Showing posts with label Grace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grace. Show all posts


As humans who have eaten of the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, every situation we go through only needs the presence of Christ to make things come out better so that the Name of the LORD may be glorified by the revelation of His marvelous works in the lives of the ones He chooses, having taken on and erased all the shame to personally overcome everything that His own are suffering (Gen. 2:17, Rom. 8:28, John 11:4, Isa. 54:4).
Even when people are conceived in sin, their present circumstances may not have resulted from the errors of themselves nor run in their bloodline, for there is a time for everything under Heaven (Deut. 7:9, Ecc. 3:1-8). Therefore, welcoming the Messiah and Word of God, Jesus Christ into your life, makes you a living vessel carrying His glorious works in your heart which are testified of by the many who get to witness the experience revealing His awesome wonders in your life.
PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, my awesome Heavenly Father, for Your presence in my family's life has justified us through faith in the Son, to be safe from the Accuser of the Brethren, with an assuring hope of Divine restoration and total breakthrough out of the power of darkness; may we also be like channels of Your glory through which lives are recreated and restored to right-relationship with our Creator,

From John 9:1-3


Having a personal experience with Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World, being one with Him in the Spirit, and living to increasingly reflect the glory of the Father, gives every faithful Christian a reason to rejoice; for, "where the Spirit of the LORD is, there is freedom. All of us who see, reflect the glory of the LORD..." (Acts 5:31, 2 Cor. 3:17-18, 1 John 4:13-14). The grace given to Brethren with the Son of God, circumcised in the Spirit, has made us live favored by the LORD as Witnesses of His fulfilled Word, excited to testify of His Love to everybody, with a smile.
Moreover, many Faithfuls in the past desired such a Divine encounter but were not opportune to be a part of it; still, seeing it with the eyes of faith gave them a blessed assurance of eternity with our Heavenly Father, as glad pilgrims on Earth (Luke 10:22-24, Heb. 11:13).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for radiating the grace for me to live with the experience of Your Divine presence through the knowledge of Your Word and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Please, lead me to those sadly lacking the true knowledge of the Gospel, so they may feel the impression of Your Love, even as they receive You into their hearts, in Jesus' mighty name,

From John 8:56


Being of use to the LORD is an honor coming from the Father alone, towards all who faithfully receive Him through the testimony of His Word declared for the Salvation of mankind. Living as Witnesses of the Truth who declare God's Word in love to all and are able to turn lives around for the better by changing the mindsets of men to remain more focused on the Heavenly Kingdom and the heritage destined for all who remain faithful to the end, makes us graciously deserving of the honor divinely given by the LORD our Father for perfecting individuals, building up the Body of Christ, and so that we may remain equipped for the work of the ministry (Is. 55:11, John 5:31, Eph. 4:11-12).
Therefore, there is no need for a Christian to honor him nor her-self before anyone as a true vessel of the only God, for Christ who commissioned us humbled Himself to serve and will definitely glorify His name in the lives of those who likewise empty themselves as exemplary figures raised up to overcome every test, temptation and cross to carry along the way (Acts 3:13, Phil. 2:7-11, Matt. 16:24 & 23:12).
PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Gracious Father, for I am highly favored to serve in Your Vineyard, being chosen to testify of Your eternal existence. Please, help me to always glorify Your name, even as I'm honored to be a child of the King of Kings, called and enabled to help with the growth of your advancing Kingdom,

From John 8:54


The effect of God's grace and glory in our lives, as a result of receiving the promised Holy Spirit by faith, our obedience to declaring God's Word, and our Love for seeing the Salvation of Souls, makes even scholars marvel at the testimony of God's Divine and glorious works in our lives, wondering whence Wisdom is found so that they might also have the power to overcome and speak free of cowardice (Luke 4:22, Acts 2:7). Knowing that we're living for Christ and the advancement of God's Kingdom, makes us different from the Sons of Men, being Heirs of the Father commissioned, not to work on gaining more titles nor degrees, but to sincerely share the Good News of Salvation for the redemption of all who simply seek and receive the Truth which we proclaim (Matt. 28:19-20).
We serve, not according to a written code, but in newness by Christ's calling, walking and teaching according to His Spirit in the exemplary Way revealed by the Messiah in whom our faith is firmly anchored (Rom. 7:6).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for graciously making me a living example of Your Word who, by Your Breath, lives in me. Please, continue to keep me preserved for Your glorious works and active in the Holy Spirit so many may realize Your Love, repent of their sins, and receive Jesus Christ, Your Son, as the Savior of their souls,

