Being a chosen generation, a royal priesthood; called to proclaim the Gospel of Salvation in Christ Jesus, to all; we've been bestowed with the Kingdom - having been commissioned in different positions of edification to lead nations to Christ, discipling them for the advancement of God's Kingdom (Matthew 24:47, Ephesians 4:11-12, 1Peter 2:8). Still, as we remain steadfast in trying times; we will always have dominion over the earth, subduing the efforts of the wicked as Sons and Daughters of God (Psalm 49:14).
Furthermore, having been gracefully granted God's Kingdom on Earth; the Church - which is the Body of Christ, to seek, and lead more souls to the LORD; by discipling them with the teachings of Christ, and baptizing them in the name of the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit - we shouldn't relent in our steadfastness, even in trials, that we may be deserving of "the Crown of Life, which the Lord has promised to those who love Him" (Matthew 28:19-20, James 1:12).
PRAYER: Thank you Heavenly Father, for gracefully granting us Your Kingdom on Earth; from within our hearts, through the Church - the Body of Christ, that we may continuously advance Your Kingdom; doing Your will on Earth as it is in Heaven, in Jesus' name;

From Luke 22:28-30


Our service to God and man, should always be in humility; loving our neighbors as ourselves, no matter our position of edification in the LORD'S vineyard, for Christ Himself took the form of a Bondservant; to serve and gave His life a ransom for many (Matthew 20:28, Philippians 2:7). By so doing, we remain deserving of the Greatest Love; being uplifted to a position of glory.
Furthermore, as we receive and serve all who come in the name of the LORD, discriminating no one; still, revealing the love of the Father in humility, we may appear to be the least amongst our pears; even so, we will be grealy uplifted by our Heavenly Father (Luke 9:48).
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for making me a Bondservant in Your Vineyard, through the glorious call of Salvation, and the Great Commission, to declare the Gospel to all in humility for the redemption of souls in Jesus' name;

From Luke 22:25-27


Being betrayed by familiar friends in whom we trust and dine with; as they raise up their heels against us - all for the sake of our Christ's Calling, is only a trial that leads to Divine upliftment as we triumph over them all (Psalm 41:9). So, let's count it all joy whenever we go through such trying times; knowing that the testing of our faith produces patience, and we will be greatly rewarded by the LORD, as those who work steadfastly to the end, even while being persecuted for Christ's sake (Matthew 5:12, James 1:2-3).
Although, every unrepentant betrayer may be heading towards condemnation; yet all who humble themselves, and seek the face of the LORD, in repentance, will surely receive His Divine Mercy and Restoring Grace, which redeems all in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you LORD, for you are a shield for me, my glory and the One who lifts up my head; amidst every betrayal, I stand victorious in Your Holy name (Psalm 3:3)

From Luke 22: 21-22


The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, has established the New Convenant, by iHs precious blood - shed on the Cross at Calvary. This keeps us in communion with the Father; through the Holy Spirit, united in the Body of Christ - who constantly refreshes our souls with His Word, and purifies our spirits to remain in His Divine presence.
Therefore, let all seeking for redemption, separate themselves from every convenant holding them captive, and be drawn to Christ, embracing the New Convenant; established by His blood, for the Salvation of all who believe and receive Him, that they may be reborn into His Body as Heirs of the Father.
PRAYER: Dear LORD, Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God; whose blood was shed for my redemption, that I may remain a Convenant Child of God - consecrated to advance Your Kingdom, blessed be Your Holy name;

From Luke 22:20


Jesus Christ; is our all, being our Lord and Savior - the Redeemer of our souls. So, we need to always live in remembrance of  Him, in true dedication with a steadfast Spirit, even as we keep His Word in the tables of our hearts, and share it as a testimony to all for the Salvation of souls.
Moreover, as we remain in unity, dwelling in the Body of Christ, and communing with the Father, we shouldn't relent in sharing God's Word - the Bread of Life, with one another that our souls may remain refreshed and our spirits uplifted to glorified the LORD always, even as we continuously advance His Kingdom as ambassadors of Christ.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank you LORD, for the Bread of Life, which refreshes my soul and strengthens my spirit, to remain in communion with Him, even as I declare your Good News to all,

From Luke 22:19


Jesus Christ; the Passover Lamb, whose death and resurection, fulfills the Law and the teachings of the Prophets, leading to the establishment of the Church - the Body of Christ, and God's Kingdom on Earth; reveals the New Convenant for the Salvation of souls. So, we all; His chosen generation and consecrated vessels, are commissioned to share the Good News for the advancement of God's Kingdom.
Furthermore, the Divine presence of Christ is ever with the Church, as it's Head - uniting every single brick together, that no gate of hell can ever prevail against it (Matthew 16:18). He feeds and strengthens us all by Himself; through His Word - the Bread of Life and the Fruits of the Spirit, which keeps us fit for His service, even as He dines with us; keeping us in communion with Him, while we are granted Divine access to Father through His presence in us.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for establishing your Kingdom in our hearts - revealed on Earth as the Church, for the communion of Brethren in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 22:16-18


Our obedience to God's Word, Jesus Christ, takes us to the place of fulfilment; for, His Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path, that leads to eternal life, joy, peace, and fulfilled hope (Ps 119:105).
Although the Word of God never fails, the disobedience of the Sons of men towards their Christ's Calling, forsaking the purpose of their existence as God's Creation - destined to advance God's Kingdom by harkening to His Word - creates obstructions and causes delay in the fulfillment of His prophetic declaration over their lives. Still, as His chosen ones truly listen, eager to act on His refreshing Word, in love, repentance, and total submission, still open in prayer as to the way to follow, more guidance is provided with blessing in this life and the one to come; for, all things will work together for our ultimate good: according to His Divine purpose (Romans 8:28).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for the glorious call of Salvation, graced with a humble Spirit to live in obedience according to your Word, for our good, in Your Holy Name,

From Luke 22:8-13


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...