Having a personal experience with Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World, being one with Him in the Spirit, and living to increasingly reflect the glory of the Father, gives every faithful Christian a reason to rejoice; for, "where the Spirit of the LORD is, there is freedom. All of us who see, reflect the glory of the LORD..." (Acts 5:31, 2 Cor. 3:17-18, 1 John 4:13-14). The grace given to Brethren with the Son of God, circumcised in the Spirit, has made us live favored by the LORD as Witnesses of His fulfilled Word, excited to testify of His Love to everybody, with a smile.
Moreover, many Faithfuls in the past desired such a Divine encounter but were not opportune to be a part of it; still, seeing it with the eyes of faith gave them a blessed assurance of eternity with our Heavenly Father, as glad pilgrims on Earth (Luke 10:22-24, Heb. 11:13).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for radiating the grace for me to live with the experience of Your Divine presence through the knowledge of Your Word and the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Please, lead me to those sadly lacking the true knowledge of the Gospel, so they may feel the impression of Your Love, even as they receive You into their hearts, in Jesus' mighty name,

From John 8:56


Listening to and meditating on God's Word builds faith in Christ who brings fallen humanity back to the Father, cleansed in His Son's precious Blood and renewed in the Spirit of our minds to live as a testament to His marvelous works (Rom. 10:17, Ps. 145:4-12). Even so, to be Divinely endowed with the knowledge of Truth given by the Holy Spirit, one needs to be dedicated to humbly living for Jesus, "being a doer of His Word and not only the hearer," as a faithful Christian (James 1:21-25).
Furthermore, we all who are of service to the LORD know Him, since we are united with Him in the Spirit who ministers through us, even as we diligently keep His commandments - living with Love for God and Mankind so that we may remain fruitful for His advancing Kingdom while we abide in Him and He in us, forever (John 7:29 & 15:10).
PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Heavenly Father, for allowing me to know You more each day, through Your Word and the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit who gives me a greater understanding of Your heart. Please, cleanse my lips and lead me to all who need the pure Gospel, so that many may receive it and be saved,

From John 8:55


Being of use to the LORD is an honor coming from the Father alone, towards all who faithfully receive Him through the testimony of His Word declared for the Salvation of mankind. Living as Witnesses of the Truth who declare God's Word in love to all and are able to turn lives around for the better by changing the mindsets of men to remain more focused on the Heavenly Kingdom and the heritage destined for all who remain faithful to the end, makes us graciously deserving of the honor divinely given by the LORD our Father for perfecting individuals, building up the Body of Christ, and so that we may remain equipped for the work of the ministry (Is. 55:11, John 5:31, Eph. 4:11-12).
Therefore, there is no need for a Christian to honor him nor her-self before anyone as a true vessel of the only God, for Christ who commissioned us humbled Himself to serve and will definitely glorify His name in the lives of those who likewise empty themselves as exemplary figures raised up to overcome every test, temptation and cross to carry along the way (Acts 3:13, Phil. 2:7-11, Matt. 16:24 & 23:12).
PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, Gracious Father, for I am highly favored to serve in Your Vineyard, being chosen to testify of Your eternal existence. Please, help me to always glorify Your name, even as I'm honored to be a child of the King of Kings, called and enabled to help with the growth of your advancing Kingdom,

From John 8:54


The grace to triumph over the second death and live forever as Heirs of the Father, comes through faith in Him and full-submission to the Word and Son of God, Jesus Christ -  acknowledging Him as Lord and Messiah of our souls (Rev. 21:6-8). God's Love is ever sure, and His mercy endures eternally; yet, one is required to faithfully heed His Word and live by it that, "we will not be condemned along with the world," but remain graciously favored with everlasting life, dwelling in Heaven on the Last Day (John 5:24, 1 Cor. 11).
Everybody born of a woman "is appointed to die once," in due time; even then, our faith in Christ Jesus, "the Resurrection and the Life" has made us dead to the lust of the flesh and alive to the will of the Spirit who works in unity with the Father, keeping us forever in the presence of the LORD as saints whose robes have been washed clean by the Blood of the Lamb (John 11:25-26, Heb. 9:27-28, Rev. 7:13-15).
PRAYER: Thank You LORD, Jesus Christ, our Blessed Redeemer, for you've graciously made me an Overcomer, triumphing over tribulations and death through faith, by Your precious life's Blood which cleanses me from my sins. Please, continue leading me to all who are in need of Your redeeming Word, with love so that I may share the Truth for the Salvation of more souls; in Your Holy Name,

