The Word of God, Jesus Christ, is powerful and comes with authority, even as He resides in all whom He chooses as His vessels, called for His glory, to proclaim Himself to all who need God's Salvation. Also,  Divine grace multiplies and sustains all who receive and abide in Him, that they may not lack, yet remain supernaturally favored and blessed to have more in store to share with all who are in need, to the glory of our Father.
Therefore, you need not to worry as a Christian, for you are highly favored as the apple of His eyes, and whatever you find to do with your hands, which is not against the love for God and man, will surely remain Divinely blessed. You can excel in all your endeavors as a successful and progressive child of God, moving and growing in the presence of the LORD, and in the glory of His Majesty, because you received and abide in His Word, Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life, who super-abundantly sustains all who believe and trust in Him as the great provider, Jehovah Jireh, who sees to it.
PRAYER: Thank you YHWH Jireh, for your grace and presence in our lives has made us Divinely blessed, being highly favored through your Word, who sustains us with the Divine provision which we need to remain in your presence, being fit and worthy as your chosen vessels, called for glory in Jesus' Name,


The sense of guilt in a man's life makes him perplexed, shocked, or feel at a loss, and worried by hearing of God's Word which has been brought to his doorstep, without being made his personal entertainment. This makes many who forsake their Calling for the lust of the flesh and vanities of this present world, to be confused by their own pride; they keep seeking familiar directions to wrong solutions in the easiest place, instead of taking the narrow path of true righteousness in Christ Jesus, which leads to Salvation, and restores peace to one's soul.
To overcome these troubled and guilty feelings,  we need to remain submissive and dedicated to the will of God, shining as Sons of the Father, allowing God's Word to remain a living testimony in the tablet of our hearts, as ambassadors of Christ, risen from our graves!
PRAYER: Thank You Heavenly Father, for the Divine assurance of Your glorious Rhema Word, which we can use to restore peace to souls, and give us hope of eternity with the saints, as brethren in Christ Jesus, Your Son;


Living our Calling as Ministers, and Children of God, proclaiming the Gospel of Salvation; should always be done in love, with the intention of restoring all to peace, but not to ignite anger, wrath, or strife in the hearts of men, that the main purpose of the Gospel may be established in the lives of all who will acknowledge His Word.
Nevertheless, as you go forth, proclaiming the Gospel of Salvation in Christ Jesus, and you are being rejected by some whom you share the Goodnews with, don't be discouraged, just hold onto the Cross, and move ahead, even as you keep the testimony of the Word of God, which will always be remembered.
Moreover, we need to go beyond our borders, because many more souls are still hungry for such super-substantial food, known as the Bread of Life, so that they are filled with the Spirit of restoration, free from the bondage of sin and death, again having their faith established in Christ Jesus, who died for the ungodly.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for the great call of Salvation and the Divine Authority to proclaim the Goodnews of your Kingdom to all, graced with the gift of the Holy Spirit, that we may remain Strengthened to carry the Cross to the end, as Sons of God, doing the will of the Father, in Christ Jesus,


As Ministers proclaiming the gospel of Christ, we need not rely solely on material support to do so, yet our service to God should always be selfless, expecting nothing from men, seasoned with the love of Christ given us, that we may remain deserving of God's divine reward, as brethren with Christ, the Source of our authority.
Moreover, as we remain dedicated to our Calling, and focused on doing the Father's will, we can carry the "shield of faith," trusting we will always receive His divine favor from above, coming through men and the works of our hands, which remain productive and sufficient for our basic needs and the spiritual needs around us, to work for His glory and freely live, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Dear LORD, the All-sufficient God, thank you for sustaining and meeting us at the point of our needs, even as we remain devoted to our Calling as Ministers, proclaiming the gospel of Salvation to all, in Christ Jesus, your Son,


We have been called, chosen and ordained as Christians to subdue the forces of darkness and powers of wickedness, defeating them with the authority and curative power of Christ in us, through the Divine Anointing of the Holy Spirit, which gives us the boldness to stand, as Overcomers in Christ Jesus.
With this, we conquer borders, even as we break barriers of weakness, heal the sick, raise the dead, and set the captives free, through the grace, power, and anointing of Christ in us.
Therefore, "shod your feet with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace," stand out, and declare the Goodnews of Salvation to all, that more souls may be restored; brought to life for God's glory and the advancement of His Kingdom.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Everlasting Father, for the authority of Christ in us, as strengthened barrier-breakers; overcoming the forces of darkness and powers of wickedness, to proclaim the gospel of Salvation, and set captives free, through your Word, Jesus Christ, our Blessed Redeemer.


No matter the situation you find yourself in, always remain faithful to the LORD; have your hope rest in His Word, and avoid giving room for doubt or fear of death. Fear weakens one's faith, while faith in Jesus Himself, gives room for the greatest possibilities and Divine restoration from the LORD, who alone is awesome enough to be reverenced by everyone.
Therefore, as Christians, let's continue to hold on to our faith in Christ Jesus, because He is the source of our existence as God's Children, adopted into the fold.
"For he who comes to God must believe that He is, and He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him," that his deepest desires, which are in line with God's Word, may be fulfilled in due time, by the Holy Spirit.
PRAYER: Thank you, Heavenly Father, for taking away the spirit of fear, and blessing us with the gift of the Holy Spirit, which strengthens our faith in your Word, Jesus Christ, to live for your glory, that each of our supplications brought before you in faith, may be answered in Jesus' name.


Though prayer in Jesus' name is the way to commune with God, the key that opens all doors, even so, our dedication reveals our willingness to abide by His Word. 
Yet, it's our faith in Christ Jesus motivating these, granting us the strength needed to carry on until the end, and overcoming every challenge and obstacle in our way, to receive break-through and Divine favor, from the LORD.
Therefore, let no circumstance weaken your faith; rather, be motivated, seeing every trial or temptation as a joy to endure. Grow in Peace along the path Jesus walks, which leads to victory; for the crown of glory, you have to overcome the darkening world, by His Spirit of Holiness. We are more than conquerors, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Thank you, Heavenly Father, for filling and sustaining us with your Word, the Bread of Life, who is Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith. 
He is our Strength in trials, our Redeemer in times of temptation, and His presence in our lives, gives us hope and restoration, as brethren with Him.


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...