Believing and receiving God's Word, Jesus, being saved through faith to begin living the eternal life of Christ and doing our Holy Father's will lovingly, makes us sovereign Sons and Daughters of God (Galatians 3:6). Existing as new creations and Heirs of the Father, born of water and the Spirit through baptism - testifying that we are dead to the flesh yet alive in the Spirit as God's Children, we are separated from the carnality of men, but renewed to live by the Spirit, and empowered to bear fruits that remain for the advancement of God's Kingdom (John 3:5, Galatians 6:15).
Also, "having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible, through the Word of God which lives and abides forever," we are gracefully blessed with the Divine assurance of eternity with the LORD, because; "of His own will He brought us forth by the Word of Truth, that we might be a kind of first-fruits of His creatures" (James 1:18, 1 Peter 1:23).
PRAYER: Thank you, Abba Father, for by Your Word, whom I believe and received by faith, you made me an Heir of Your Kingdom - generously endowed to testify of Your Word to all, for the Salvation of souls in Jesus' gracious name;

From John 1:12-13


As a result of the influence of the devil on the sons of men, diverting their attention from God's Word, who reveals the true nature of Elohim - the Great I Am That I Am, YHWH - many lack the right knowledge of Him, or want to know what has not been fully revealed, and make themselves known, though unfinished. Yet, as we receive Him into our hearts, and constantly meditate in His Word, the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit will give us a Divine understanding of Christ, through whom all things were made by Him, and for Him, that we may live for Jesus' glory as Sons and Daughters of God (1 Corinthians 8:6, & 13:12, Hebrews 1:2).
However, rejecting God's Word even when proclaimed in love, reveals one's denial of His Divine reign over every life, and this rebel drifts away from the LORD'S saving Grace, leading to death (Luke 19:14 & 27). Still, as ambassadors of Christ, we shouldn't relent in our Christ's calling, first to those closest to us, that the mindset of mankind who is far away from the LORD, may be renewed and the knowledge of the Good News may give light to their understanding, for God's Salvation of needy souls.
PRAYER: Thank you, Ever-loving Father, for the Divine knowledge of Your Word, which reveals Your Love and grants me a better understanding of Your presence in my life - being a vessel of Your glorious works in Christ Jesus,

From John 1:10-11


As Heirs of the Father and earthen vessels of "the True Light, which gives light to every man coming into the world," we are commissioned to bear witness to Jesus Christ, that all who walk in darkness, dwelling in the shadow of death, may experience God's glorious presence, which reveals His Love and gives new life to all who receive Him wholeheartedly (Isaiah 9:2). Even so, Christ Jesus who, manifested through the Holy Spirit, dwells in us, made vessels of His mercy to the world and filled to restore and preserve souls with the revelation of the Truth, solely for the advancement of His Kingdom (Isaiah 49:6).
Furthermore, our identity in Jesus as witnesses who reveal the Truth to all, shouldn't be compromised; for through our Christ's-calling, we are destined to make known the joy of eternity spent with His Father, even as the kingdom of darkness remains subdued by the True Light in us.
PRAYER: Thank you Heavenly Father and Glorious LORD, for Your Light in me, Jesus Christ - Your eternal Word which
keeps me alive, to bear witness to Your Love - revealing the Truth of Your Kingdom. Please keep me from letting others make more of myself, than of You, and pour out the same anointing on many others in a vibrant way, so the kingdom of darkness may remain overcomed in Jesus' mighty name;

From John 1:8-9


Just as John the Baptist came as a lamp burning and shining before the birth of Jesus Christ and during the Bridegroom's lifetime, we faithful Christians and Children of God have also been commissioned to bear witness of His glorious Light in our new lives, testifying of the Truth, before His second coming in Glory and Majesty, that more souls may receive Him and our Joy be fulfilled, as labourers in the LORD'S Vineyard (John 3:28-29 & 5:33-35). 
Being dead to the flesh and alive in the Spirit, we need not call attention to ourselves, nor seek praises from men; rather, we should remain devoted to our Christ's calling - giving God all the glory, while we continuously bear more fruits that remain for His Kingdom.
Furthermore, declaring the Gospel as witnesses of the Truth and Light of God, should be done in love, that hearts may be opened to see Jesus Christ - the Light of God, who leads everyone who receives Him to the Father, as the Way, the Truth and Life.
PRAYER: In Jesus' Holy Name, thank You, Eternal Father, for redeeming me from the kingdom of darkness to become a witness of Your Divine and glorious Light, which reveals the Truth and subdues the forces of darkness, for my good and for the World to know God's Salvation;

From John 1:6-7


Jesus Christ, God's Word, and the Light of the World gives life eternal to all who receive Him, for He has overcome sin and the forces of darkness. The Devil and his agents can never attain nor comprehend the glorious and redeeming Light of God. This makes every initiative of the kingdom of darkness towards all who abide in the Word and Light of God, to ever remain fruitless, because God's Light, in and around us, subdues every form of darkness that comes our way.
Moreover, the revelation of God's Light, by His Word who became flesh to overcome even death, brought Grace and Truth, that we may remain free from condemnation, as Heirs of His Kingdom; being vessels of His glorious Light, strengthened to advance His Kingdom, by the Holy Spirit with power, self-discipline, and love, we teach the Truth - in Christ Jesus (Eph 4:14-24, 2 Tim 1:7).
PRAYER: Thank you, Heavenly Father for making me a vessel of Your gracious Light, commissioned to reveal the Truth of Your Kingdom, that more souls  may be enlightened with the eternal Joy and Peace One receives as an Heir of Your Kingdom, made Righteous in Christ Jesus;

From John 1:5


The revelation of The Word in our lives testifies that we've been gracefully endowed with eternal life in Christ Jesus, as His Faithfuls, having His Word written in the tablets of our hearts, communicating His glorious presence in us, as vessels of Light which make known the Truth in Love, so that all who receive and believe Him, may be blessed with the Light of Life, which redeems souls from darkness (John 3:16, 8:12, 1 John 5:11). This is sure, for as we continue to live for Christ, His presence in and with us will ever remain, as the Light of the world (John 9:5).
Therefore, let's remain faithful in our service to the LORD, abiding together in His marvelous Light, which gives Life to all who believe He is the Messiah sent from God; continuously discipling souls near and far, showing the unshakeable life of Christ, bearing more fruits which survive into God's Kingdom, where at last there will be no more dying (Rev 21:3-4).
PRAYER: LORD, Jesus Christ, thank You for your Word in my life, which reveals the Truth, leading me as a Light on the path of righteousness that gracefully, I may receive eternity in Your Kingdom, in Your Holy Name;

From John 1:4


By the Word of the LORD, Jesus Christ, the Heavens and the Earth were made, as well as all their inhabitants therein, and by the breath of His mouth, life was given to humankind, that we may live for His glory (Psalms 33:6 & 9). He is before all things, and in Him, all things cohere together; for by Him, all things were created, both visible and invisible - whether thrones, dominions, principalities, or powers, because He is the source of all existence (Colossians 1:16-17).
Therefore, let's hold on to our faith in Christ Jesus, by whom all things were created, that we may receive the Divine revelation of His glorious works, as we love, and live for His glory through the Holy Spirit, as co-heirs with Christ.
PRAYER: In Jesus' mighty Name, thank You LORD, for making me a living soul, gracefully commissioned to declare Your everlasting existence, and testify of Your exceeding greatness to all - reaching souls and changing lives, solely for the advancement of Your Kingdom, in Your Holy Name;

From John 1:3


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...