As the Son of God, Christ has the authority and power to forgive our sins, and we have been given the grace to forgive others too, because we live and walk in His righteousness as brethren with Him.
Knowing that we have been divinely restored to God's Kingdom, favored with a forgiving heart and a compassionate soul to live for His glory, remain loving and always forgiving, even towards your enemies. 
Therefore, God's presence in your life may be revealed to all who need redemption.
 PRAYER: Thank you LORD for forgiving all our sins and the restoration of your presence in our lives, which makes us highly favored, with the divine grace to forgive others, too.
May your Name be praised, forevermore.


God's Salvation comes through our faith in Christ Jesus, who redeems us as sons of men, from the bondage of sin, and restores us as Sons of God, into God's Kingdom, worthy to be in the presence of the Father.
So, let's hold on tightly to our faith in Christ Jesus, which surpasses fears and builds our courage to stand firm through the Holy Spirit as overcomers, defeating every effort of the wicked, as citizens of God's Kingdom.
 PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for your Word in our lives, Jesus Christ,
 who has restored us into your Kingdom through our faith in Him, and blessed believers with the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, to understand and live by His teachings and statutes.
Glory, honor and adoration be unto your Name.


We all need to make time to fellowship with the LORD in prayers, no matter how busy our schedules, for this is a way to have a divine encounter with Him.
Knowing within our hearts that He is our God, the creator of all and the source of our existence, also; our separation from the pleasures of this world allows us to commune with Him, undistracted. By the Holy Spirit, this makes Christians remain Strengthened to do the will of the Father.

PRAYER: LORD, we give you all the glory for coming close so we can live in your presence, even as we constantly commune with you in our spirits through prayers and meditate  on your Word, which makes us have true fellowship with you, being highly favored.
May your name be praised forevermore.


When the situation seems tough, rough or difficult for you to comprehend or resolve as a man, always remember that there is nothing too hard for the LORD to do (Jeremiah 32:17, 27).
Just place it faithfully before God in prayer and He will surely resolve each and every difficulty in your life, because He is a loving and compassionate Father who is always willing to render help to all who are submissive and faithful to Him.
 PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for your healing power and divine grace in our lives, which has restored us to good health and peaceful living in Christ Jesus, with the divine assurance of eternity in your Heavenly Kingdom.
Blessed be your Holy Name.


All true and faithful Christians are fishers of men called to advance God's Kingdom on Earth.

So, we need not be afraid, but remain courageous in doing the Father's will, even as we proclaim His Word and testify of His goodness to all people, knowing within ourselves that the Spirit of God in us has made us fit and capable as fishers of men to bear more fruits for His Kingdom.

Therefore, pick up your cross and follow Christ, that your purpose in life as a Christian may be filled.

PRAYER: Thank you Heavenly Father, for making us fishers of men, through your Son Jesus Christ, whose presence in us has made us fit and worthy to advance your Kingdom on Earth.

O LORD, be thou exalted forevermore.



Always be hopeful and avoid doubting God's words, for man's obedience to the LORD makes him closer to the Father, attaining divine favor, prosperity and spiritual growth from Him.
AIhough, the situation of things around  you might give you reasons to be worried, yet you have to remain hopeful and obedient to God, for your faith in Him will surely bring about a lasting solution to every challenge in your life.
 PRAYER : Lord Jesus Christ, thank You for accepting Us as Your own; 
for, Your presence in Our lives has made Us hopeful for a better tomorrow, being rest assured that Your grace is sufficient for Us.


From the day you heard the call of salvation and you received Jesus Christ into your life, you have also been called to share the good news of your deliverance to others too.
Moreover, you should not only share your testimonies with those around you, knowing fully well that there are still many far from your location who are lacking in the knowledge of salvation, and it is your responsibility to bring this to their knowledge as a true Christian and an Evangelist in His Vineyard.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for this great call of salvation and the grace to testify of your unconditional love which has lead to our redemption from the bondage of sin and death, that all who hear and harken to your Word which we proclaim might attain salvation in Christ Jesus your Son.


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...