Showing posts with label Faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Faith. Show all posts


The effect of a miracle in the life of the Redeemed in Christ, motivates him to reaffirm his faith by confessing Christ to be the Prophet, without fear of questioning. Also, being Witnesses of the Truth, having seen it come to pass before our eyes, makes faithful Christians testify of the only one begotten of God, Yeshua as the Messiah fulfilling every prophecy promised, having been sent to carry our sins and ultimately for the Salvation of mankind (John 6:14, Heb. 9:28).
Moreover, before telling anyone, God's vessels are recognized for the Truth, having received their miracle freely they continually proclaim it by showing the Love, Light, and Power no one can give except our Heavenly Father and all-powerful God of great compassion. As we endlessly declare our faith in Christ to the World, even before persecutors we can bless and pray for, we are making known our identity as co-heirs with Christ who has redeemed us in full for the advancement of God's Kingdom (Matt. 5:44-45).

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, my Blessed Redeemer, for You alone are worthy to be praised. Please, keep me strengthened in the Word, both spiritually and physically, so that I may always remain ready to give an answer and finish the race faithful to my Calling, living to testify of Your greatness to all in Your Holy Name,

 From John 9:17


Being immersed in the presence of the LORD and dwelling among His vessels is good like oil, for it brings peace and comfort to the life of every new creation in Christ; even then, until a man submits in obedience to God's Word and works diligently according to the teachings of the Holy Spirit, only then will He receive total breakthrough from the forces of darkness, which also comes through another vessel (Psalm 133:1-2, 2 Kings 5:9-14, Prov. 3:5-8). Going where we are sent is necessary, for every Divine manifestation taking place in our lives comes by Grace, through faith in obedience to the Word of our Heavenly Father, who also pleases Him and imputes righteousness to the fallen World where we live in the flesh (Heb. 11:6, James 2:7).
Furthermore, the LORD is always watching over every one who trusts and follows Him, protecting His Children from death and preserving them as vessels ordained and carried out to declare His awesomeness to all (Ps: 33:18-19).
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for my faith in Your Word has made me work in obedience humbly where I am thrust into, according to the will of the Spirit and keeps me preserved in the wonder of Your works, which sustains me, having been redeemed as a testimony to all I meet along the Way to Heaven. Please, help me to bring others to the Author of my Faith, in obedience to my Christ's Calling, so that I may ever remain fruitful in Your advancing Kingdom, in Jesus' name;

From John 9:6-7


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, has ever been in and with the Father, as the Word proceeding from Elohim, the Creator of all - declaring His presence from the beginning as YHWH, the Great I AM WHO I AM - the Almighty who is, who was, and is to come (Ex. 3:14, Rev. 1:8 & 22:13). Besides, "He is before all things and in Him, all things consist," being one with God (Micah 5:2, John 1:3, Col. 1:17).
Therefore, it's made known to all who are faithful to the living God, by the Spirit who gives true understanding, that both the Word and the Father are one; for, the Gospel testifies of God's Love to mankind, revealed in His Son who exists forever as the Lord and Savior of all who receive His Grace from the depth of their hearts as the Way and the Truth leading to everlasting life with the Father (John 14:6).
PRAYER: Thank You, Lord, Jesus Christ, for you've always been with me - providing, protecting, and leading me the same way all through my life; worthy is the Lamb (Heb. 13:8, Gen. 22:8, 11 & 14)! Please, continue to guide me in the path of righteousness so that I may remain in Your Holy presence forever,

From John 8:58


Listening to and meditating on God's Word builds faith in Christ who brings fallen humanity back to the Father, cleansed in His Son's precious Blood and renewed in the Spirit of our minds to live as a testament to His marvelous works (Rom. 10:17, Ps. 145:4-12). Even so, to be Divinely endowed with the knowledge of Truth given by the Holy Spirit, one needs to be dedicated to humbly living for Jesus, "being a doer of His Word and not only the hearer," as a faithful Christian (James 1:21-25).
Furthermore, we all who are of service to the LORD know Him, since we are united with Him in the Spirit who ministers through us, even as we diligently keep His commandments - living with Love for God and Mankind so that we may remain fruitful for His advancing Kingdom while we abide in Him and He in us, forever (John 7:29 & 15:10).
PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Heavenly Father, for allowing me to know You more each day, through Your Word and the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit who gives me a greater understanding of Your heart. Please, cleanse my lips and lead me to all who need the pure Gospel, so that many may receive it and be saved,

