As you remain faithfully dedicated to doing God's will by living in the statutes of Christ, resisting the negative influence of the devil, yet it seems you are lacking and faced with challenges too tough for you to handle alone, don't be discouraged, for your hope is in the LORD. He will never leave you nor forsake you, because He is Jehovah, the covenant-keeping God, and He will surely meet you at the point of your needs, in due time.
In Jesus Christ's name, amen.


The Kingdom of God is for all who humble themselves, acknowledging their spiritual poverty and the need for God's presence in their lives, which is shown through their faithfulness and zeal for His service.
Therefore, we need to always remain submissive to His will, even as we daily desire more of His presence in our lives, to be fit and worthy of His grace and glory, as brethren with Christ, being citizens of His Heavenly Kingdom on Earth.
 PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for meeting us at the point of our spiritual needs, through your Son, Jesus Christ, who redeemed and restored us to your presence, where there is an abundance of grace, with the assurance of eternity in your Kingdom, above.
Blessed be your Holy Name.


God's divine presence and anointing in you, brings all who are in need of His restoring grace and redemption closer to you, as a chosen vessel dedicated for His service on Earth.
So, as a Royal Priesthood; called and chosen for His glory, you need not to rebuke nor reject anyone who comes closer to you for deliverance. You are only a vessel in God's hands, designed to fulfill His good will on Earth by proclaiming the gospel to them, even as you pray for their deliverance and complete restoration, that they may be redeemed from captivity and granted the grace of God's Salvation in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD for making us vessels of your glory, assigned to advance your Kingdom on Earth by restoring the broken hearted and setting the captives free through your Word, Jesus Christ.
Glory, honor and blessing be unto your Name.


To have personal communion with God, you have to make time for Him first, amidst your busy schedules; for, as you separate yourself periodically from the distraction of this World, you will definitely find the presence of God, where you can fellowship with Him personally, in the Spirit.
Also, this brings you even more unity with God, who is granting you the grace to abide in His presence, which gives you divine peace and complete restoration which is both physical and Spiritual
 PRAYER: Thank you LORD for granting us the grace to abide in your presence, through your Son Jesus Christ, which makes our spirits to remain in communion with the Holy Spirit as Sons of God.
Blessed be your Holy Name,


Though the Sabbath day was consecrated for rest from our works to Worship the LORD of Hosts, it's also a time to glorify Him for our existence and sustenance on Earth, which is done by Loving God completely, revealing the goodness of God, even) as we show them love and compassion from the depths of our hearts, that they might feel His powerful presence, which restores the broken-hearted and sets the captives free from slavery of sin.
 PRAYER: Holy Heavenly Father, thank you for making us vessels of your glory in Christ Jesus, strengthened by the Holy Spirit to do all we can from the depths of our hearts to glorify your name, even on the Sabbath, which brings restoration and divine peace to all.


Jesus Christ, the Savior and Redeemer of the World, is the Lord of the Sabbath, for these reasons and more:
- He is the image and likeness of God (John 1:18, John 1:14, 2 Corinthians 4:4).
- He is in the Father and the Father is in Him (John 14:11).
- He and the Father are one (John 10:30).
- All authority in Heaven and on Earth belongs to Him as the Lord of lords and the King of kings (Matthew 28:18, Ephesians 1:21)
Besides these, He is the Word of God who became flesh and dwelt among men and He was also in the beginning of creation, for by Him everything in Heaven and on Earth was created as the Word that came out from God, declaring the creation of all things (John 1:1-2).
So, it's our calling as Christians to do the will of the Father by living in His statutes as ambassadors of Christ.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for your presence in our lives, which restores peace to our souls and grants us the grace to Worship you in Truth and in Spirit.
Glory, honour and adoration be unto your Name.



The Old Covenant has already been fulfilled through the birth, death and resurrection of Christ, and a New one was  established by His blood which was shed on the cross at Calvary.
For these reasons, as born-again Christians, we have to live more by the teachings of Christ and not dwell completely on the precepts of the law because every born-again child of God is dead to the law and resurrected with Christ to live by the Spirit.
Moreover, the Old Covenant brought judgement while the New Covenant brought grace and hope to all, which produces conflicting thoughts when we try to live by both of them. *This confusion gives room for the devil as a result of the unbelief in our souls.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for the fulfilment of the Old Covenant and the establishment of a new one through the birth*, death, and resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ, which makes all who believe* in Him to be free from condemnation, and restored by His grace, into your Heavenly Kingdom.


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...