From John 7:14-15


It has always been the LORD'S will that all He has bestowed upon us, both spiritually and naturally, should remain fruitful, as we faithfully live and abide by His Word, which keeps us Divinely blessed and abundantly favored; lacking nothing, we still have enough leftover to share with all in need, for His glory (Joshua 1:8, John 15:4 & 7). Being vessels of His glorious and marvelous works on Earth, saved by grace through the redeeming Life's Blood of His Son, Jesus Christ in whom our faith lies and having a Divine encounter with Him in the Spirit, we are destined to be raised with Him on the last day (John 10:28).
Although, some might fall away from the path of Truth and Righteousness; yet, all who come before the LORD in repentance, humbly seeking His face with faith in the One sent, will always remain safe in His merciful hands as Overcomers, protected from the snare of the wicked one, having been freely justified by believing in Christ Jesus, to live with Him for eternity, fulfilling the will of our Heavenly Father (2 Chron. 7:14, John 17:12, Gal. 2:16, Eph. 2:8-9).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Eternal and Gracious Father, for making me a vessel of Your Divine will on Earth, destined to remain fruitful but losing nothing that might come alive in the Spirit, for by Your grace I am rest assured of eternity in Your Kingdom; in Jesus' mighty name,

From John 6:39-40


Being God's creation, wonderfully made and perfected for His glory, as Christians we've been called and given by the Father as Brides adorned for the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, the only begotten of God, to be united with Him by faith for the redemption of our souls, through His precious Blood, shed on the Cross at Calvary before Resurrection. "If we died with Him, we will also live with Him," so as we harken to the Word of God, receiving Him by faith through the Scriptures and His ministering vessels, we will remain Divinely united with the Father as joint heirs with Christ - our Blessed Redeemer (John 6:45 & 2 Tim. 2:11-13).
Also, by remaining focused and determined, upholding our faith in Christ alone, eternal life is assured; for the Creator, our Heavenly Father is the Omnipotent God whom no one, no power, nor authority can subdue and as we've been united in the Body of Christ by the LORD, no one is allowed to separate that which God has joined for His glory (Joshua 1:7, Matt. 19:6, John 10:18 & 28-29).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, for making me Yours by faith, through giving Your Son in whom I'm cleansed and redeemed by His precious and Holy Blood, even as I am united with Him in the Spirit as a Bride Divinely embraced, alive in His hands for eternity. Please help me to lay down my life and take up a new one, following your perfect example as it is displayed in me, to a dying world,

From John 6:36-37


The Divine presence of Christ in us takes away fear and restores peace to our souls, making every raging wind coming in the form of tribulations or trials cease, bringing calmness to all within and around us, for God's glory. Receiving Him as our Lord and Savior keeps us graciously protected and preserved even as vessels of His awesome wonders, overcoming every force and challenge trying to obstruct us from living to the fulfillment of our Christ's calling (Isaiah 43:1-2). 
Therefore, all who are far away from Christ should come to repentance, receiving Him wholeheartedly as LORD and Savior, for the redemption of their souls, so that they may be united with us in the Body of Christ - sailing in the last ark of Salvation to the Heavenly Kingdom of God, where there is everlasting Peace and Joy (1 Peter 3:30-21).
PRAYER: Thank You, YHWH, Heavenly Father; for Your Word calms my soul, uplifts my spirit, and supernaturally energizes my body to remain actively involved in Your advancing Kingdom, by taking away my fears and granting me the blessed assurance of eternity in Christ Jesus,

