Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts


God's Love is so wonderful and great towards His Children, redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb and born again by the Holy Spirit; for He has graciously favored us with all that we need to live eternally for His glory, in Christ Jesus (John 3:35). The LORD'S Divine presence, through the Holy Spirit around and within us, gives us the right knowledge and understanding of Him, so that we may live eternally in His authority, revealing the Father's Love to anyone He chooses, which marvels many, changing their mindsets to remain focused on the advancing Kingdom of God (Matthew 11:27). Being the vessels of God's Love, we've been predestined to do increasingly greater works as ambassadors of Christ and Heirs of His Kingdom; for we graciously receive honor and glory from Him, as we faithfully harken to His Word and work in obedience to our Christ's calling, which reveals our true identity in Christ, as co-heirs with Him (Matthew 3:17, 2 Peter 1:17).
PRAYER:;Thank You Heavenly Father, I glorify Your name; for Your Love brings me closer to You, through the revelation of Your Word, which makes me a living testimony of Your marvelous works and awesome wonders, declaring Your Love and the Good News of Salvation available to all of humankind, in Christ Jesus, Your Son,

From John 5:20


Our Heavenly Father and Creator of all things, the Great I Am Who I Am - YHWH, manifested His glorious Love towards all, by sending His only begotten Son, God's Word who became flesh to conquer death, so that we might live by faith in and through Him, for eternity (John 1:14, 1 John 4:9-10). The revelation of God's Love in offering Christ Jesus, leads to the purification of our souls, sanctified bodies, and can renew our spirits, to become worthy of Him through receiving His precious blood, so that we may freely live for Christ, advancing His Kingdom by the testimony of our redemption (Rev. 1:5).
However, "God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." He paid the redemption price with His perfect life, which reveals His rich mercy and perfect willingness to accept as friends, all who believe in Him for the Salvation of their souls, even as they confess Him as Lord, and repent from sins to obey Jesus' command (Rom. 5:8, Eph. 2:4, John 15:12-14).
PRAYER: In Jesus' gracious name, thank You LORD, Abba Father, for Your selfless Love has redeemed me without money, by Grace, through Your Word who lives in me (Isa. 52:3). By Your Spirit, please help me to see the people in the world with a compassionate heart, even as loving others shows the way You have loved me.
Blessed be Your Holy Name,

From John 3:16


Advancing God's Kingdom, and bearing fruit that remains, for His glory, starts with sharing the Good News of Salvation with our loved ones and being prepared to give a reason for the hope we have, to spiritually thirsty relatives; for, "charity begins at home," (1 Peter 3:15). Having accomplished this as faithful disciples, we will stay Strengthened by the Holy Spirit to move out even more, into the fields, searching for the lost sheep and discipling them because of our  relationship with the Good Shepherd; we remain fruit-bearing branches in the True Vine.
We may each be eager for the Good News of the Kingdom to go to the whole world, however, true evangelism starts this way, that our Christ's calling may be fulfilled one testimony at a time, and in His name, our identity as a vessel of His Divine will is revealed, as we keep declaring the Salvation of the LORD to mankind with all the saints, growing in love.
PRAYER: Thank you, LORD, for calling and choosing me to declare Your Truth; first, to all the people around me, even as I'm being Strengthened by the Holy Spirit to reach out for more souls, living near and far, for Salvation we have found only in Christ Jesus,

From John 1:40-41


The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ was necessary not only for the remission of sins, and God's Salvation of mankind, but also for the fulfillment of the promises made to our fathers; Adam, Abraham, and David, in whom we've become their seeds by our submission in repentance - receiving Jesus Christ, the Promised Seed, as our Lord and Savior, even as we become united as brethren with Him (Genesis 3:15 & 12:3, 2 Samuel 7:12-14). This keeps our souls revived by the LORD, and our spirits uplifted eternally to live in His sight, as His own, through the death and resurrection of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God (Hosea 6:2).
Furthermore, having been redeemed, we are commissioned by Christ Jesus who forgave us, to proclaim the Good News of His resurrection and redeeming grace to all nations, starting from our loved ones and neighborhood, but neglecting no soul, so that more people may be prepared for the day of harvest and second coming of Jesus Christ - the King of Kings ( Matthew 20:19).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you, Heavenly Father, for the death and resurrection of Your Son, Jesus Christ; the Holy Lamb whose blood was shed for my redemption, that my spirit may remain uplifted to live with Him, even as my soul declares Your Salvation to all nations,

