Showing posts with label Repentance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Repentance. Show all posts


Everyone who truly repent from the depth of their hearts; shows signs of remorse - regreting their sinful and wrongful deeds, while they humble themselves to be deserving of Divine forgiveness. This makes them worthy of God's Mercy and redeeming Grace, needed for the Salvation of their souls.
However, being remorseful of sinful acts and wrongful thoughts; reveals one's readiness and total submission to his Christ's Calling, while he makes himself useful in the LORD'S Vineyard - bearing fruits that remains for God's Kingdom. So, let's never stop proclaiming the Gospel; reaching more souls and touching lives with the Good News of Salvation, that more souls may come into repentance - being remorseful of their sins, and receive Jesus Christ into their hearts, for the redemption of their souls.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you LORD, Merciful Father, for Your redeeming Grace and unconditional Love, which keeps me preserved in Your presence - being remorseful of my wrong deeds, and focused on living the life of Christ; bearing fruits that remains for the advancement of Your Kingdom,

From Luke 22:54-62


As Faithfuls in Christ Jesus, we will ever remain safe in the Hands of God, dwelling by His Divine Grace where there is everlasting Joy, Peace, and righteousness. In times of tribulation, where God's wrath falls upon the disobedient, the Righteous in Christ Jesus, will never be hurt - for His love shields us from the condemnation every one must face, and shame was placed on Jesus.
Moreover, they who are yet to deliver their talents and gifts towards the advancement of God's Kingdom - delaying the fulfillment of their Christ's Calling and purpose for their lives, are only giving room for the wicked to trample upon them. This is why, as chosen vessels, called to declare the Salvation of the LORD to all, we mustn't relent in bearing fruits for God's Kingdom; being steadfastly committed, as Heirs of the Father.
PRAYER: Thank you Lord Jesus, for I'm safe in your hands, being protected from the wicked, and shielded by your grace and love, which keeps me cleansed from condemnation, as one redeemed by your precious blood,

From Luke 21:23-24


The rejection of God's Word, and persecution of His Faithfuls, who are testifying of His goodness to all, invites His wrath and judgment upon the vessels of darkness and agents of wickedness, whose major desire is to hinder the advancement of God's Kingdom across the globe. This is certain: though it may take until the end of the age, so that the persecutors may realize where they have fallen, and have time to repent before the days of desolation; still, God will never fail to fight for the Righteous.
Moreover, now is the period of repentance, from hellfire to Grace; because the time of complete desolation is near, it's time for total submission to our Christ's Calling, so that the purpose of our existence, as ambassadors of Christ, may be fulfilled, for the Salvation of souls in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: LORD Jesus, thank you for accepting us as your own; graced to proclaim the Good News of Salvation, for the redemption of souls, even as we remain free from Your wrath and judgment, as Your beloved Sons and Daughters,

From Luke 21:20-22


God's Kingdom is only for the faithful and humble in heart, who willingly receives Him like a helpless child, through the testimony of His Word, Jesus Christ, whom one openly confesses as His Lord and Savior, before all. This reveals one's submission to the Father's will and readiness to live as Christ's ambassador on Earth.
Furthermore, this makes us fruitful branches for God's Kingdom, eternally connected with the True Vine, even as we remain living testimonies of His glorious Word, Jesus Christ, who has drunk fully of the Father's cup. He poured out His love through the Holy Spirit, living in us.
PRAYER: Thank you Heavenly Father, because the testimony of your Word has broken my pride and humbled my Spirit, for the Salvation of my soul, in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 18:17