From John 6:18-21


The spoken and written words of God are revealed through His chosen vessels in whom His Spirit dwells, giving them the boldness to declare the Truth according to His Divine will. His Logos is like a seed of faith from which we may gain fruit bountifully, as generously as we sow into the hearts of all who receive the implanted Word, which spreads and grows through discipleship (2 Cor. 9:6, James 1:21). Having been sent by the LORD as His chosen generation - exalting His name as vessels of His glorious works, raised by Christ, the promised seed and prophetic Messiah - the Holy Spirit ministers through us, while we live to proclaim His Gospel to all nations (Deut. 18:18, 1 Peter 2:9).
Therefore, as we listen to God's vessels who are ministering in His name, we are also listening to the message of Jesus Christ, God's Word, and as we live by Wisdom from above, we will remain blessed in what we do, because a true Minister has no doctrine of his own, yet he acts and lives by faith in the teachings of Christ whom God sent (John 7:16). So, only the level of faith of the one ministering in Christ Jesus, needs to be evaluated, since, "God assigns a measure of faith," yet, "God gives the Spirit without measure," to minister in His name; for whoever He wills, He uses, speaking courageously, for His glory (Rom 12:3).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, LORD, for the knowledge of Your Word, by whose authority I can ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit who repurposes me as a vessel of Your glorious works, ministering powerfully in Your name for the advancement of Your Kingdom and the Salvation of souls,

From John 3:34


We, the Righteous in Jesus, have come to abide in the pure Light. The Truth revealed in Christ, keeps us in right standing with God by faith, while He who lives in us, makes even branches which have been grafted in, fruitful in His Vineyard (John 15:4-5). This is made possible through God's Grace in our lives, which makes each of our efforts productive in advancing God's Kingdom, by the Holy Spirit dwelling with us (1 Cor. 15:10).
Our integrity is shown by the Light shining through us, revealing loving deeds clearly to all, so that the world may know who God is, testifying that we are consistently empowered as Christians to walk openly on the Highway of Holiness (Mat. 5:14-16, Isa. 35:8). So, let's keep on living honestly, which reveals God's Light in us, and by Grace, we will always live to advance the Kingdom of the one called Faithful and True - bearing fruit that remains, for His Glory.
PRAYER: In Jesus' glorious name, thank You, Heavenly Father, for Your Light leading me, which gracefully reveals the Truth that I have no power of my own; yet, I am strengthened to live for Christ! May I glorify Your Name, while I keep practicing that which is only possible with You in authority,

From John 3:21


Humans, made in the image of God, are born through a process in which the amniotic fluid falls away and finally, a new drink is introduced by the Mother thereof. Through reconsidering our sins and walking in the Spirit received by faith, in obedience to God's Word, we are graciously saved by faith that Jesus was sent from the Holy Father and was raised from the dead (Rom. 10:9)! Having believed, one should baptize another in pure water, which signifies cleansing by the Blood of the Lamb - being dead to the flesh, buried to fulfill the Law, and resurrected with Him in the Spirit - we show obedience to our Father in Heaven and offer evidence to others, of His work in us (Mark 16:16).
Being made members of the Body of Christ, we receive Divine empowerment, known as the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, which testifies that we are reborn as Sons and Daughters of God - gracefully permitted to enter into His Kingdom.
Therefore, let's never stop proclaiming the Gospel of Salvation, reaching out from a secure place to make disciples of all who need redemption, baptizing them in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, so that they may receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit, and become Heirs of the Father, in Christ Jesus (Acts 2:38). Through this and teaching observance of all Jesus commanded, we are rest assured of a great inheritance, as a fruit-bearing branch in the True Vine - deserving of Christ's welcoming embrace (Matt. 5:19 & 28:20).
PRAYER: In Jesus' gracious name, thank You, Ever-Loving Father for the grace to be born of water and the Holy Spirit, which makes me highly favored as an Heir of Your Heavenly Kingdom - permitted to enter Paradise,