From Luke 24:46-47


We should always remain forgiving to all, as Heirs of the Father and Brethren with Christ, for forgiveness is a Divine gift from the LORD, which expresses His unconditional love - revealed through His Son, Jesus Christ, who lives in us. Even when our love is being repaid with betrayal, theft, and false accusations, we should not relent in praying for the Salvation of those who trespass against us, while we make the Word of God known to them, before his return (Psalm 109:4, Matthew 5:44).
We Christians admitted our sins and have been greatly forgiven, now receiving mercy, where once we had not received mercy. Whenever we face persecution, we should continue to love greatly - realizing that tribulation is from the kingdom of darkness, so the one being influenced to oppress us may be acting out of ignorance. To overcome evil with good; we the righteousness of God in Christ, need to always pray for their forgiveness and total redemption, and for those who make confessions, even as we never fail to forgive them for their trespasses against us (2 Cor. 5:21, James 5:16).
PRAYER: In righteous Jesus' name, thank you, LORD, Ever-loving Father, for Your Divine presence in my life, which grants me the grace to be forgiven as I forgive all who trespass against me; even as I pray for Your Divine Mercy on their behalf,

From Luke 23:34


Now is the right time to show love, comfort, and mercy to all who are lacking, oppressed, and in need of our forgiveness, that we may be deserving of God's mercy and welcoming embrace, on the last day, which carries on. The love we share, showing mercy with compassionate hearts from the abundance of God's grace and provision, reveals Christ, who lives in us. It's wise to follow Christ in self-sacrifice; serving the LORD with our whole heart, might, mind and soul, even as we extend the love of the Father to all, discriminating none, yet embracing new creations as fellow brethren, in oneness, that they may experience the unconditional love of the the only Way that leads to eternity in the Kingdom of God: Jesus Christ, who changes the mindsets of the sons of men into receiving a place with Our Father.
Also, as Sons of Abraham, our possessions need not to be selfishly kept for our personal gain and luxurious living, alone; rather every extra Earthly moment and morsel needs to be shared in love, with those who are in need, that the purpose of our Calling as Sons of God in Christ Jesus, revealing the Father's Love for the advancement of His Kingdom, may be established, for the Salvation of souls, from eternal separation.
PRAYER: Thank you Heavenly Father, for the comfort and Grace given to us as Kingdom citizens, even as we are being given opportunity to reveal your Love, showing mercy to all in need, for the Salvation of souls, in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 16:24-26


As the Redeemed of the LORD, saved by Grace through faith in Jesus Christ, we are called in love, to express and reveal the Love of the Father to all, for our inheritance of the Kingdom is established. So, from the depth of our hearts, we should always be willing to bring more souls back from the grave, who need physical and spiritual nurture, baptize and disciple them for the advancement of God's Kingdom; even as we rejoice for God's Salvation of each one of His children, welcoming them with joy and open arms, that they may experience God's Love and compassionate embrace, which restores peace and comforts all.
Moreover, as we rejoice, even as joint Heirs with Christ, who turns finding the most lost, into a cause of celebration for the repentant souls, welcoming the new-borns with open hands and faces, this glorifies the name of the LORD, and brings more joy to the soon-coming Kingdom of Heaven.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for granting us life eternal, through your precious blood, sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit, which keeps us established as Heirs of your Kingdom;

From Luke 15:24


Our Heavenly Father is always willing and ready to accept anyone who comes before Him in humility and true repentance, trusting He is the compassionate God who embraces all who receive the Love of Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son. His warm embrace and lifegiving kiss, felt through the gift of the Holy Spirit, makes us comfortable and reestablished in love, granting us a blessed assurance of eternity with Him, by Grace through faith in Christ Jesus.
With this, we are no longer strangers and foreigners, but 
fellow citizens with the saints, and members of the household of God (Ephesians 2:19). So, let's not relent in spreading the Good News of Salvation, that souls who are lost may realize where they have fallen, returning to God with repentant hearts and humble spirits, so that they may experience the welcoming embrace of the Father and feel His love in Christ Jesus, as Heirs of His Kingdom, belonging at His side.
PRAYER: In Christ Jesus, we are blessed to rise again and come from such a long way from You, Father, receiving the welcoming embrace through the Holy Spirit, who bears witness that we are Sons and Daughters of God, being Heirs of His Kingdom; 

