Tuesday, December 31, 2024


Praying for all converted and those being discipled in the image of God as Sons and Daughters, by the Holy Spirit who ministers through every faithful member of Christ's Body, keeps the growing Christians delivered from all evil acts and preserved for the glory of our Heavenly Father (Matt. 6:13, 2 Tim. 4:18). This is a self-sacrificing duty of love, meant to keep converts from the influence of "this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father," so that the ever protective banner of the LORD, which strengthens the Faithful, will also keep them guarded and guided from the snare of the wicked one (Gal. 1:4, 2 Thess. 3:3).
Moreover, "we know that whoever is born of God does not sin," by understanding the Gospel; yet, Ministers shouldn't stop praying for the Disciples under our care so that the fallen one may not touch them (1 John 5:18-19).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Heavenly Father, for giving me the grace to pray for all whom you've placed under my care to disciple and everyone converted in Your Mighty Name. Please continue to strengthen my faith in Your Son and keep Your own protected from all evil initiatives of the devil and his agents,

From John 17:15

Monday, December 30, 2024


The Divine presence of God's Word given by our Heavenly Father to faithful souls for the redemption of followers of Christ, greatly sets His own apart for Himself, being sanctified for His glory and separated from the lust of the flesh to dwell in the abundance of His grace, mercy, and favor as Heirs of His Heavenly Kingdom proclaiming His good will on the Earth. This makes those who reject the Love of the Father shown through His Son, Jesus Christ, distance themselves from Godly people, thereby declaring their disbelief and hatred for He who lives in every Christian (Luke 21:17-19, John 15:19).
Also, as Children of God, we are not going the way of the dark world, being blessed as His representatives, so whenever we are falsely accused for Christ's sake, we should not be disturbed, for there is a Divine assurance that we will surely be rewarded as Heirs inheriting life in God's Kingdom (Luke 6:22-23, 1 John 3:13-14).

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for Your Word distinguishing my life and keeping me severed from all evil, though the workers of iniquity may dislike this Way of Life because of Your Word written in the tablet of my Heart; still, I have a Divine assurance that Your saving grace and everlasting Love always keep me and those identified as Christians separate from the unholy and preserved for Your glory and my good, in Jesus' Name,

From John 17:14

Friday, December 27, 2024


Continuing the redemptive work of Jesus Christ by taking the Good News of Salvation to the reach of all lacking the knowledge of Truth, makes ministering vessels of the Holy Spirit, live to the fulfillment of the joy of Jesus our Savior while transforming the lives of all faithful to receive Him. The preaching of the Gospel in Love, is delightful to all who, in Christ Jesus, are serving together in His Vineyard and He fills as many as receive the Truth, declared in God's Holy Name, with Divine Joy over His finished work, which brings peace to guard the hearts of the Faithful (John 15:11, Phil. 4:7).
Furthermore, we are channels of God's Word, living as ambassadors of the Kingdom and bringing the image of the Beloved Son to the World before His return. Also, as we reveal the Father's Love - keeping us with each other beyond this passing world - lives are renewed for God's glory while hearts remain filled with His everlasting joy, which springs forth in praise to the LORD!

PRAYER: Thank You, Ever-loving Father, for filling me with sublime Joy through Your Spirit who lives in me, making me a channel of Your Word on Earth. Please, keep me empowered to reach out to more souls before I meet our Father, that many may experience and be filled with Your Joy as they receive the Gospel which I proclaim with authority, in Jesus' Name,

From John 17:13

Thursday, December 26, 2024


After the conversion of souls still in the world, their formerly worldly mindsets transformed by the inspired Words of God ministered by the Holy Spirit tending to people through us - like our Lord Jesus Christ lovingly interceded for and guided His Disciples to safety all through His life on Earth - we need to walk in His footsteps, praying in His Name to our Father for the protection even of their Salvation, so that they may also stay preserved as we are in Christ Jesus who has redeemed all who believe in Him (Col. 1:13-14, 17 & 21-23, 2 Peter 2:20 & 21). His covering is necessary for the unity and growth of every fruit we bear so that they may remain worthy of a place in God's Vineyard, guided by the Word of the LORD and empowered by the Holy Spirit to triumph over every trial and temptation that comes their way (Luke 22:32, Rom. 12:5).
Therefore, loving all kindred Jesus has given us and who are about to give account, praying until the end for the household of God to grow in the Spirit so they may not fall yet remain strengthened to subdue every challenge that comes their way, remains our responsibility as intercessory vessels of God's love preserving every repentant soul we oversee as good stewards, in God's Holy Name (John 10:38-30 & 13:1, Heb. 13:18-19).

PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for keeping me set apart from every distraction of the flesh, to remain comforted by the Spirit and redeemed by Your gift of Salvation through faith, so I may live long as an ambassador of Your Living Word to all you have given me to disciple in Your Holy Name while remembering my days are numbered (Ps. 90:12). Please, strengthen those who watch over my soul and the Sisters and Brothers You've placed under my care, even after I'm gone, for Your glory so they will be equipped in the Spirit to prevail over every force trying to separate them from Your presence, being one in the Name of Jesus Christ, Your Son,

From John 17:11-12

Wednesday, December 25, 2024


Every Faithful Christian is the LORD'S in Christ Jesus, for all that we are, own, and the good we do, as Children of God, is from our Heavenly Father, being the Creator of all and our protector (2 Pet. 1:3). As co-heirs with the Word and Son of God, we receive all that we need from the Father to live sustained on Earth, being citizens of Heaven glorifying the LORD through His Son who lives in all who are born of the Spirit as channels declaring His Word and carrying out His marvelous works (John 16:15).
Also, being one with Christ and members of His body, His Power and Authority manifests in and through us for His glory, while we dwell in His grace, exalting His Name above all names in Heaven and on Earth (1 Cor. 12:12, Phil 2:9).

PRAYER: In the Name of God's Salvation, thank You Heavenly Father, for making me a vessel of mercy for Your glory, ministering Your Praise on Earth through Christ Jesus who lives in me. Please, keep me motivated to exalt Your Holy Name at all times so that souls may acknowledge Your awesome excellence in my life and be willing to repent from pride, becoming citizens of God's Kingdom,

From John 17:10

Tuesday, December 24, 2024


As faithful servants of God ministering in Christ Jesus, we should always pray, especially for all we converted and those we are discipling so that they may grow in the Spirit as they receive the knowledge of the Living Word. Our Heavenly Father has given us the great commission of Christ Jesus to make Disciples, lovingly converting souls through the constant declaration of God's Word, ministered by the Holy Spirit for the growth of His advancing Kingdom through us; still, we need to intercede for the newly converted and growing Christians, realizing they are the fruits we bear as branches of the True Vine but, "the world lies under the sway of the wicked one" (Matt. 28:19-20, 1 John 5:19).
Moreover, anyone given to be under one's care is not theirs but the LORD'S, for we are mere vessels anointed for His glory which makes our Christ's Calling in His vineyard one of selfless service, doing all we can through the Divine guidance of the Holy Spirit to persevere in prayer to keep souls preserved and protected for our Father's advancing Kingdom (Eph. 6:18).

PRAYER: Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for making me useful for Your glory, as a vessel of the Holy Spirit and channel of Your redeeming Word, called to transform lives You are keeping preserved for God's Kingdom. Please, keep me strengthened with reminders to lovingly intercede for those you've given me and guide me in teaching all You have commanded, in Jesus' Name,

From John 17:9

Monday, December 23, 2024


Chosen disciples are equipped with the gift of the Holy Spirit through personally believing God's Living Word who was sent to reveal the meaning of the LORD's Holy Name; being Christlike, we are declaring it to every person in praises as we spread the Good News of Salvation to the reach of all lacking knowledge of the Truth (Ps. 22:22, Rom. 1:17). We shouldn't discriminate against anyone, knowing that each soul belongs to our Creator, for our Calling in Christ is keeping hold of and making known His redeeming grace to the lost and broken-hearted so that, by receiving the Gospel we also received, they may be delivered out of ignorance and included in the Body of Christ (Ezek. 18:4, Luke 5:32, John 6:37).
Moreover, our Heavenly Father is the reason for our existence; for, without Him, we are nothing, yet He gave us a mouth filled with Holy words and at His order, as the Light of the World, declaring His presence is our responsibility (Deut. 18:18, Mat. 5:14). So let's do it with love for all created in the image of God, then we will remain fulfilled, graciously deserving of His Kingdom as co-heirs with Christ (Rom. 18:4, Phil. 1:21).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Heavenly LORD and Gracious Father, for making me a channel of Your everlasting Word, revealing Your Divine identity to many individuals in Your favor. Please, keep me equipped and motivated to endlessly proclaim Your Salvation to humankind so that, as they receive the Truth in Your Holy Name, select souls may be redeemed,