From John 3:5


The manifestation of the Holy Spirit in and through us, His faithfuls, testifies that we are chosen vessels of God, assigned to live for Christ and compassionately declare His good will to all. Being anointed in Christ Jesus, with the gift of the Holy Spirit and Power to do good, help others with their spiritual needs, and cheerfully give; affirms that we are from God who loves us (John 9:33, Acts 10:38, 1 Cor 9:6-8).
His Joy is the source of our strength and it's the presence of the Prince of Peace which brings fullness of joy and shalom to souls, so that we overflow with hope as we keep trusting (Neh. 8:10, Romans 15:13). Therefore, we should always remain in communion with the Holy Spirit who equips us for His great and marvelous works, so that people may change their minds, coming to repent from sin, even as they receive Christ - wholeheartedly seeking eternal Salvation, which comes from Him alone, who has made Himself available to Jews and Gentiles alike (Prov. 8:17).
PRAYER: In Jesus' Holy Name, thank You Eternal Father, for Your Divine presence in my life, which reveals my identity in Christ Jesus, and keeps me spiritually equipped to bear more fruits that remain into Your Kingdom; for there be joy in Heaven as the lost are found,

From John 3:1-2


Miracles are signs and wonders done by the LORD to affirm our faith in God's Salvation and strengthen our spirits for greater works ahead; for every miracle manifested to by the Holy Spirit, through us, His Faithfuls, affirms God's presence in our lives as ambassadors of Christ, appealing for reconciliation (John 5:36 & 2 Corinthians 5:18-21). It also changes the mindsets of many into believing and receiving Jesus Christ as the Messiah, restoring their spirits, so that they may have a new and eternal life, in His Holy Name (John 20:30-31).
Therefore, having been strengthened to put on the full armor of God, we take a stand as vessels of His Divine and awesome works, sent to declare His Good News, while the Holy Spirit manifests His Power and Authority, giving rise to miraculous signs and splendid wonders (Eph 6:10-18). Thus, many realize the Truth, receive the Gospel, and come repentant, for the Salvation of their souls and the advancement of God's Kingdom reign.
PRAYER: In Jesus' mighty name, thank You Heavenly Father for making me a vessel through which Your miraculous works flow, equipped by the Holy Spirit to gracefully reveal Your Love on Earth as I continuously help others with their spiritual needs, so that they would come to believe in Your Holy Name,

From John 2:23


On the cross outside of Jerusalem's walls at Calvary, we were Divinely cleansed by Jesus Christ through His precious blood, and are sanctified by the Holy Spirit to live for Him as God's Temple - consecrated for His service, even as Heirs of His Kingdom. So, to advance the Kingdom of Heaven, we need to give our all for Christ, proclaiming His Word in love, which cleanses the hearts of all who receive Him, purifying their souls, so that their bodies may remain the Holy Temple of God - the dwelling place of His Love and abundant Grace (1 Cor 3:16-17).
However, by being active, ministering vessels in the Body of Christ - the Church - there is no more room for greed, sexual immorality, idolatry, nor does a reward remain for boasting about what we have to offer to the all-sufficient God, for the tables have been turned.
So, let's remain steadfastly faithful to our Christ's calling, abiding in Him, even as He abides in us, 
while we freely reveal His Love to all with compassion - having been made into Holy vessels of His glorious works on Earth.
PRAYER: Thank You, Holy LORD, Abba Father, for I'm purified by Your Divine Grace, and sanctified through humbly receiving Your compassionate Love, as a Temple consecrated for Your service in Jesus' most precious Name,

From John 2:14-15


Living with the Holy Spirit in us, as born-again Christians, we've been Divinely preserved for the present day; now is the right time to proclaim the Good News of Salvation to the Sons of Men in love, that they may come to the realization of the Truth - knowing that Jesus Christ is the only Way leading to eternity with the Father of all creation. As other people receive the Truth, they also will be renewed in the Spirit, their souls now imperishable, to uphold righteousness in Christ Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.
Therefore, let's never stop sharing the New Wine, known as the New Covenant, established for the redemption of mankind, through discipleship, as we reveal to those closest to us, God's Love and Divine Grace, which has delivered us from eternal condemnation and shame, so that souls may be refreshed and spirits revived for God's glory, while His Kingdom couriers advance.
PRAYER: In Jesus' Holy Name, thank You, LORD, the Redeemer of my soul, for keeping me Safe and preserved for this moment - to declare the Truth, established by Your blood as the New Covenant, which brings forth Salvation to all - reviving the souls of men and renewing their spirits for the advancement of Your Kingdom, the best to ever come to Earth,