From John 8:55


God's Holy Word is the Truth which gives Light and Life to all who believe in Him, for He loves what is right and just, which makes Him a fair, loving, and faithful Father to all who have placed their trust in Him (Ps. 33:4-5). Integrity sets one free from condemnation when claimed by faith in Jesus, for He is the only Way leading to the heart of the Father and by following His voice we can find true peace, right-standing and eternal joy extending into the Kingdom of Heaven (Ps. 26:1, John 14:6, Rom. 14:17).
Although, sometimes it may seem humanly impossible to recognize the Truth, or unbelievably amazing, receiving the Good News from the depth of our hearts gives room for the Holy Spirit to work in our lives, which helps in discerning and understanding reality so that we may faithfully live in Divine certainty as Witnesses of the Truth in Christ Jesus, the everlasting Word of God (John 18:38 & Acts 5:32).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Eternal Father, for helping me to acknowledge, participate in and trust the ultimate reality of Your Word which gives me hope of a brighter future and assurance of Your Love in whom I am set free to glorify Your Holy name. Please, keep me motivated in the Spirit to stay true to my word and boldly reveal the Truth to all the world, so that more souls may be brought to the Light of Your Word, in Jesus' name (James 3:2).

From John 8:45


Knowing the Truth and living by it sets us free from sin and its penalty which the Law reveals: condemnation, guilt and death - because only Jesus Christ lovingly fulfilled it, now all who receive Him faithfully are graced with blessing and ever kept alive, being redeemed Heirs of the Father (Psalm 32:1-2, Matt. 5:17, John 1:17, Rom. 3:19-26). Besides, God's Word is the Truth which testifies of His Righteousness as the only Way leading to the Father of all Creation (John 14:6, Rom. 3:10).
Therefore, we should endeavor to know, mercifully speak with, and abide by the Truth which gives peace to our souls so that we may remain worthy of the presence of the LORD; the Righteous judge of all, Jesus Christ - the Prince of Peace (James 2:12-13).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for the revelation of Your Word who declares the Truth for the redemption of my soul so that I may ever remain free from every accusation and bondage inflicted by the devil to separate man from God. Blessed be Your Holy Name,

From John 8:32


The Spirit of the LORD is on Divine Children and anointed vessels ministering in His name - declaring the Truth of His eternal Love and existence to mankind through words and actions coming from the depths of our hearts (Isa. 61:1-2). This is evident since we are one with Christ, God's Word and Son, who is also one with Him, making us vessels sent by Divine authority, graced to carry His Spirit on Earth (John 14:10).
Even when we are left alone by friends and loved ones to face the challenges that come with our Calling, the LORD will always be with His own to comfort, strengthen and lead us all the way. In Christ, He knows what the human condition is like and how fervently we desire to please Him - doing His will, as His faithful children, destined to bring the knowledge of the Gospel to all (Josh. 1:9, John 5:30 & 16:32, 1 Cor. 10:13).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, LORD, Everlasting Father, for always being with me to make me complete through the presence of the Holy Spirit in me; keep me strengthened while fulfilling Your Divine mandate by gaining souls and discipling them, even as I remain preserved to finish the race for Your Kingdom,

From John 8:29


Dedicating time to hear the Word of God is a great start; still, true knowledge of God the Father comes through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit who walks with chosen children, granting the right understanding of our Creator. The Son leads us into a personal relationship with the Father whose Divine presence is felt as the Love received and experienced by His own who faithfully commit themselves to following Jesus' example.
Although, the LORD is Omnipresent, dwelling with each of His offspring at all times, knowing Him requires placing our trust in Christ Jesus who has always been one with the Father, as the Living Word made into human form for the Salvation of our souls as we receive Him by faith, wholeheartedly (John 1:3 & 14, 10:30, 14:7 & 1 John 5:1-4).
PRAYER: In the Name of Jesus, Gracious Father, thank You, for making me know You more each day as I live by Your Word and constantly meditate on it for my Spiritual development. By this, I'm drawn closer to You as the Holy Spirit freely received, communes with the Father and His Son, to live for Your glory,