From John 17:6-8

Friday, December 20, 2024


All Christians created from the beginning and reborn in the Spirit through faith in Christ Jesus to remain established as vessels of glory, united with the Father by the Son, belong together with God in Spirit (Prov. 8:22-23). In Christ Jesus, we are exalted and reinstated to serve as Heirs of the Kingdom, glorified by grace as triumphant vessels destined to subdue every principality and power standing against our Christ's calling, through holding onto God's Word, and the manifestation of His Spirit, bringing many to repentance as they acknowledge the effectiveness of the Power, Grace, and Anointing of the LORD present in our lives (Eph. 1:20-23).
Also, being created in the image and likeness of God in Christ Jesus, who is the firstborn of all Creation, sitting at the right hand of the Father, we see, feel, and become channels of His Love and mercy, "prepared in advance for glory," as Sons and Daughters of God, proclaiming the Salvation of the LORD (Gen. 1:26-27, John 1:14, Col. 1:15, Heb. 1:3).
PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for graciously lifting me to a glorious position in Christ Jesus, Your Son and Loving Word, through the presence of the Holy Spirit in me. Please, keep me motivated to share the life of Christ, walking in the Spirit to glorify Your Name until we are side by side, forever,

From John 17:5

Thursday, December 19, 2024


We are created in the image and likeness of God, called and chosen to glorify the Father, which can only be accomplished by doing His will on Earth as it is in Heaven, proclaiming His Word, and walking in the Spirit as ambassadors of Christ, bearing fruits that remain through conversion and discipling of souls (John 13:31-32). Faithful Christians are Divinely satisfied by selflessly accomplishing the will of God, exalting His Holy Name until the completion of our job, for our Heavenly Father sustains and preserves His own for His glory (John 4:34).
Furthermore, being submitted to the LORD, assigned as channels of His Word and vessels of His marvelous works, we are meant to live for Christ, praising and exalting Him as our Creator, for we are nothing without Him because He is the reason for our existence, source of our strength, and trustworthy protection (Eph. 2:10, Ps. 27:1, 28:7 & 46:1).

PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for giving me the grace to live for Your glory, magnifying Your Holy Name through praises and the declaration of Your Word to all, even as I remain a living testimony of Your Love on Earth. Please, help me to continue doing Your will, advancing Your Kingdom until my last breath, in Jesus' mighty Name,

From John 17:4

Wednesday, December 18, 2024


The knowledge of God revealed by His Word, Jesus Christ, and made manifest through the Holy Spirit, keeps us free from the bondage of sin and death so that we may live eternally for His glory as citizens of Heaven (John 3:16, Rom. 5:17). Having received God's Word, redeemed by grace through faith in Him, we shouldn't relent in glorifying the Name of the LORD, testifying of His Loving-Kindness which shows our understanding that His mercy is overclouding His Judgement, so that more individuals may come to the realization of His Love and receive the gift of everlasting life as they willingly receive Christ from the depth of their hearts (Jer. 9:24, Eph. 2:4-8, Jam. 2:13).
Moreover, God has commissioned every Christian to act as channels of His Word, equipping us with the power of the Holy Spirit to reach out to all lusting over the pleasures of the flesh and temporal comfort coming from the kingdom of darkness which covers one's eyes from acknowledging the Truth so that, as many as receive the Gospel we proclaim by faith, will be delivered from death and every deception leading to eternal condemnation, being disciples graced with lasting life in Christ Jesus, as triumphant vessels in God's Kingdom (1 John 2:16-17, John 3:16 & 33-36).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Ever-Gracious Father, for making me a channel of Your Word and vessel of Your glorious works on Earth, commissioned to reach out to souls, declaring everlasting life, so that people may come to know the one and only True God in Christ Jesus, our Lord and Blessed Savior,