From John 2:10


We experience the true Love of God, His compassionate and supernatural existence, through Divine communion with Him, in the Spirit; even as we abide in His Word, Jesus Christ, the Messiah of all mankind, shows us His cleansing power. Having a personal encounter with Christ, comes by the intimate knowledge of His Word, which reveals our God's Love - giving Light to all still seeking redemption from darkness, so that we may behold the Truth and be redeemed by the free gift of His pleasantly permeating presence.
Therefore, let's not relent in bringing others closer to Him, through boldly declaring of the Gospel, making the Word of God plain in love to the needy and weak in the Spirit, that they may be drawn to receive Him wholeheartedly, for their personal Salvation and eternal peace, as new creations in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17).
PRAYER: Thank You in Jesus' gracious name, LORD, for proposing to have a personal encounter in the Spirit, through the knowledge of Your Word, and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, empowering me with the Divine understanding of Your Love, and eternal existence as my committed Creator;

From John 1:46


Having received Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, saved by His Divine intervention and redeeming Grace, we should also endeavor to redeem the time, proclaiming His Gospel to all - beginning with our loved ones, neighbors, and friends - that our identity in Christ Jesus may be revealed, even as our Christ's calling is being fulfilled through harvesting the fruits we continuously bear into God's Kingdom (Eph 5:16). This is vital, so that all who are lacking the true knowledge of Salvation, may be brought from the dead to walking in Light - having the right understanding of God's Kingdom and His Love for mankind.
Also, by testifying of our Salvation from every curse, found in Christ Jesus, many seeking rescue, breakthrough, and Divine sustenance, will be encouraged, and their faith Strengthened to receive Him who is the only Way, Truth, and Life, that Peace with the Everlasting Father be restored in the Hearts of all who are faithful in obeying Him (Gal 3:13, John 14:6, Romans 5 & Phil. 2:13). So, let's not relent in making known the Good News of His redeeming Grace, and compassionate Love, no matter what they initially reply, testifying of His glorious works unfolding, that the Salvation of the LORD in Christ Jesus may be revealed to all - who require His Divine breakthrough and eternal restoration, to live on with hope to share.
PRAYER: Eternal Father, thank You for the fulfillment of Your Word in my life, which gives me the Grace to lovingly proclaim the Gospel of Truth and Salvation to all - bearing fruits that remain for Your Kingdom and glory, in Christ Jesus;

From John 1:43-45


As Jesus Christ looks on us with favor, and we receive God's Word into our hearts, being born again and committed to living in light of eternity with Him, our identity is transformed and spiritually our name is changed, to uphold our Christ's calling - having the Divine mandate of advancing God's Kingdom, and encouraging the Church - the Body of Christ against whom the gates of Hell will never prevail (Matthew 16:18). Knowing that the Book of Life contains precious names, keeps us focused on our eternal inheritance, and Strengthened by the Holy Spirit to bear more fruits, which are destined to remain, for God's glory.
Furthermore, being gracefully called by a new name, we are equipped to encourage souls - discipling them to become fellow labourers in His Vineyard, while we relentlessly help them with their Spiritual needs through Christ, who lives in us by the power of His Spirit!
PRAYER: In Jesus' Holy Name, thank You, LORD, for giving me a name Spiritually reflecting Christ's identity, which subdues the will of the flesh, gracefully upheld to serve solely in Your Vineyard, as an ambassador of Christ, advancing Your Kingdom,