For every soul that repents, receiving Jesus Christ into his heart as the Redeemer of his soul, confessing the Lamb as Lord and Savior, there is Great Joy in Heaven, because he was once dead in the Spirit, but now he is alive because of the sacrifice of the Father, who embraces and accepts him in love. His humility and willingness to serve the LORD will bring him under cover of the Robe of Righteousness, being served the welcoming feast of a true and faithful servant, that he may be instantly equipped to seek, find, and convert sinning souls supped with, discipling them for the advancement of God's Kingdom.
Though we were once dead in sin, now we are made alive together with Christ, saved by Grace, through His precious blood, freely offered to cleanse the sins of every family member who believes in Him. Therefore, let's continue celebrating what Jesus has done, striving to win more souls who have lost their identity, yet seeking for breakthrough and deliverance from captivity, that they may be redeemed by faith, through grace, even as we endlessly proclaim the Gospel of Salvation in love, for the redemption of souls. 
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, LORD I give you all the glory, honor, and adoration, for you have forgiven all my sins and made me alive in the Spirit, for your glory, even to live as God's Son, in Your presence where there is fullness of joy;
Hallelujah, Amen!

From Luke 15:22-24


When a man realizes he is missing his mark, he is humbled, and because pride is taken away, as a result of his deep fall, which makes him to be in dire need of help, and willing to repent; breakthrough, deliverance, and lasting resolution comes, only from God the Father, through Our Blessed Redeemer. Though Christ Jesus died for all, only when we come into repentance, seeking for God's Salvation by faith, gratefully believing in Christ as the only Way that leads to eternal life, we will be worthy of His acceptance by Grace and Love as His own.
Moreover, even after a man realizes his guilt and stains, He still needs to take the bold step of repentance and confession in humility, completely letting go of his arrogance and old ways, that he may be worthy of God's Grace and Divine restoration, as a soul redeemed by Christ Jesus. So, let's not stop declaring the Good News of Salvation to those still in need of a place to rest eternally, that more lost souls may come to the realization that Jesus Christ is the only one who cleanses everyone who receives Him, by His precious blood.
PRAYER: LORD, Jesus Christ, thank you Blessed Redeemer, for giving us a second chance, even as we've realized our wrongdoings, and repent from them all, for our personal Salvation,

From Luke 15:17-19


Though every sin invites punishment, causing divine separation between man and God (Mark 15:34); not being in communion with the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 59:2) leads to spiritual death as a result of one falling short of God's glory (Romans 3:23, 6:23.) Men may realize where they might have fallen, and in faith, must come into repentance before it's too late. Punishment may come in the form of calamities in order to rebuke or reprimand anyone who sinned, yet has no remorse or will of repentance, even so,  not every calamity is a sign of God's punishment for pervasive sin.
Therefore, we mustn't suppose every calamity to be the wrath or judgement of God for one's sins, for it could be a test of faith, causing us to give thanks for life's blessings; rather we should continue to faithfully live a repentant life, in the Way of Christ Jesus, being free from guilt and defilement, that we may remain triumphantly victorious over every trial or temptation we come across in life, as "more than conquerors," in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Thank you, LORD, for granting us the grace, through faith in mighty Christ Jesus, to overcome sin; being free from your wrath, and Strengthened by the Holy Spirit to remain triumphantly victorious over every tribulation, forever together with Your Son;

From Luke 13:2-5


Receiving the Spirit of Truth in faith, and working as the will of God instructs, from the depths of the heart, makes one justified and worthy of Righteousness in Christ Jesus. Yet, those who reject Wisdom, acting stubbornly against the Truth, even though they know it within their hearts, but don't confess in the open, are only deceiving themselves; for, "to him who knows to do good and not do it, to him it is sin." Living in the Way of Truth gives freedom, for it sets a man at liberty from spiritual, physical, and emotional bondage, which renders peace to his soul.
Furthermore, anyone who claims to be a Child of God, but does not give room for Truth in his or her life, is only declaring him or herself unfaithful before the LORD; for, "Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? Absolutely not!" Love, Grace, and Mercy always come with the Truth, for if a man rejects any mortal, as a result of pride, selfishness, or greed, he is declaring himself unworthy of God's mercy. So, now is the right time to repent of all that we know is evil and wrong, with broken hearts before Jesus, to go into the presence of the Holy God, and to focus on the Truth, abiding in it faithfully, that God's mercy may over-cloud His judgement in your new life, as a repentant soul, redeemed by Grace in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the opportunity to repent through the gift of knowing Your glorious Word. Merciful LORD, please help all who are willing to receive the Truth, Jesus Christ, as Lord and Savior, attain mercy this day, through the Grace in Jesus;