From John 8:19


Elohim, the Creator of all things in Heaven and on Earth, is the only perfect Witness of all who serve Him, with clean hands and pure hearts, in Truth and in the Spirit; God knows the hidden thoughts and desires of all His Creations. Besides, the Divine presence of the LORD is always with those called His own, bearing witness with us as His chosen vessels ordained for the fulfillment of His goodwill on Earth.
While the Law declares that in a given situation the testimony of two or three witnesses is true, standing with the Truth declared in Love, makes us faithful witnesses of God's Word (Deut. 19:15). With this, our Heavenly Father graciously defends us through the Holy Spirit who advocates for us and bears witness that we are Heirs of the Father and ambassadors of Christ, destined to reveal the Truth to mankind (1 John 5:9).
PRAYER Thank You, All-Wise Father, for always being my Defender and Witness of the Truth which I have been set free to proclaim. Your presence in my life through the Word You sent and the Holy Spirit abiding in me, gives me peace, knowing that You are the perfect Witness whose testimony justifies the faithful in Christ Jesus.

From John 8:17-18


The Divine knowledge of God's Word makes all who abide by it realize the truth that Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah, Prophet, and Seed, given by the LORD for the Redemption of mankind (2 Sam. 7:12, Gal. 3:16, Deut. 18:15 & 18). This builds our faith in the Savior of the World, even as we listen to the Good News proclaimed through His vessels while we faithful and true Christians know and experience His Love and presence in our lives (John 6:69). 
Being the promised Seed who defeated Satan, He is also the righteous King ordained by the LORD to rule over principalities and powers, sworn to subdue the kingdom of darkness for the Salvation of all who believe and receive Him (Gen. 3:15, Psa. 132:11, Jer. 23:5).
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for granting me the grace to keep on experiencing Your Love through Your Word by the Holy Spirit who lives in me; for in this I have a blessed assurance of Divine Salvation, overcoming doubts and fears as my faith is strengthened, in Jesus' mighty name,
Amen (1 John 5:13).

From John 7:40-42


Receiving and being sustained by the Living Water can only be achieved by believing in Christ Jesus - acknowledging Him as our Lord and the Redeemer of our souls. Our Saviour is always ready and willing to grant everlasting life to everyone who thirsts, freely, without cost. Still, the one named Faithful and True seeks our fervent desire to live faithfully for Him - being the Fountain Of Life bringing forth the Living Water sustaining all who keep trusting Him (Isa. 55:1, Rev. 21:6-7 & 22:17).
Furthermore, the Living Water is the gift of the Holy Spirit which Christ Himself baptizes us with so that we, blessed and favored Children of God might be completely reborn in the Spirit, drawing joyfully from God's Well of Salvation to live forever; while on Earth we remain poured out for others to experience True Love, yet have our thirsty souls quenched and continuously revitalized, for His glory (Isa. 12:3).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for I'm Divinely preserved by Your Grace, being filled with the Living Water which restores my soul and strengthens my spirit as I abide in Your Word; please use me according to your will, solely to glorify Your name,

From John 7:37-38


The determination to receive Christ and remain abiding in Him no matter the challenges and persecution, comes as a result of our unwavering faith in God's Word written in our hearts and affirmed through our mouths with great assurance, in the Spirit of our minds, that no one in Heaven or on Earth can be compared with Him (Matthew 12:23). Knowing this, we live for Christ, seeing His works made manifest in and through us, vessels of His awesome wonders, glorifying the LORD (John 14:10-12).
Furthermore, the actualization of our Christian faith brings forth breakthroughs and victory over the kingdom of darkness, which also grants peace to our souls, as the Body of Christ, having been gracefully favored and blessed with the abundance of His Love and Divine substance (Isaiah 35:5-6).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You LORD, for Your glorious and marvelous works in my life which strengthen my faith; as I testify of Your magnificence, souls are being transformed - submitting to Your Love which brings Salvation to them, forever,