From John 1:42


Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God by whom, all who believe and receive Him wholeheartedly, are cleansed as they forgive others, and their sins are taken as far away as East is from West; for He is the Salvation of the LORD, and the Redeemer of the Righteous in Christ (John 1:29, Luke 6:37, Psalm 103:12). So, as the loving proclamation of the Gospel testifies of His birth, lifetime, death, and resurrection - revealing Him as the Messiah of all mankind - humble hearts are brought out of hiding, but under a covering as white as wool, to repentance from dead works, as a result of the Divine knowledge of His presence, being the eternal Word of God - piercing into the hearts of men and changing their mindsets to look to the blood of the Lamb for the Salvation of souls.
Furthermore, receiving His spotless sacrifice by faith in God's Love, giving His only begotten Son, places Him as our first priority, far above every earthly relationship and endeavor (Matthew 4:19-22). Even then, being ambassadors of Christ, proclaiming His good will towards men, every person whom we make a student of Jesus, should also be dedicated to His service, while we pick up the cross to continuously disciple them to become fellow labourers in His Vineyard without reproach, nurtured through the Holy Spirit to bear fruits and advance God's Kingdom into eternity.
Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God by whom, all who believe and receive Him wholeheartedly, are cleansed as they forgive others, and their sins are taken as far away as East is from West; for He is the Salvation of the LORD, and the Redeemer of the Righteous in Christ (John 1:29, Luke 6:37, Psalm 103:12). So, as the loving proclamation of the Gospel testifies of His birth, lifetime, death, and resurrection - revealing Him as the Messiah of all mankind - humble hearts are brought out of hiding, but under a covering as white as wool, to repentance from dead works, as a result of the Divine knowledge of His presence, being the eternal Word of God - piercing into the hearts of men and changing their mindsets to look to the blood of the Lamb for the Salvation of souls.
Furthermore, receiving His spotless sacrifice by faith in God's Love, giving His only begotten Son, places Him as our first priority, far above every earthly relationship and endeavor (Matthew 4:19-22). Even then, being ambassadors of Christ, proclaiming His good will towards men, every person whom we make a student of Jesus, should also be dedicated to His service, while we pick up the cross to continuously disciple them to become fellow labourers in His Vineyard without reproach, nurtured through the Holy Spirit to bear fruits and advance God's Kingdom into eternity.

PRAYER: In Jesus' Holy Name, Eternal Father, thank You for your Word written in my heart, making me a vessel of Truth and Light, which attracts souls to Your Kingdom with Love, through the proclamation of the Gospel, in cleansing power;

From John 1:36-37


We, the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and faithful Children of God, called as witnesses of the true Light, God's Word, are commissioned to proclaim the Salvation of the LORD - reaching out to the hearts of men, alerting their minds to the second coming of the Bridegroom, that more souls may come into repentance and be prepared, keeping their lamps burning as the Bride of the Faithful and True rider (2 Cor. 5:21, Malachi 3:1, Rev. 19:11). This makes us Voices of Salvation, chosen by Everlasting Father, to bear more fruits that remain for the advancement of the Kingdom of Heaven, discipling souls. However, this should be done in Love, that the hardened hearts of the sons of men may be broken off, softened as with water, and made receptive to the Salvation of God, through His Servants proclaiming Good News, that the essence of our Christ's calling may be fulfilled, "And the glory of the LORD will be revealed, and all people together will see it, for the mouth of YHWH has spoken," (Isaiah 40:3-5).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You Heavenly Father, for Your Divine presence in me through Your Word, Who made me a voice of Salvation - making known Your Love, as I disciple souls to prepare them for the second coming of Your Son, the Messiah of the World;

From John 1:23


The Revelation of God, Jesus Christ - Our Blessed Redeemer, brought forth Grace and Truth, "so that as sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life," with all who believe and receive Him as Lord and Saviour (John 1:14, Romans 5:21). Having been redeemed by grace, sin shall not have dominion over us; for we are no longer under legalism, but under God's Grace, which keeps us from the curse (Romans 6:14).
Moreover, eternity with the Father is rest assured, as we've been redeemed by His Grace in Christ Jesus; the Way, Truth, and Life. For, He bears witness of Truth; by His Grace, we are made free from sin and eternal condemnation to be victorious, in right relationship with the Source, and freely love others (John 8:32, 14:6 & 18:37).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you Gracious and Everloving Father, for establishing the New Covenant through Your Word, Jesus Christ, who reveals the Truth  of Your Divine and eternal Salvation for mankind in  Himself, making  me gracefully accepted into Your Kingdom - having received Him as my Lord and Savior,

From John 1:17


It's always right to give our Heavenly Father all the glory for every one of His benefits and attributes because He is the Only miracle-...