Showing posts with label Evangelist Samson Seguin Bello. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Evangelist Samson Seguin Bello. Show all posts


The revelation of God's words are marvelous in the eyes of men and it's sometimes shocking to those who are weak in faith and they that are far away from Him in the Spirit.
Yet it  brings forth hope to all, making us to reaffirm that He is always with us as caring and loving Father who never forsake His own, abiding with us always.
So, anyone who desires to enjoy the benefits of His divine grace and remain the vessel of His marvelous works should never relent in his faithful service towards God.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for your marvelous works in our lives and the revelation of your divine assurance, which gives us hope and strengthens our faith in Christ Jesus, helping us to identify our purpose in life as vessels of your divine will on earth.
LORD may your name be glorified forevermore amen.


Jesus Christ the righteousness of God, the one who brought hope to all is also the salvation of the LORD given to the world, that all who believe and receive Him as the Son of God will be redeemed from the bondage of sin and death.
Therefore, I ask you to receive Him into your life by repenting from all your sinful ways, even as you confess Him as Lord and savior before everyone, that you may be redeemed as sons and daughters of God, dwelling in His divine grace and blessed with eternal live in Christ Jesus.
Also, this will surely help you in identifying your purpose in life as you grow in wisdom through the Holy Spirit, even as you constantly meditate and affirm His words in your heart, bringing it into virtualization through your character and ways of life, that you may be fruitful doing the will of the Father which is in heaven, advancing His kingdom on earth as ambassadors of Christ.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you LORD for granting us the grace to receive your salvation in Christ Jesus, which as being helping us to identify and understand our purpose in life as christians, living the life of Christ as a fruit bearing branch in the True Vine, advancing your kingdom on earth.
May your name be glorified forevermore in Jesus Christ name amen.


It's always right to give our Heavenly Father all the glory for every one of His benefits and attributes because He is the Only miracle-...