From John 7:31


We can only know the LORD, our Heavenly Father and Creator through Christ His Son, the revelation of His Word and Love to all (John 1:18). He originates from the LORD and knows Him well so we too may see the Father and walk with the Holy Spirit through Jesus (Matthew 11:27). By His Spirit, abiding in Christ, and He in us, the confidence comes to boldly say that we are growing to know God more each passing day, reflecting His glory and being transformed into His image with intensifying glory - even as it may appear foolish to others as He increases while our fleshly identity falls away (John 8:55 & 3:30). 
Although we've heard the Gospel of Salvation and received it by faith, being one with Christ and knowing the LORD still requires living in the Spirit to have more intimate knowledge of God's presence, which empowers us to leave other agendas behind and declare Him to the World, for the Salvation of souls (Matthew 11:44-46)
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Righteous Father, for helping me to know You better each day as I remain in communion with You in the Spirit. Please, guide me to those who lack the knowledge of Your Word and Divine presence, so that souls may be redeemed and mindsets transformed as I reach out, for Your glory in Christ Jesus,

From John 7:28-29


The teachings and doctrines true Christians and faithful Ministers of the Gospel of Salvation proclaim, are not of human origin; rather, the message is given through God's Children for the World by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, who is the true Teacher, revealing the deep things of God to all who are humble and submissive to His will, solely for His advancing Kingdom. As vessels of the Holy Spirit, we are Divinely endowed with the knowledge of God's Word, written in the tablets of our hearts, to boldly speak and live by the Truth so that as many as listen to and receive the Good News which we proclaim might be saved (Deut. 18:18-19).
Furthermore, by declaring the Truth, making the Gospel known to all in love, we are Testifying of that which the Spirit of God reveals to us as chosen vessels, serving as honest and living Witnesses of God's Word on Earth (John 3:11).
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for making me a living vessel of Your glorious Word and Divine will on Earth, so men may experience Your Love, declared for the Salvation of souls. Please, let the zeal for Your service continue to grow in me as I remain strengthened in the Joy of LORD and who I am in You, reaching out to all who need Your redemption, in Jesus' mighty name,

From John 7:16


The testing of our faith is Divine, coming from the LORD to elevate us both physically and spiritually as we overcome it (Genesis 22:1-19). This allows us to act and make decisions with the discerning heart our Heavenly Father has bestowed upon us in union with the Holy Spirit, to reign in accordance with His will - advancing His Kingdom as we follow the life of Christ and endlessly bear fruits that remain, for His glory.
Moreover, there's nothing impossible with God, for He can do all things on His own; yet, He shows us love by giving us the opportunity through Christ who lives in us to make life-transformative decisions that are of great impact on Earth and for His advancing Kingdom - together changing the mindsets of many to receive Jesus Christ for their personal Salvation.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, LORD, for granting me a discerning heart from which to speak and the opportunity to make decisions which transform lives, through the Holy Spirit in me, for the progress of Your Kingdom. Please, continue to use me for Your glory, keeping me strengthened as an Overcomer and victorious over every trial that comes My way,

From John 6:5-6


The Sons of men appreciate signs and wonders, following and seeking after earthen vessels by whom miracles are being made manifest; for some, merely to have a personal experience of the supernatural (Matt. 4:23-25). Yet, we should realize that having a Divine encounter with the LORD requires our full submission in obedience to His Word being preached, while we walk faithfully in His footsteps, which is the path of Salvation in Christ Jesus.
Moreover, not all that glitters is gold, so while seeking a place of worship or associating with ministering vessels who seem to be performing signs and wonders in the way of love, we should be attentive to the words proceeding from their mouths as well as the life they honestly continue in, and be in the Spirit while discerning so that we might not be deceived by the powers of darkness (Deut. 13:1-3, Matt. 23:3). Rather, we will see the way of love, know the Truth, and remain redeemed as Overcomers in Christ Jesus - the Word of God in whom is the only Way leading to everlasting life in the bosom of the Father (John 8:32 & 14:7).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, LORD, for the revelation of Your Word, which has miraculously transformed me into a new creation, performing signs and wonders in my life so that I may remain a living testimony of Your awesome love to all. Please, help me in keeping the mindsets of men focused on Your Word - the Way, Truth, and Life, who is the source of true miracles that abide forever,

