Do not get yourself involved in any form of bloodshed, particularly that of the innocent,

but always do all you can to avoid it as a child of God, by being just and truthful in all that you do, 

no matter the position or situation you find yourself, that you will always be found worthy of God's grace.

PRAYER: Gracious LORD and Heavenly Father, please continue to lead and direct me in the comfort of the Holy Spirit,

that I will always remain guided in the path of truth and righteousness, being free all guit and stains in Jesus Christ name amen.


It's not right as a priest or minister of the gospel to accept any money gotten from the bloodshed of an innocent one, when you have the full knowledge of it, 

for this may affect your spiritual life negatively.

PRAYER: Merciful LORD, thank you for your word which gives light and reveals the truth to all,

for through the revelation of your word, I am saved from every deception that may lead me to receive that which is not mine in Jesus Christ name amen.


Don't be involved in any form of betrayal towards another, because it only leads to future regrets,

feeling disturbed as a result of the guilt within ones heart, for those who instigated a man towards the fall of another, will not be supportive towards him when the guilt arise.

PRAYER: Heavenly LORD strengthen me to always remain loving to all and committed to do your will,

that I will never have any desire to betray or go against another for any reason in Jesus Christ name amen.


You should never use violence to resolve any given situation, for violence is not a solution to any problem,

but you should always embrace peace and avoid conflict, that the will of God may prevail over your situation.

PRAYER: Dear LORD and loving Father, please let your love continue to flow in my heart,

that I will always remain an ambassador of peace, displaying my true nature as a christian,

by finding a peaceful resolution to every challenge that comes my way in Jesus Christ name amen.


Be watchful of your ways of life and do not allow the lust of the flesh to subdue the will of the Spirit in you,

but always remain steadfast and prayerful, that you will always remain victorious over all evils.

PRAYER: Eternal Father the King of glory and creator of Heaven and Earth,

please let your divine protection and the comfort of the Holy Spirit always remain and abide in me, that I will continue to remain triumphantly victorious over every evil manipulations of the wicked in Jesus Christ name amen.


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...