The presence of Jesus Christ, God's Word, is a Lamp everywhere we go, and a Light to our preordained path, which sustains us on Earth, with the grace to overcome every form of darkness in and around us as chosen vessels of the Light Who arrives right on time (Psalm 119:105, John 1:9). Jesus Christ, being the Light of God, gives life to all who believe in Him, even as He dwells in us - who once had not received mercy - being made beautiful vessels of His glory, subduing every power of darkness on Earth (John 1:4).
Moreover, the rejection of the True Light, Jesus Christ, creates a barrier to one's Divine Salvation, as a result of his unbelief; yet, full submission - in repentance from loveless, dead works - through trusting in Him, keeps us richly graced and protected with eternal Peace, which reveals our total freedom from sin, shame, and separation, as well as the kindness of God in giving His Son to raise up His masterpiece (John 1:10-11, Eph. 2:4-10). So, let's keep on testifying of His glorious presence in our lives to all watching, showing God's Love to each other, which attracts souls seeking His redeeming Grace, so that they may be drawn to the True Light, exchanging mourning for festive oil of gladness, and the Kingdom of God will continue advancing, in His Glory and Majesty (Isa. 61:3).
PRAYER: Thank You, Heavenly Father and Glorious LORD, for making me a vessel of Your Light, through Christ who lives in me, that I may never be condemned for my past dead works, but may I bring those Your Spirit jealously yearns for, to Your presence in Love, who would come out of darkness, yielding to the morning light, for the Salvation of their souls in Christ Jesus,

From John 3:19


We are redeemed from the condemnation mankind deserves, through faith in Christ Jesus, the Lamb of God whose sacrificial life's blood cleansed us from all sins, that we may be free from condemnation and shame, being justified to live for eternity with the Father (John 5:24).  While we continuously harken to the Faithful Word of God, His good and satisfying will never ceases to prevail in our lives; still, it keeps on manifesting through the Holy Spirit, who makes all whom we come across in life, to experience Christ in us, and as they believe and receive Him, eternity is sure - even as we who trust, will be raised up on the Last Day (Romans 12:2, John 6:40 & 58).
Furthermore, the teachings of the Messiah are written so that we may have the true knowledge of God's human life, and through having faith in His Name, we are gifted with eternal life. So, having gracefully been redeemed from death's claim, as Heirs of the Father, who walk not according to the flesh, yet abide in the Spirit for God's glory, we shouldn't relent in sharing the Good News with all who need it, for the Salvation of more souls (Romans 8:1).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, LORD, for my hope is in You, and my faith rests on Your Word, who has redeemed me from shame and eternal condemnation. Blessed be Your Holy Name, for I'm safe in Your Hands; therefore, I ask the same simple faith to arise in the hearts of my loved ones, so we will always be together,

From John 3:18


The birth, lifetime, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, were not meant to accuse, convict, nor prefer anyone above another, rather He came to deliver mankind from the world of sin, influenced by the devil (known as the father of lies); this, "we have seen and testify that the Father has sent His Son as Savior of the World." (Matthew 1:21, Luke 9:25, 1 John 4:14).
Therefore, as faithful Christians, we should avoid separating the people of this world from ourselves while declaring the Truth of Christ Jesus, who came to seek and save the lost; for, as the Good News of Salvation is ministered in love, hope is restored to the condemned, and souls are being redeemed by the same body and blood (Luke 19:10). This is necessary, for Love is the greatest gift given to mankind; when shared, it brings about progress to God's Kingdom, and our individual lives, as Children of God, united with the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 13:1-13, 1 John 3:1).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, for offering the greatest Love of all, Jesus Christ who covers my sins and lives in me, that I may purpose to testify of Your goodness today - revealing Your compassion to humanity for the Salvation of souls, in Christ Jesus,

From John 3:17


Our Heavenly Father and Creator of all things, the Great I Am Who I Am - YHWH, manifested His glorious Love towards all, by sending His only begotten Son, God's Word who became flesh to conquer death, so that we might live by faith in and through Him, for eternity (John 1:14, 1 John 4:9-10). The revelation of God's Love in offering Christ Jesus, leads to the purification of our souls, sanctified bodies, and can renew our spirits, to become worthy of Him through receiving His precious blood, so that we may freely live for Christ, advancing His Kingdom by the testimony of our redemption (Rev. 1:5).
However, "God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." He paid the redemption price with His perfect life, which reveals His rich mercy and perfect willingness to accept as friends, all who believe in Him for the Salvation of their souls, even as they confess Him as Lord, and repent from sins to obey Jesus' command (Rom. 5:8, Eph. 2:4, John 15:12-14).
PRAYER: In Jesus' gracious name, thank You LORD, Abba Father, for Your selfless Love has redeemed me without money, by Grace, through Your Word who lives in me (Isa. 52:3). By Your Spirit, please help me to see the people in the world with a compassionate heart, even as loving others shows the way You have loved me.
Blessed be Your Holy Name,