From John 17:3

Tuesday, December 17, 2024


Every faithful Christian is exalted and empowered by the Holy Spirit through the Word of God, Jesus Christ, who lives in every mortal who will receive Him wholeheartedly, for we are favored with Divine authority from the Father to live forever, dominating the forces of darkness and powers of wickedness to glorify the LORD as Beloved Sons and Daughters of God (Dan. 7:14, Matt. 11:27, John 3:35). The presence of Christ in the Bride committed to Him, makes the Church vessels of authority whom all flesh bows in submission to as Heirs of the Father who gives us spiritual children with whom to share everlasting life (Phil. 2:10-11, Heb. 2:8 & 9*).
Furthermore, it's the will of our Heavenly Father to make us useful for His glory, being channels of His Living Word doing His marvelous works; for in His Vineyard, He has exalted us to the position of Laborers* chosen to convert and disciple souls, magnifying the Name of Jesus as they proclaim the Gospel of Truth which they've received (John 6:37 & 39).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for calling, choosing, and exalting me to a position of glory, empowering me to convert and disciple souls for the growth of Your advancing Kingdom. Please, keep me humbled and willing to glorify Your Name always, even as I progress in everything, evermore,

From John 17:1-2

Monday, December 16, 2024


Being of God in Christ Jesus, the assuring Word of the Father who never fails, yet abides forever, makes all who are faithful, Overcomers and gives us peace and comfort in His presence where no evil can prevail (Ps. 91:10-11, 1 John 4:4). The revelation of God's Love, shown through His Word and Son given for the redemption of our souls, keeps us wonderfully counseled by His Spirit in the path of Truth and Righteousness so we may have peace, being justified by faith (Is. 9:6, Rom. 5:1).
Moreover, "Jesus Christ Himself is our peace," having subdued every force and power of the wicked trying to separate us from the grace and pleasure we receive as the workmanship of the Father, preserved for God's glory so that even in trials or temptation, we are not worried, knowing victory through Christ who lives in us (Ps. 139:13, Eph. 2:10 & 14).

PRAYER: Thank You, Prince of Peace, for Your presence in my life has taken away all my troubles and graced me with Your everlasting peace, which transcends all understanding, guarding my heart and mind from worries, knowing that with You, I will always triumph in Your Holy Name,

From John 16:33

Friday, December 13, 2024


Being faithful to Christ Jesus, the Word of God, walking in the Spirit, and living for His glory keeps us firmly preserved and Divinely protected in the comfort of His grace and anointing (Exo. 32:14, Ps. 46:7). We might be deserted, ignored, or denied by friends, employers and loved ones because of our calling in Christ; still, we Christians will never be alone nor without comfort and light, for the presence of God is ever with us by the gift of the Holy Spirit in and through us, revealing the Love of our Father to everyone (Ps. 27:10, Matt. 1:23).
Also, the LORD always stands with His chosen vessels whom He has commissioned, equipped, and sent out to the whole human race for their salvation, advancing His Kingdom - for, as beloved children continuously work according to the will of the Father, bearing fruits that remain while we who are anointed for Christ's glory keep doing the things that please God, the representatives of the Living Word will never be alone (John 8:29).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for You are always with me, protecting and leading me through the path of Life as I remain committed to Your command, proclaiming the Gospel of Salvation to all. Please, keep me abiding close in Your presence and equipped in the Spirit to live to the fulfillment on Earth of Your Divine will,  as it is in Heaven,

From John 16:32

Thursday, December 12, 2024


The knowledge shared with the Prince of Peace builds faith and the Holy Spirit reveals God's Word simply so there is no more separation from God but hope to spend the future together. No longer questioning the message of Jesus but wholeheartedly receiving Wisdom heard, shows that we believe He is the Son of God who came from the Father for the Salvation ofpeople chosen to be delivered from shortened lives (John 3:16, Rom. 10:17). The authority of Christ revealed through the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our lives, as we meditate on God's Word and live by the blood sacrificed, Divinely gives every Faithful Christian answers to all that we need to know, making us bold to affirm and continue seeking Jesus Christ who belongs to the Father, in Him (John 14:10-11).
Therefore, we should continue"living in the Way of Christ, being His ambassadors to the World so that souls may hear the affirmation of His living Word and experience God's Love through our actions so that they may feel the touch of the Holy Spirit and testify, in repentance, that Jesus Christ is from God and will always be with us.

PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for the revelation proceeding from You and testifying by the Holy Spirit of Your Word who gives me the understanding I need to declare Your Divine existence to everyone. Please, continue to keep me bold and confident in Your love as I affirm Your existence, in Jesus' Name;

From John 16:30-31

Wednesday, December 11, 2024


Just as Jesus Christ, who is from the Father, "the Word of God who became flesh to live with us," later returned home - after fulfilling the Law and prophecies of God through His birth and baptism, death, burial and resurrection - everyone re-born of God by the circumcision of the Holy Spirit and full water-immersion in His Name, will also return to the Father in Christ Jesus on the last day as triumphant vessels and Heirs of God's Kingdom (Ecc. 12:7, John 1:1-2 & 14). Being favored as friends of Christ to know this and happy to be leaving this world to receive mercy from its Judge, yet living according to His statutes, which keeps us separate from those facing eternal separation, and keeping teachings of the Truth, we should endeavor to love everyone we come across in life, discriminating against no one; for everything we own or possess on Earth is from the LORD, whom we belong to and whom we will surely return to in due time, even as we give Him the glory and love deserved of our King (Matt. 5:17-19, John 13:1 & 3, 15:14-15). 
Moreover, "our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed to us," as Children of God living for Christ, proclaiming the Good News of God's Salvation which, transforming the mindsets of many, brings them through repentance to our Holy Father so that they might also experience the glorious presence of the only one who brings an everlasting joy to all who faithfully receive Him (Rom. 8:17-18).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for the revelation of Your Word, which has made me realize where I came from and am fortunate to return to as I continue living to the fulfillment of my Christ's calling. Please, keep me guided by the Holy Spirit so that I may remain on the path of righteousness leading to Your Heavenly Kingdom, where every faithful Christian is pre-destined to live forever in your heart, in Jesus' Name,

From John 16:28

Tuesday, December 10, 2024


Our love for the light, revealed by our willingness to trust in Jesus Christ as the Son of God from our Holy Father, has made us loved by the LORD, the Creator of all people (Ps. 89:26). Also, the keeping of God's Commands by living in the Way of Christ, declares love for the Word from the Father who loves all who likewise are truly faithful to Him; God the Father is gracefully manifesting Himself in Christ Jesus through the Holy Spirit making His home in every faithful Christian, a part of His Holy Temple, consecrated for His goodwill on Earth and chosen ahead of time by the Father above (John 14:21-23, Eph. 4:13-17). Moreover, we can believe God loved us first, for He revealed it through His Holy Word and obedient Son whom He gave of Himself for the Salvation of our souls; our love for Him is expressed through our submission to His living Word by faith, making every Christian acceptable to Him through His redeeming grace (John 3:16, 1 John 4:19). So, we can go to our Holy Father to ask for ourselves what God's will is, trusting to receive His very best (Luke 11:13).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for proving you love me through freely giving the life of Your Son who keeps me as a Bride adorned for Your glory, united with You in the Spirit. Please, help me to keep on loving You in submission to Your Word so I may always abide in Your Love, living for Your glory, in Jesus' Name,

From John 16:27

Monday, December 9, 2024


We are favored to conduct ourselves with the Gift of the Holy Spirit who gives faithful Christians the Wisdom needed to understand the revelation of God's Word - declaring the Father's Love and eternal existence clearly - for our good and His glory. As vessels of the Holy Spirit ministering the Word of God, every revelation we receive is clear to us, even when it's given in a way that is beyond human understanding; since we are of the Spirit and not of the flesh, it becomes easier to interpret rightly - keeping us filled with the Joy of the LORD, which gives us Divine peace and eternal hope as Heirs of the Father in Christ Jesus whom we are going to (John 17:13).
Moreover, by living for Christ doing the will of the Father on Earth, bearing fruits that remain, by the conversion and discipling of souls, we become channels of His Word, revealing the Father plainly, for the Salvation of souls.
PRAYER: LORD and Christ, thank you Heavenly Father, for full revelations of Your Word and the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit who helps me know You more. Please keep me motivated through the Holy Spirit as I am privileged to make known the Good News to all so that one more soul may gain an understanding of Your eternal existence once Your Word is received today, in Your Holy Name,