From John 6:2


Anyone who truly believes the Tanakh or Bible is inspired by the Spirit of Holiness, spoken of by the Prophets, and written as the Holy Scriptures, will definitely realize that Jesus Christ, the Word of God made flesh, is the prophetic Messiah promised by the LORD for the Salvation of souls, because He accepts we who receive Him wholeheartedly as the Redeemer of our lives, into the presence of God (Gen. 3:15, Deut. 18:18, John 1:14 & 45). Abiding in God's Word, Jesus Christ, makes us brethren with He who is the promised seed of Abraham, by whom all the Earth is blessed to be delivered from sin and eternal condemnation to reign solely by faith in Christ, with the Father, as Heirs of His Kingdom (Gen. 12:2 & 49:10).
Even when some reject God's Word, Jesus, and the true knowledge of the Scriptures - creating doctrines that suit their self-proclaimed righteousness and establishing their own religious behavior which makes them out to be messiahs to save - the truth remains that mankind believing Yeshua HaMaschiach as LORD, "on Me whom they have pierced," is the only way to reveal our love of the Great I Am That I Am, YHWH - our Creator and Covenant-keeping God (Zech 12:10, John 14:2-3).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, the Lamb from whose side flowed blood and water at Calvary, my Savior and the Redeemer of my soul; in You my faith rests. Please, keep me strengthened with the Divine guidance of the Holy Spirit, so that I may always rightly interpret the Gospel to the understanding of men, that many may come to repentance, personally receiving You as their Lord and Savior;

From John 5:46-47


God, our Creator and Heavenly Father, bears witness to His Son through the testimony of His Word and Spirit who dwells in true Christians and faithful Children of God (Matthew 3:17). So, as we continuously proclaim God's Word in Love, being witnesses of the Gospel, He also bears witness through us, as the One who graciously commissioned us, through Christ, to advance His Kingdom by helping to change the mindsets of men to receive Salvation, which makes us fruitful as Heirs of the Father (John 8:18).
However, no one has ever physically seen the full form of God; yet, being co-heirs with Christ who has made Him known, we gracefully declare His glory through our love for one another, while we relentlessly testify of the Truth, inspired by the Holy Spirit who abides in us (Deut. 4:12, John 1:14 & 18, 1 John 4:12).
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for graciously testifying of Jesus and loving me enough to be repurposed as Your vessel, consecrated to advance and bear fruits for Your Kingdom. This I know, for You are always with me, and by Your grace and favor, I will continue to reach out to more souls for the growth of Your Kingdom, in Jesus' mighty name,

From John 5:37


The manifestation of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us, performing signs and wonders as we live by faith the Life of Christ, being vessels of God's glorious works, is the greatest witness one could ever have, whose testimony abides forever (1 John 5:9-10). He testifies of our identity and enforces our calling in Christ, so that we may remain strengthened to live as ambassadors of God's Kingdom (Mark 16:17-20).
Furthermore, as we live for God's glory, advancing His Kingdom, while we endlessly proclaim the Gospel of Salvation in love to all, changing the mindsets of men from every false belief to the realization of Truth in Christ Jesus, the extraordinary things Christians do, bear witness that we are vessels of the LORD, in which His Spirit, who testifies of His great and awesome wonders, dwells (John 3:2 & 10:25).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Ever-loving Father, for Your presence in me, through the Holy Spirit who testifies through Your marvelous works, being the Greatest Witness of Your Word, in whom I am made alive to declare Your Love to all. Please, continue to give me Your mission to fulfill, using me for Your Glory, so that souls may be transformed and made alive in Christ Jesus, who is raised from the dead,

From John 5:36


Our identity and calling in Christ Jesus makes us Witnesses to the Truth as vessels of the Holy Spirit, who Divinely testifies of God's presence in us (Matt. 3:16-17, John 1:29 & 3:2). We've been reborn for this purpose: so that many may come to the realization of the Truth, receiving Christ as the Redeemer of the World, even as we endlessly proclaim the Gospel of Salvation to all.
The declaration of the Holy Spirit breaks barriers and overcomes borders, so that all who listen to the Truth and obediently receive God's Word, may be saved, even as the Kingdom of God keeps advancing and we, true Christians, being Witnesses of the Word, empowered by the Holy Spirit, become fruitful for God's glory.
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, our LORD, for empowering me through the Holy Spirit, to testify of Your Word, as a Witness of the Divine Truth. Please, keep me strengthened to reach out to more souls who are lacking the true knowledge of the Gospel, so that they may receive Your Salvation in Christ Jesus, our LORD,

From John 5:33-34


It's always right to give our Heavenly Father all the glory for every one of His benefits and attributes because He is the Only miracle-...