From Luke 15:20


By giving and feasting in love with the needy, and less privileged, there is a great assurance of a Divine reward from the LORD; for no man has seen God, yet whatever we do to the stranger and needy, from the depth of our hearts, we are also doing to our Savior, and Creator(Matthew 25:37-41). This reward is not just physical, or material alone, but also spiritually supernatural, which ensures our inheritance as Sons and Daughters of the ever loving and compassionate God.
Therefore, let's endeavor to give with cheerful hearts, and when we feast, it should be done in love; not neglecting the ones we most need to invite to the Kingdom, for the LORD sees and know all things, and He will surely reward us with His blessings and favor from the abundance of His grace and glory, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: In Christ Jesus, thank you LORD for giving us Joyful and compassionate hearts, willing to share yourself, giving from Your Spirit, for your glory, that we may attain the Divine reward of eternity;

From Luke 14:13-14


The true character and qualities of a Child of God and faithful Christian, are known through one's compassionate behavior towards another, acting in love, even as one allows mercy to overcloud his thoughts towards all who offend him. Also, whenever he sees a neighbor in pain, troubled, or in a state of confusion, he not only prays in Jesus' name, but willingly renders help to the best of his ability, from the depth of his heart, because the love of the Father is in him, and he can never see his fellow man in pain and feel at ease.
Therefore, we should always endeavor to show the love of God in us to all, expressing it compassionately, and sharing without discrimination, that the Divine presence of Christ, through the Holy Spirit in us, may be seen by all, touching lives for the Salvation of souls, by Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: LORD, Ever-loving Father, thank you for showing your love through sending your Son, Jesus Christ, willing to accept all who are ready to receive Him; by living for Him we will show your love to all the world, for the Salvation of souls, in Jesus' name,

From Luke 10:36-37


This is the greatest and highest Commandment; that we should love the LORD our God with all our hearts, with all our souls, with all our strength, and with all our minds, which is also our full-being, created by God. Likewise, we should also love our neighbors as ourselves; with this we express the love of the Father in Christ Jesus, to even our enemies, through our character and way of life. This quality is a major requirement needed to advance God's Kingdom as vessels of His Divine will, Commissioned to preach the Gospel, heal the sick, and set the captives free, which can only be done with the power of love indwelling one.
Therefore, we need to never relent in expressing the love of the Father in us to all, though it may look differently, discriminating against no one; for with our integrity and manners, we can also bear fruits for God's glory, advancing His Kingdom through great love, changing lives forever, which is the will of the Holy Father.
May it be done through we on Earth, as it is in Heaven.
PRAYER: Thank you Ever-loving Father, for your love has been greatly expressed by the life, death, and resurection of your only begotten Son, whose presence in us through the Holy Spirit, has made us living vessels of your Divine will, saved to live for your glory; sharing your unconditional love with all, in Christ Jesus,

From Luke 10:27


Our God is a Compassionate LORD and a Loving Father, who harkens to all who come before His presence in humility, casting their burdens and supplications before Him, for He feels our pains and understands our situations.
Though we need pity and conviction when appropriate, He will never allow His own to suffer shame. Yet, He will always restore all who call upon Him truly and spiritually, to the position of grace and glory with our Living God, where there is divine peace and unstoppable joy to shine forth.
PRAYER: Dear LORD and Compassionate Father, thank you for your divine presence in our lives through your Son, Jesus Christ, and the comfort of the Holy Spirit, which reveals your Love and protects us from the efforts of the wicked to cause shame or pain, keeping us safe in your presence, where there is eternal joy and freedom.
Glory, honor, and adoration be unto your Name.


