Receiving and being sustained by the Living Water can only be achieved by believing in Christ Jesus - acknowledging Him as our Lord and the Redeemer of our souls. Our Saviour is always ready and willing to grant everlasting life to everyone who thirsts, freely, without cost. Still, the one named Faithful and True seeks our fervent desire to live faithfully for Him - being the Fountain Of Life bringing forth the Living Water sustaining all who keep trusting Him (Isa. 55:1, Rev. 21:6-7 & 22:17).
Furthermore, the Living Water is the gift of the Holy Spirit which Christ Himself baptizes us with so that we, blessed and favored Children of God might be completely reborn in the Spirit, drawing joyfully from God's Well of Salvation to live forever; while on Earth we remain poured out for others to experience True Love, yet have our thirsty souls quenched and continuously revitalized, for His glory (Isa. 12:3).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for I'm Divinely preserved by Your Grace, being filled with the Living Water which restores my soul and strengthens my spirit as I abide in Your Word; please use me according to your will, solely to glorify Your name,

From John 7:37-38


Everyone ministering for God's Kingdom in Christ Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, is meant to live a fulfilled life in the short period of time assigned by the LORD. As we minister with all dedication and commitment in Truth and Spirit, overcoming every challenge that comes our way through Christ who lives in us, we will surely be received by the LORD our Heavenly Father and counted among the saints on the last day (Mark 16:19).
Since no man truly knows when the LORD will request the return of his spirit, we need to remain active as Ministers, ready to be at peace with the Father at all times, so that we may graciously be accepted by Him when He demands our presence (Luke 12:35).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for giving me the grace to be found acceptable for Your glory, in this lifetime. Please, keep me motivated both physically and spiritually to live to the fulfillment of Your Divine mandate, on Earth as it is in Heaven, so I may be welcomed home in Christ Jesus, Your Son whom I follow, as a faithful and true servant,

From John 7:33-34


The determination to receive Christ and remain abiding in Him no matter the challenges and persecution, comes as a result of our unwavering faith in God's Word written in our hearts and affirmed through our mouths with great assurance, in the Spirit of our minds, that no one in Heaven or on Earth can be compared with Him (Matthew 12:23). Knowing this, we live for Christ, seeing His works made manifest in and through us, vessels of His awesome wonders, glorifying the LORD (John 14:10-12).
Furthermore, the actualization of our Christian faith brings forth breakthroughs and victory over the kingdom of darkness, which also grants peace to our souls, as the Body of Christ, having been gracefully favored and blessed with the abundance of His Love and Divine substance (Isaiah 35:5-6).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You LORD, for Your glorious and marvelous works in my life which strengthen my faith; as I testify of Your magnificence, souls are being transformed - submitting to Your Love which brings Salvation to them, forever,

From John 7:31


We can only know the LORD, our Heavenly Father and Creator through Christ His Son, the revelation of His Word and Love to all (John 1:18). He originates from the LORD and knows Him well so we too may see the Father and walk with the Holy Spirit through Jesus (Matthew 11:27). By His Spirit, abiding in Christ, and He in us, the confidence comes to boldly say that we are growing to know God more each passing day, reflecting His glory and being transformed into His image with intensifying glory - even as it may appear foolish to others as He increases while our fleshly identity falls away (John 8:55 & 3:30). 
Although we've heard the Gospel of Salvation and received it by faith, being one with Christ and knowing the LORD still requires living in the Spirit to have more intimate knowledge of God's presence, which empowers us to leave other agendas behind and declare Him to the World, for the Salvation of souls (Matthew 11:44-46)
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Righteous Father, for helping me to know You better each day as I remain in communion with You in the Spirit. Please, guide me to those who lack the knowledge of Your Word and Divine presence, so that souls may be redeemed and mindsets transformed as I reach out, for Your glory in Christ Jesus,

From John 7:28-29


As Royal Priests chosen by the LORD for His glory and the fulfillment of our Divine mandate on Earth, advancing His Kingdom, we are ordained by Christ for greater than it seems and empowered by the Holy Spirit to always judge honestly and without favoritism so that we may correctly receive the Father's Love and reveal Jesus to great and small (Deut. 1:16-17). This makes those who hunger and thirst for Righteousness wisest amongst men, having been filled with Divine Wisdom, exercising true justice declared by Christ who lives in us (Prov. 24:23, John 8:15-16).
Moreover, while exercising our faith in the LORD, the Church must not encourage more respect for some than others, based on appearance; rather, it stands with the Truth, God's Word and the sword of the Spirit, granting justice to the Righteous and pure in heart (James 2:1-13)
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, for calling and choosing me as a priest ordained to judge by the Spirit and not the flesh, so I may proclaim Your Love with fairness. Please help me to use discernment and continue to keep my mind focused on Your Heavenly Kingdom where my treasures lie, so that I may not be influenced by fading appearances, yet declare Your Truth and rejoice in Your Righteousness, in Jesus' mighty name,

From John 7:24


Being true and faithful Christians living solely for God's advancing Kingdom, we do not seek our own glory but that of our Heavenly Father who sends us, by whom we are consecrated through the Holy Spirit to serve in His Vineyard as members of the Body of Christ (Prov. 25:27, John 5:41, Col. 3:17). This makes us unique among men who rely on their own understanding, forgetting that we are only vessels in the Potter's hands, "all authority comes from God," and only He deserves all the glory, honor and adoration in Christ Jesus, our LORD (Rom. 13:1). Proclaiming the Gospel with all our might shows we have the Holy Spirit by whom we are taught in order to share the true message (Col. 3:23) 
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, for only You deserve all the glory, honor, and majesty in Christ Jesus, the Light of the World. Please keep me honest and satisfied in humbly seeking Your glory as I proclaim Your Word, so I may be lifted up on the last day and remain 
deserving of Your blessings and favor, in Jesus' name,

From John 7:18


To live and abide in God's Word, doing His will by advancing His Kingdom and bearing fruits for His glory, as His Faithfuls, one needs to know Christ, revealed as the Word and Son of the Father, our Creator (John 1:1-3 & 14). Desiring His will to be done keeps us meditating on the Holy Scriptures constantly, which grows our faith and love for Him, even as we remain humble to receive the guidance of His teachings, by the Spirit who makes known His Covenant so that we may serve Him in Truth, with all our strength and might (Psalm 25:9 & 14, Prov. 3:32).
Also, listening attentively to His Word, through His ministering vessels declaring Him in Love, is necessary for a better understanding of the Good News which we've read and are still experiencing, being vessels of His good will on Earth (John 8:43). This helps in living for Christ as ambassadors of God's Kingdom, being His Bride, chosen and adorned for His Divine pleasure, prepared for His second coming, which could be any time now.
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father, for the knowledge of Your Word, which makes me desire more of You each day, even as the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, whom You've bestowed upon me, gives a better understanding in order to live in Your Righteousness, in Christ Jesus,

From John 7:17


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...