Being true and faithful Christians living solely for God's advancing Kingdom, we do not seek our own glory but that of our Heavenly Father who sends us, by whom we are consecrated through the Holy Spirit to serve in His Vineyard as members of the Body of Christ (Prov. 25:27, John 5:41, Col. 3:17). This makes us unique among men who rely on their own understanding, forgetting that we are only vessels in the Potter's hands, "all authority comes from God," and only He deserves all the glory, honor and adoration in Christ Jesus, our LORD (Rom. 13:1). Proclaiming the Gospel with all our might shows we have the Holy Spirit by whom we are taught in order to share the true message (Col. 3:23) 
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, for only You deserve all the glory, honor, and majesty in Christ Jesus, the Light of the World. Please keep me honest and satisfied in humbly seeking Your glory as I proclaim Your Word, so I may be lifted up on the last day and remain 
deserving of Your blessings and favor, in Jesus' name,

From John 7:18


To live and abide in God's Word, doing His will by advancing His Kingdom and bearing fruits for His glory, as His Faithfuls, one needs to know Christ, revealed as the Word and Son of the Father, our Creator (John 1:1-3 & 14). Desiring His will to be done keeps us meditating on the Holy Scriptures constantly, which grows our faith and love for Him, even as we remain humble to receive the guidance of His teachings, by the Spirit who makes known His Covenant so that we may serve Him in Truth, with all our strength and might (Psalm 25:9 & 14, Prov. 3:32).
Also, listening attentively to His Word, through His ministering vessels declaring Him in Love, is necessary for a better understanding of the Good News which we've read and are still experiencing, being vessels of His good will on Earth (John 8:43). This helps in living for Christ as ambassadors of God's Kingdom, being His Bride, chosen and adorned for His Divine pleasure, prepared for His second coming, which could be any time now.
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for the knowledge of Your Word, which makes me desire more of You each day, even as the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, whom You've bestowed upon me, gives a better understanding in order to live in Your Righteousness, in Christ Jesus,

From John 7:17


The teachings and doctrines true Christians and faithful Ministers of the Gospel of Salvation proclaim, are not of human origin; rather, the message is given through God's Children for the World by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, who is the true Teacher, revealing the deep things of God to all who are humble and submissive to His will, solely for His advancing Kingdom. As vessels of the Holy Spirit, we are Divinely endowed with the knowledge of God's Word, written in the tablets of our hearts, to boldly speak and live by the Truth so that as many as listen to and receive the Good News which we proclaim might be saved (Deut. 18:18-19).
Furthermore, by declaring the Truth, making the Gospel known to all in love, we are Testifying of that which the Spirit of God reveals to us as chosen vessels, serving as honest and living Witnesses of God's Word on Earth (John 3:11).
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for making me a living vessel of Your glorious Word and Divine will on Earth, so men may experience Your Love, declared for the Salvation of souls. Please, let the zeal for Your service continue to grow in me as I remain strengthened in the Joy of LORD and who I am in You, reaching out to all who need Your redemption, in Jesus' mighty name,

From John 7:16


The effect of God's grace and glory in our lives, as a result of receiving the promised Holy Spirit by faith, our obedience to declaring God's Word, and our Love for seeing the Salvation of Souls, makes even scholars marvel at the testimony of God's Divine and glorious works in our lives, wondering whence Wisdom is found so that they might also have the power to overcome and speak free of cowardice (Luke 4:22, Acts 2:7). Knowing that we're living for Christ and the advancement of God's Kingdom, makes us different from the Sons of Men, being Heirs of the Father commissioned, not to work on gaining more titles nor degrees, but to sincerely share the Good News of Salvation for the redemption of all who simply seek and receive the Truth which we proclaim (Matt. 28:19-20).
We serve, not according to a written code, but in newness by Christ's calling, walking and teaching according to His Spirit in the exemplary Way revealed by the Messiah in whom our faith is firmly anchored (Rom. 7:6).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for graciously making me a living example of Your Word who, by Your Breath, lives in me. Please, continue to keep me preserved for Your glorious works and active in the Holy Spirit so many may realize Your Love, repent of their sins, and receive Jesus Christ, Your Son, as the Savior of their souls,

From John 7:14-15


We are expected to be submissive to every governing authority, be it that of our Parents, Church Elders, State or Country we belong to and dwell in; still, without placing God first, one lives in fear of such authorities (Prov. 1:7, 3:5-8, Matt. 6:33, Rom. 13:1-7). Living in fear of men and not confessing Christ nor abiding by the Truth keeps a man far from God's presence, for a true Christian declares the Truth to all when the need arises (John 9:18-22, 12:42).
However, as we relentlessly stand by the Truth while we respect the instituted authorities, we will remain strengthened to be of service to Emmanuel, God With Us, ignoring the fear of men, solely to live in the Righteousness of God, upheld by Christ Jesus (John 19:38-42, Is. 41:10).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for granting me the grace to serve You in Truth and with a sound mind in the Spirit, overcoming the fear of every authority standing against my faith in You. Please, continue to strengthen me as an Overcomer triumphing over every oppression of the Wicked One while I live to serve You with all my strength and might,

From John 7:13


Christians are hated by the sons of men and the culture of the world only as a result of the Gospel which we proclaim in Truth; for the mindsets of many are distracted with earthly positions as we make known to their conscience that every soul will definitely give account of their actions on the last day (John 15:18-19). This is our calling and identity in Christ Jesus, which makes us different from the World, being chosen vessels of mercy, set apart to advance God's Kingdom.
Moreover, the sons of men who indulge in unfruitful, evil and deceitful deeds love darkness rather than Light which exposes, reproves and convicts, placing them in a position of condemnation without the Love of God (John 3:19, Eph 5:11 & 12). So, as long as we remain in the Last Ark of Salvation, we do not need to worry about nor feel intimidated by their hatred, yet we should be even more determined to keep sharing the Good News of Salvation and praying for our enemies so that we may live to the fulfillment of our Christ Calling as Heirs of Father (Luke 6:27-28).
PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Heavenly Father, for making me a vessel of the Good News of Truth freely available to the World because of Your Sacrifice. Please continue to lead me, through the Holy Spirit, so that I may always overcome hatred with Your Love in me as the Light of the World,

From John 7:7


Knowing that Jesus Christ is coming very soon to reward everyone according to their works, we should realize that "there is a time for every purpose under Heaven (Rev. 22:12 & Ecc. 3:1)." Now that we are alive in Christ as Heirs of the Holy Father, our time is always ready to live and work for the growth of God's Kingdom while we relentlessly bear more fruits for His glory. Even as the Lamb sits at the right hand of the Father, ruling over the Heavens and the Earth, with all power and authority in His hands, we must acknowledge that we only have a limited time to live for Him as Christians fulfilling the Father's will by converting and discipling souls for God's Kingdom come (Rev. 7:17 & Matt: 6:10). Those around us may die today and have to face judgment alone because they did not receive the Good News of all Jesus has done for us according to the will of our Father, YHWH.
Having been commissioned to proclaim the Gospel of Salvation for the redemption of souls who need deliverance from the bondage of sin and powers of darkness, always being focused on this and determined to do all we need to do today, following Jesus, keeps us ready. So, let's remain steadfast in our selfless service to the LORD, for now is the right time and we will always be readily prepared for Christ's second coming, the timing of which no one can truly tell (Matt. 24:36).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, Heavenly Father, for graciously granting me the opportunity to live for Christ now that I'm on the surface of the Earth. Please, continue to keep me ready and preserved for Your service and glorious coming, as a branch prepared to bear fruit from the True Vine,

From John 7:6


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...