From John 16:25

Wednesday, December 4, 2024


Faith in Christ Jesus, God's Living Word who never fails, yet abides all-powerful forever, keeps us in His Divine favor so that whatever we ask in His Holy Name, we receive, as Beloved Christians walking in the Spirit to glorify the LORD and enjoy all His benefits. We receive this Grace from our Heavenly Father directly through His Word in whom our faith anchors, as we function in the gift of the Holy Spirit who reveals Him, giving us the understanding to live as Christ on Earth - ambassadors of Heaven - so that our joy may be complete (John 15:11).
Therefore, everything that we are, receive, and possess on the surface of the Earth all exist by free, good, and perfect gifts accepted through trusting the Son of God: the Word proceeding from the Father who dwells in us, Temples of God and vessels of His Spirit, manifesting the Grace and Power of the LORD to mankind for the growth of His advancing Kingdom.

PRAYER: Thank You, in the marvelous Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for granting us the grace to ask anything we desire as Christians and faithful Children of God living according to Your Divine will. Please continue to keep us happily and safely guided by Your Word as we humbly dwell in the comfort of the Holy Spirit,

From John 16:23-24

Tuesday, December 3, 2024


You need not be worried, afraid, nor troubled, for you may not see Him but the LORD is with you and as you continue faithfully in His service, abiding in the Righteousness of God and living in obedience to His everlasting Word, Jesus Christ, you will always have reasons to rejoice and nothing and no one will be able to take away your joy which the Spirit of God has destined for you as His anointed vessel (John 14:1). Since we believe in the Son of God as our Lord and Savior, loving Him who first loves us, without meeting Him physically, and have received the Spirit, we will always remain in the Joy of the LORD, knowing by His Grace and Love, we are saved (1 Pet. 1:8, 1 John 4:19).
So, no matter who comes and goes, let's remain hopeful, trusting in the LORD who never fails, "for as many promises as God has made are answered in Christ," concerning our lives and at His return, He will surely fulfill them all (2 Cor. 1:20).

PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for Your Word always renews my hope and faith in You, which leads me to the joyful comfort of Your presence. Please, keep strengthening me to stay ready as I hold onto and share the joyful experience of Your existence in my life through the declaration of the Gospel so that many may hear Your Word and, by faith in Christ Jesus, receive Your Grace,

From John 16:22

Monday, December 2, 2024


Going through loss or challenges as humans is a necessity that nature brings as a result of sin, which the fall of Mankind brought into the World, yet with the presence of Jesus Christ, our Blessed Redeemer alive in us, we are made Overcomers, for He has taken away our sorrows, the pain we should have carried, and girded us with gladness to surely testify with hearts joyfully glorifying the Name of the LORD with praises of thanksgiving before all who once saw us worried (Gen. 3, Ps. 30:11, Is. 53:4-7). Troubled times are like the raging storms and dark clouds moving by that only exist for a little while to try our faith but at the rising of the Sun they are subdued, memories erased, by the Light and Power of God in our lives through His Divine Grace (Ps. 30:5, Matt. 8:23-26, John 1:5).
Therefore, do not be worried nor disturbed by your present situation, for there is a season for everything; with your faith in Christ Jesus, suffering will give way to glory and you will rejoice, testifying of the goodness of the LORD, in due time (Ecc. 3:1-8, Rom. 8:18-19). He has given us the person of the Holy Spirit and God's gifts and calling are not taken back (Rom. 11:29, Isa. 54:10.)

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Heavenly Father, for the revelation of Your Redeeming Word has taken away my sorrows and filled me with everlasting joy through the manifestation of Your Grace, Power, and Glory in my life. Please, continue to fight my battles and keep me patient as You conquer separation so that I may always have reasons to rejoice in the Spirit and testify to all, of Your goodness,

From John 16:20-21


The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...