanctity of the very breath of God, may never be forgiven. For, the Holy Spirit is Divine, a witness of the Father, revealed to and through the Sons and Daughters of God, as the Comforter; His glorious presence manifests as the Omnipresent and Omnipotent power of God, dwelling in us, as vessels of His Divine will.
Moreover, we all need to remain in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, and never allow the fleshly influence of the antichrists, false prophets, and blasphemous teachers, to divert our souls from the Highway of Holiness walked by Christ Jesus, who gave His Spirit to walk alongside us, that we may continue to fulfill our purpose in life, as God's chosen generation, called to proclaim the Gospel of Salvation, advancing His Kingdom by bearing more fruits for His glory, through the Holy Spirit in Christ Jesus, the Comforter of our souls.
PRAYER: Thank you Heavenly Father, for the revelation of your Word, that we might not blaspheme against Him, yet enjoy the Divine comfort which He renders, in Jesus' name we pray;

From Luke 12:10


The secret of the LORD is with them that fear Him," for in Christ Jesus, God reveals the mysteries of His Kingdom, to all who are faithful and submissive to His will, as chosen vessels, called to proclaim the gospel to all, for the purpose of advancing His Kingdom, and bearing more fruits, for His glory.
Moreover, the mysteries of God's Kingdom are known to we, who have been inspired by the Holy Spirit, given His Word in action, through prophetic revelation, in order to keep us defensively and offensively equipped, and worthy of His divine grace, as His own lights, and living letters, each with a unique testimony.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father and Omniscient God, thank You for the revelation of your Word, and the Wisdom of the Spirit, which strengthens and keeps us equipped with the Divine message of your Kingdom, graced with the understanding to act rightly, as willing vessels, for Jesus' glory, identified for a purpose beyond our understanding, and a calling to let go of our own lives, even as we live for Christ, advancing your Kingdom by bearing good fruits;


Though Divine Wisdom is the fruit of the Spirit, giving to all who are faithful and submissive to the will of God, only her fruits produced from a true and faithful Christian, living in the Righteousness of God can testify of him who is gifted with her.
As a result of her not being accepted by the sons of men, who rely on carnal knowledge to satisfy their lust, feeling comfortable with the deception of the devil, to live for the temporal happiness that worldly possession gives.
Therefore, always endeavor to seek Divine Wisdom from the LORD through His Word, embracing her wholeheartedly, and you will always remain vindicated as vessels of God.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father and Omniscience God who knows all things, yet you blessed us with the knowledge of your existence and good works, through your Word Jesus Christ, graced with the Divine Wisdom of the Holy Spirit to remain vindicated and justified by faith as Sons of God.


It's always right to give our Heavenly Father all the glory for every one of His benefits and attributes because He is the Only miracle-...