Showing posts with label Thanksgiving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thanksgiving. Show all posts


Giving thanks to the LORD for the plenty He has provided, appreciating His goodness, love, and favor freely shown to us, makes all that we have, surrendered into His able hands, more than sufficient for our needs. This is made possible through God's abundant grace upon all who are faithfully diligent in advancing His Kingdom, bearing fruit that remains, which reveals our identity in Christ, as Heirs of the Father and Sons of Abraham (Eph. 3:20).
Also, the Divine grace we receive upon every effort offered in thanksgiving to our Heavenly Father, makes all that we possess, both physically and spiritually, in strength and might, enough to share - lovingly helping others with their basic needs, for the growth of His advancing Kingdom.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for Your abundant Grace and Love in my life, which provides enough for me to share with others, in love, from the depth of my heart. Please help me to redeem the time and remain Divinely motivated to always appreciate Your Love, Grace, and presence in thanksgiving forever,

From John 6:11-13


t's our calling and purpose of existence, as Christians and wonderful Creations of God, to praise, worship, and glorify His name with all of our strength and might, giving no room for distraction, yet keeping our spirits illuminated for Him, and our souls focused on advancing His Kingdom, that our joy may be full.
Moreover, refusing to glorify the name of the LORD, in every situation, or trying to stop the Truth from going forth, can never silence the magnificence of His glory; rather, Jesus defends His disciples with all power, and more vessels will be raised for the exaltation of His Holy name. There is not one stone that doesn't bring glory to its Creator, Who always was the same as He is, and will remain. So, let's continue glorifying the name of the LORD Who Saves, exalting Him in all our endeavors, as ambassadors of Christ, that we may eternally remain vessels of His Divine will.
PRAYER: Lord Jesus Christ, my Blessed Redeemer, and the Restorer of my soul, be exalted above all the Heavens; let your glory be above all the Earth, for there is none Holy as you, LORD!

From Luke 19:39-40


Giving thanks to and appreciating the LORD for His love, mercy, and marvelous works, done for the good of those around us, and in our lives, is a way God is still revealing the wonders of His Love through us. Giving glory to Jesus also reaffirms our faith and Christ's Calling: exalting the name of the LORD, proclaiming His goodness to all, declaring our identity as the redeemed of the LORD, that the mindset of many may be changed, and their commitment towards eternity with the Father, is re-established for God's Salvation of their souls.
Furthermore, coming close to appreciate God, ultimately brings the knowledge of His goodwill to mankind, reaching those who seek to better understand a loving relationship with He Who Is redeeming many from the Kingdom of darkness, into the path of Light, which leads above, to the place of Peace and Glory, in the Kingdom of Heaven. So, let's remain thankful, praising the LORD for His goodness to cleanse us, that all around us may experience the wonders of His Love, coming to the realization that He is the Wonder-working God, who redeems and delivers all who trust in Him, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, the Great Redeemer, and the Wonder-working Father, for I am redeemed through faith, by your unconditional Love and compassion for my soul, in Your Holy name;

From Luke 17:17-19


Being thankful for all the LORD has done, that which He is doing, and appreciating Him for that which He has promised to do for all who love Him and are called according to His purpose, makes known His unconditional love and abundant grace; for, as we continuously give thanks to the LORD, coming from the depth of our hearts, falling at Jesus' feet, which once were covered in blood to make our sins whiter than wool, our Heavenly Father will always be willing to be with us, in paradise. Since the LORD hates complaining, and does not delight in burnt offerings, blood, or animal sacrifices, today, our praises in thanksgiving, showing gratitude for His Love and compassion, are pleasing to Him.
Though our praise isn't enough for all the LORD has done, He still accepts it, when it comes from hearts humble to obey and bless Him; for, He knows our strength and He appreciates us, as we give our all in worship, thanksgiving, and praises to Him alone. So, always be thankful and glorify the LORD, and you will continue to enjoy the abundance of His Grace, Love, and Mercy, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you LORD, Ever-loving Father, for all you've done, that which you are doing right now, and many more marvelous works you are still going to do!
May your Name forevermore be glorified, 

From Luke 17:14-16


It's always right to give our Heavenly Father all the glory for every one of His benefits and attributes because He is the Only miracle-...