Always be Joyous, and never relent in giving to all who ask from you, when today, you have extra to share with them.
Also, you need not worry about those who, once the situation is brought to light, refuse to return that which they've taken from you forcibly or deceitfully because a cheerful giver never lacks; yet, those who embezzle his goods or take advantage of His goodwill will surely pay for their deceptive acts, someday.
The LORD is a just God, who rewards every man according to his works; J'rah, LORD God who sees hearts believing in His Son who took on sin, for us to have Right-standing before our Holy Father.
PRAYER: LORD, Jesus Christ, thank you for your love and compassion towards all, and the grace given to us as Christians, to share with others out of the abundance of your love, favor, and provisions, which makes us remain graciously blessed as Sons of Abraham who was promised Isaac.
May your name be glorified forevermore.


The love you show to those who oppress you, even in difficult times, reveals the presence of God in your life and the unique character of a true Christian.
Therefore, you should always be patient, enduring challenges by tolerating and overcoming them through the love of the Father in you. This way, anyone still used by the devil to oppress you, might feel the divine touch of God's love and resist the destructive influence of the devil on his life, which leads to the advancement of God's Kingdom.
 PRAYER: Dear LORD, thank you for the love shown to all though your Son Jesus Christ, who obediently gave His life for all, even when He was being persecuted and oppressed by the sons of men; He still fulfilled the Father's will in love.
Blessed be your Holy Name.


The love of the Father has uniquely endowed us with forgiving hearts and enduring spirits, as true Christians, having no grudge against another. Yet, it's our calling and divine responsibility to pray for all who oppress us, even in the midst of pain, that the LORD may forgive, touch and make them tender to realize where they might have fallen, and tender to receive Christ into their lives, for the Salvation of their souls.
Moreover, cursing them is not an option, but as you show them love, even through pain, this either allows room for God's curse on those who curse you, or the Light in you might make them realize their mistakes later in life, which will definitely lead these people to God's Salvation before taking a last breath.
PRAYER: Dear LORD and ever loving Father, thank you for your presence in our lives, through your Son Jesus Christ, and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, which has made us with uniquely forgiving hearts and enduring spirits, to live without carrying a grudge towards another of His children.
Yeshuah, may your Name be praised, forevermore.


As true Christians, we have the love of the Father in us, which doesn't discriminate, yet is expressed to all, even to those who see us as enemies.
"God is love," and by showing love to others, you are revealing His presence in you, which leads to the advancement of God's Kingdom, because love attracts, but hatred repels people to distance from each other. (No matter how weak you were, bonded with unity, there is new strength in Christ. Where even two come into agreement, praying in Jesus' name, all things are now possible; by listening to the Word in a deaf world, we are demonstrating His character to the most broken.

 PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for your presence in our lives, which reveals the love of the Father in us, disfavoring none,
Yet embracing all who come to Him in true repentance.
May your Name be praised forevermore.


Though the Sabbath day was consecrated for rest from our works to Worship the LORD of Hosts, it's also a time to glorify Him for our existence and sustenance on Earth, which is done by Loving God completely, revealing the goodness of God, even) as we show them love and compassion from the depths of our hearts, that they might feel His powerful presence, which restores the broken-hearted and sets the captives free from slavery of sin.
 PRAYER: Holy Heavenly Father, thank you for making us vessels of your glory in Christ Jesus, strengthened by the Holy Spirit to do all we can from the depths of our hearts to glorify your name, even on the Sabbath, which brings restoration and divine peace to all.


The life of a true christian is more of giving than receiving, for it's a life of selfsacrifice, living the life of Christ that others may experience the love of God through his compassionate and loving character towards all.
Therefore, you should always be kind to the needy expressing the love of Christ in you to them, by giving and sharing from the abundance of God's blessings and favors in your life, that they may experience the Father's Love through you as a vessel of God advancing His kingdom on earth.
PRAYER: Dear LORD, Thank you for your abundant grace, favors and blessings in our lives, which makes us highly favored, even as we become blessings to others, as we share and give with love out of the abundance of your blessings in our lives.
May your name be blessed forevermore amen.


It's always right to give our Heavenly Father all the glory for every one of His benefits and attributes because He is the Only miracle-...