From Luke 12:47-48


Your love for God is shown first through your humble submission to live out His Divine-Will,  confessing Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior before all, through your Anointed character, honestly expressed with Truth pouring from the depth of your heart as the words of your mouth, declaring the good news of Salvation which you have received and then keep testifying of, by repenting of your sins and unforgiveness; by Grace, Love Himself makes you worthy of Divine Forgiveness and total restoration, through the blood of the Lamb.
Also, being forgiven by the LORD gives us a new Spirit, with the blessed assurance through believing our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as beloved of the LORD to remain redeemed, restored, and quickened for God's purpose; advancing His Kingdom through our Christ, calling through laughter and weeping with those who weep, as vessels of His glory.
PRAYER: Dear LORD and merciful Father YHWH, thank you for your love shown to all through sending your Son Jesus Christ, for in Him we attain divine mercy and forgiveness,which restores many by faith, into your Heavenly Kingdom, as brethren with Him.


Being truly remorseful of your sins is a sign of acknowledging your guilt, after hearing the truth from the Word of God, and letting the Holy Spirit convict towards correction. Yet, your willingness to repent and recieve Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Savior leads you to His divine forgiveness and total remittance of sins' grip, also able to offer restoration, as Sons of God.
Though your faith in Him is necessary for your personal Salvation, having been remorseful of your sins keeps you filled with Love and the determination to never go back to your past life of sinful deeds against God and His creation, humbly focused on attaining the divine reward of eternity, as Friends in the Kingdom of God, as a born-again Child of God, redeemed for His presence and glory.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD for Your Salvation in Christ Jesus, which made us sad for our sins yet gently restored us to your side, removing the shame of separation through your Divine grace and mercy, being Strengthened by the Holy Spirit, with heartfelt determination to continue walking away from the flesh polluted by sin, ever repenting to You, and remaining focused on attaining eternity as Children of God.


The true nature of a repentant heart is revealed by the positive changes in his character, particularly through the way he associates with others and testifies of the goodness of God to all around him.
Also, through the grace of God which he receives as a repentant soul, he becomes fruitful even as he lives a righteous life in Christ Jesus, being dead to the flesh and alive in the spirit, advancing God's kingdom as a fruit bearing branch in the True Vine.
Moreover, you mustn't rely on your present achievement's as a christian and child of God alone but be zealous, making use of the grace, blessings and favor God  has blessed you with to bring others into repentance, bearing more fruits for God's kingdom and you will continue to fulfill your purpose in life as a true christian.
PRAYER: Dear Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for the gospel of salvation which brings us into repentance, even as you accept us as your own, by making us your vessels, worthy to produce fruits of repentance and advance your kingdom on earth.
May your name be praised forevermore amen.


True repentance comes from the heart and it brings about total remission of our sins, even as we are cleansed from every guit and stains by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ the Son of God, who washed our sins away and made us whole, worthy of His grace through the comfort of the Holy Spirit, as we receive Christ into our hearts, confessing Him as Lord and personal savior.
Therefore, we have to make this known to all who are faraway  from God, by proclaiming the gospel of salvation in Christ Jesus to them, that they may receive Him into their hearts, confessing Him as Lord and savior, and they will surely attain total remission for their sins.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD for granting us total remission for our sins and restoring us to your presence through your Son Jesus Christ, whose blood was shed for our redemption, and His presence in our lives through the Holy Spirit has granted us divine assurance of eternity with the Father as sons and daughters of God.
O LORD be thou glorified forevermore in Jesus Christ name amen.


It's always right to give our Heavenly Father all the glory for every one of His benefits and attributes because He is the Only miracle-...