Showing posts with label Prayer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prayer. Show all posts


As Christians we should always pray against temptation and not for it, even as we remain Strengthened in the Spirit by Christ Jesus, to overcome it; for temptation only comes with the intention of distracting a man from the purpose of His Christ's Calling. Though, temptation has no power over the Spirit; still, when allowed to influence the flesh, it grips the soul - causing grief to the Holly Spirit.
However, we mustn't allow any temptation to bring us down; rather, we should overcome it with God's Word - the Sword of the Spirit, by which we've been equipped to triumph over every deception of the devil and his agents; even as we endlessly declare the testimony of our Lord and Savior - Jesus Christ, bearing fruits that remains for the advancement of God's Kingdom (Revelation 12:11).
PRAYER: Thank you Heavenly Father, for making us Overcomers in Christ Jesus, Your Son. Please, "do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one" in Jesus' name (Matthew 6:13),

From Luke 22:40


Always remember your fellow brethren in prayers; united in the Body of Christ, that their faith may be Strengthened, even when the devil tries to to sift anyone amongst them - making him to deny the purpose of his calling, and union in Christ Jesus. This is necessary "because your adversary the devil works about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour" (1Peter 5:8).
Also, as Priest anointed and commissioned to lead the people of God in different positions of edification; we shouldn't relent in praying for all whom we are discipling, as Christ prayed for all whom the LORD has given Him; even when we are being denied by them, that God should not just take them out of the world, but that He should keep them from the evil one (John 17:19,15). So, let's not stop praying for the sifted in the Spirit, for the LORD has no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that he should turn from his evil ways and live (Ezekiel 33:11).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, Holy Father, thank you for I'm no longer in the world, because I have been redeemed by grace, through the precious blood of Your Son; Jesus Christ. Please keep through Your name; those whom You have given me, that they may be united in the Body of Christ, as I am (John 17:11).

From Luke 22:31-32


We shouldn't relent in our prayers, even as we remain spiritually vigilant - awaiting the second coming of the Messiah, in these trying times where the forces of darkness are restlessly seeking for whom to devour, spreading their webs only to deceive the sons of men with their own pride and lusts, that they may be drawn far away from the LORD.
Praying with true dedication and commitment to our Christ Calling, keeps us in communion with the Father, as we remain Strengthened by the Holy Spirit, being triumphant vessels of God, worthy of His glorious presence. Furthermore, as chosen vessels, consecrated to advance God's Kingdom, we are destined to overcome! Still, we should remain spiritually vigilant, communing with our Heavenly Father, and we will never be caught unawares.
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, for Your steadfast Love, which keeps us in communion with You, even as we remain watchful, expecting the glorious coming of Your Son, Jesus Christ, when we are eternally united, as saints in Your Kingdom,

From Luke 21:36


As Christians and faithful Children of God, we should always pray, with or without season, placing our supplications before God in the Spirit; for we commune with Him through prayers (Ephesians 6:18). Also, by faith in Christ, prayer is a Divine key which opens or closes any door standing between a man and his breakthrough in life, relieving him from every challenge withholding him from the fulfilment of God's promises in his life.
Moreover, a praying Christian is seen by the kingdom of darkness as a powerful Child of God; filled with His glorious Light, constantly communing with the LORD, that even the forces of the wicked know him as God's Anointed, who cannot be harmed. So, let's remain fervent in prayers; constantly communing with the Father, that all our needs may be met, in due time.
PRAYER: In Christ Jesus, Heavenly Father, thank You for the grace and opportunity to commune with you in prayers; placing our supplications before you, that all our needs are being met, according to your riches in glory,

From Luke 18:1


When you are rejected, hated or excluded by friends, loved ones or neighbours for the sake of your calling as a born-again child of God, you need not worry, but rejoice, for you are blessed as joint-heirs with Christ, graced with the assurance of eternal life with the Father in His Heavenly Kingdom above, and He will never forsake you.


As you remain faithfully dedicated to doing God's will by living in the statutes of Christ, resisting the negative influence of the devil, yet it seems you are lacking and faced with challenges too tough for you to handle alone, don't be discouraged, for your hope is in the LORD. He will never leave you nor forsake you, because He is Jehovah, the covenant-keeping God, and He will surely meet you at the point of your needs, in due time.
In Jesus Christ's name, amen.


It's always right to give our Heavenly Father all the glory for every one of His benefits and attributes because He is the Only miracle-...