From John 3:16


The resurrection of Jesus Christ by God, from being crucified for the sins of humanity, brought redemption to our souls, granting us Divine and supernatural healing, which completely revives our spirits to live for the source of life, as Heirs of the Kingdom (Acts 3:15-16). Having received Him as the Author and Finisher of our faith - and everything in between - when we are troubled or facing difficulty, by looking with unwavering faith unto Him alone, innocent yet cursed on that tree, a Divine resolution and breakthrough is provided in due time, without fail; for in Him who is Faithful, we are more than conquerors, in everything (Heb. 12:2, Deut. 21:23, 1 Peter 2:22-25, Rom 8:37)!
Therefore, let's never stop holding onto Christ faithfully, for He is the Word of God whose love never fails, yet abides forever, even as we serve Him in Truth and the Spirit (1 Cor 13:8). His Grace is sufficient for all, and as we remain steadfast and committed to His will by advancing His Kingdom, where we live and which we boldly proclaim in Jesus' name, we will never suffer shame.
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for You never fail, and as I remain focused on You in the wilderness, I have a blessed assurance of Your redeeming Grace and eternity with You; so in Your Merciful Name, please strengthen me to show the world that you are the Healer, so the paralyzed may be brought out of darkness, to reflect on Your Light and be purified, to continue testifying,

From John 3:14-15


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the only begotten of the Father - conceived by the Holy Spirit, within a virgin at the right time - is the only one who truly came out from Heaven, having chosen to lower Himself to dwell among men, for the redemption of mankind and Salvation from sin (1 Cor. 15:47). Even then, He is the first to ever ascend into Heaven - having conquered death at the time God appointed and broken the chains of sin gripping the sons of men in condemnation (1 Tim. 2:6). Yet, as we believe and receive the finished work of Jesus Christ, we are gloriously raised by His Grace and live with Him, united for eternity (Mat. 27:50-52, John 3:16, Rom. 6:5)!
Therefore, let's remain daily abiding in Him, that He may abide in us, by constantly meditating on His Word and teachings, guided by the Holy Spirit, for the right understanding of the Way to the Kingdom of Heaven where our treasures dwell, being Heirs of the Father, liable to receive all that we ask of Him for our good and God's Glory (John 15:7 & 1 John 3:21-24).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, Gracious Heavenly LORD, for Your presence in my life through Your Word who revives my soul, so that I may remain alive in the Spirit to be like you in resurrection eternally, for Your Glory,

From John 3:13


Having faith in, and understanding God's Word - the Scriptures and teachings of Jesus Christ - requires us taking our minds off that which is of the world, in order to concentrate more on the Divine and eternal existence of Elohim, who is far beyond the reach of merely our physical mindset. We are each capable of holding intelligent conversations on doctrine, apologetics, and our role in the earthly religious practices of the Church, without rebellion, but choosing to harden the heart to faith in that which is unseen, limits understanding, even when someone comes to the same level to individually answer doubts, and this dulls eyes from experiencing the actual spiritual truth, which we need to know about our eternal inheritance, as God's Children.
Therefore, while meditating on God's Word, and listening to preachings and teachings of Ministers and servants of the LORD, we need to always be in the Spirit - ignoring distractions which may entertain earthly desires, and focusing more seriously on receiving the true understanding of the Scriptures, which reveal Elohim and His eternal existence, to all who are humble enough to receive Him in Christ Jesus (2 Tim. 4:4). This is essential as citizens of an Heavenly Kingdom, that we may be prepared to make known the reason for our hope, and stand ready as a Bride to meet Him when He comes a second time, to save those eagerly waiting (1 Peter 3:15 & Heb. 9:28).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD Jesus, for the revelation of Your Word to a dark world, and the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, which fills me with true understanding of the Kingdom where my treasure is stored, and hope rests, by faith in the One who came from Heaven to deal with my sin by taking it away in an act of love; may I be ready when You appear,

From John 3:12


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...