From John 8:51


The true and Divine purpose of our existence on Earth as humans, created in the image and likeness of Elohim, is simply to honor the LORD our Creator with every bit of our being and might, having been satisfied with the hope of glory to be shared with Christ for eternity in Heaven, without any intention of seeking earthly acclaim or gains (Deut. 6:23, Prov. 3:7-9, John 5:41). Still, by giving glory to the Son and Word of God, Jesus Christ, the Father is likewise honored because they are one (John 1:1-3 & 14, 10:30).
Moreover, exalting the Name of the LORD Most High and not ourselves while worshipping Him in Truth and in the Spirit, elevates the Righteousness of God, Jesus Christ who revered the One who sent Him, making His vessels of honor to be upheld as the Father decides to glorify the Son of Man before the World, as well as those he's been given (John 3:35, 7:18 & 18:9). Praising God takes away every form of pride and selfishness from our thoughts and tongue so that we may not fall; rather, the LORD keeps His Faithful Children uplifted (Prov. 16:18-19, Matt. 23:12, Phil. 2:5-8)
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, LORD; I ascribe to You all the power, glory, greatness, victory and majesty, for only my God deserves all the praise both in Heaven and on Earth; the Kingdom belongs to You, blessed be Your Holy Name (1 Chron. 29:11)!
Please, continue to keep me close as I humble myself to honor You always, in the Spirit as Your beloved Child,

From John 8:49-50


Being attentive to God's Word, meditating on and abiding by it faithfully, with the fervent desire to please Him affirms that those who trust in what is unseen yet, truly acknowledge Him as the Good Shepherd, our LORD, and Creator (Ps. 23). God's presence has ever been with His people, signifying the acceptance of all faithful Christians as Heirs of His Kingdom; yet, by refusing to believe the Gospel and ignoring His voice, the stiff-necked, like goats are kept away from His Grace, favor, and Divine guidance by their pride and hard-heartedness, showing they are not formed by the Holy Father, nor will they be filled (John 10:26-27, Rom. 6:1-2).
Also, as God's living letters, chosen to proclaim His Good News to all, everyone who is of the LORD receives us and the testimony which we declare, realizing its Divine impact on their spiritual growth and physical development, while the deliberate refusal of God's Word is a mistake which only makes a man to be spotted as a vessel of the wicked one (1 John 4:6)
PRAYER: Thank You LORD, Gracious Father, for the free gift of Your Word has transformed me from a stubborn sinner; please protect your Church to stand apart from deafening crowds, even as I harken to tantalizing teachings in humility and lovingly abide by the Truth as a vessel of Your Divine Will, commissioned to communicate the Good News of Your marvelous works for the Salvation of more souls, in Jesus' mighty name,

From John 8:47


God's Holy Word is the Truth which gives Light and Life to all who believe in Him, for He loves what is right and just, which makes Him a fair, loving, and faithful Father to all who have placed their trust in Him (Ps. 33:4-5). Integrity sets one free from condemnation when claimed by faith in Jesus, for He is the only Way leading to the heart of the Father and by following His voice we can find true peace, right-standing and eternal joy extending into the Kingdom of Heaven (Ps. 26:1, John 14:6, Rom. 14:17).
Although, sometimes it may seem humanly impossible to recognize the Truth, or unbelievably amazing, receiving the Good News from the depth of our hearts gives room for the Holy Spirit to work in our lives, which helps in discerning and understanding reality so that we may faithfully live in Divine certainty as Witnesses of the Truth in Christ Jesus, the everlasting Word of God (John 18:38 & Acts 5:32).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Eternal Father, for helping me to acknowledge, participate in and trust the ultimate reality of Your Word which gives me hope of a brighter future and assurance of Your Love in whom I am set free to glorify Your Holy name. Please, keep me motivated in the Spirit to stay true to my word and boldly reveal the Truth to all the world, so that more souls may be brought to the Light of Your Word, in Jesus' name (James 3:2).

From John 8:45


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...