The testing of our faith is Divine, coming from the LORD to elevate us both physically and spiritually as we overcome it (Genesis 22:1-19). This allows us to act and make decisions with the discerning heart our Heavenly Father has bestowed upon us in union with the Holy Spirit, to reign in accordance with His will - advancing His Kingdom as we follow the life of Christ and endlessly bear fruits that remain, for His glory.
Moreover, there's nothing impossible with God, for He can do all things on His own; yet, He shows us love by giving us the opportunity through Christ who lives in us to make life-transformative decisions that are of great impact on Earth and for His advancing Kingdom - together changing the mindsets of many to receive Jesus Christ for their personal Salvation.
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, LORD, for granting me a discerning heart from which to speak and the opportunity to make decisions which transform lives, through the Holy Spirit in me, for the progress of Your Kingdom. Please, continue to use me for Your glory, keeping me strengthened as an Overcomer and victorious over every trial that comes My way,

From John 6:5-6


The Sons of men appreciate signs and wonders, following and seeking after earthen vessels by whom miracles are being made manifest; for some, merely to have a personal experience of the supernatural (Matt. 4:23-25). Yet, we should realize that having a Divine encounter with the LORD requires our full submission in obedience to His Word being preached, while we walk faithfully in His footsteps, which is the path of Salvation in Christ Jesus.
Moreover, not all that glitters is gold, so while seeking a place of worship or associating with ministering vessels who seem to be performing signs and wonders in the way of love, we should be attentive to the words proceeding from their mouths as well as the life they honestly continue in, and be in the Spirit while discerning so that we might not be deceived by the powers of darkness (Deut. 13:1-3, Matt. 23:3). Rather, we will see the way of love, know the Truth, and remain redeemed as Overcomers in Christ Jesus - the Word of God in whom is the only Way leading to everlasting life in the bosom of the Father (John 8:32 & 14:7).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, LORD, for the revelation of Your Word, which has miraculously transformed me into a new creation, performing signs and wonders in my life so that I may remain a living testimony of Your awesome love to all. Please, help me in keeping the mindsets of men focused on Your Word - the Way, Truth, and Life, who is the source of true miracles that abide forever,

From John 6:2


Anyone who truly believes the Tanakh or Bible is inspired by the Spirit of Holiness, spoken of by the Prophets, and written as the Holy Scriptures, will definitely realize that Jesus Christ, the Word of God made flesh, is the prophetic Messiah promised by the LORD for the Salvation of souls, because He accepts we who receive Him wholeheartedly as the Redeemer of our lives, into the presence of God (Gen. 3:15, Deut. 18:18, John 1:14 & 45). Abiding in God's Word, Jesus Christ, makes us brethren with He who is the promised seed of Abraham, by whom all the Earth is blessed to be delivered from sin and eternal condemnation to reign solely by faith in Christ, with the Father, as Heirs of His Kingdom (Gen. 12:2 & 49:10).
Even when some reject God's Word, Jesus, and the true knowledge of the Scriptures - creating doctrines that suit their self-proclaimed righteousness and establishing their own religious behavior which makes them out to be messiahs to save - the truth remains that mankind believing Yeshua HaMaschiach as LORD, "on Me whom they have pierced," is the only way to reveal our love of the Great I Am That I Am, YHWH - our Creator and Covenant-keeping God (Zech 12:10, John 14:2-3).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, the Lamb from whose side flowed blood and water at Calvary, my Savior and the Redeemer of my soul; in You my faith rests. Please, keep me strengthened with the Divine guidance of the Holy Spirit, so that I may always rightly interpret the Gospel to the understanding of men, that many may come to repentance, personally receiving You as their Lord and Savior;

From John 5:46-47


We've been gracefully redeemed by faith in Christ Jesus who never accuses us but came to reveal the Love of the Father in Himself, for the Salvation of our souls (John 3:16-17). The Law accuses the sons of men, having brought forth the realization of sin and condemnation; yet, grace came through Jesus Christ who justifies us before the LORD, our Heavenly Father, as the blessed one who ever lives to make intercession for us (John 1:17, Deut. 11:26, Gal. 3:12-14).
Although, Jesus Christ "always lives to make intercession," we all need to receive Him for the redemption of our souls because whether or not a man keeps the Law - ritual without the reality of faith in Christ Jesus who fulfilled it, as God's Word - he will never have eternal life; for nobody is justified by their own works or religious practices, but by faith in the only begotten Son of God, who empowers us with the Holy Ghost (Heb. 7:25, Romans 2:12, Galatians 2:16).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for Your redeeming Blood, which has so graciously set me free from all accusations, giving me the boldness, through the Holy Spirit, to declare the Good News of Salvation to all who need hope. Please keep me motivated to proclaim Your Word in love but never to accuse anyone, so that souls may realize the Truth, receiving Christ in repentance from dead works to personal faith and a Divine, intimate experience of Your Love,

From John 5:45


Our identity and calling in Christ Jesus is a Divine honor from the Father, graciously given to all who are faithfully committed to advancing God's Kingdom by living Christ-like and bearing fruits that remain, for His glory. This is attained in humility, as we give up every form of pride, which is contrary to the true nature of all who are Heirs of the Father (Isaiah 53).
Although, hypocrites and self-proclaimed righteous Ministers may seek praise and receive honor from men to boost their popularity and egotistical nature, as true Christians and faithful Children of God, we need to always seek God's Divine honor by doing everything we need to do, to the LORD and not just to please people, so that the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, who lives in us and whom we serve, may reveal our identity as those who are Circumcised in the Spirit, whose honor is not from this world, but Divinely and graciously given as an inheritance by the LORD, our Heavenly Father (John 12:43, Romans 2:28-29, Col. 3:23-24).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for I'm highly favored to be of service in Your Vineyard, seeking Your Divine honor and not the praises of mankind, which come in appreciation for Your awesome works in my life. Please keep me focused and determined to live continuously for Your Glory, remaining deserving of Your Kingdom for eternity so You can display the infinite riches of Your Grace; 

From John 5:44


Receiving God's Word, Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior of souls - the Messiah who is the only begotten of the Father - through His favored vessels who endlessly proclaim His Salvation to all, the Love of the Father who shields and lifts us up high, is revealed through His Church (Psalm 3:3). Even so, many may have unknowingly received false and deceitful Ministers who came from the kingdom of darkness, puffed up with pride to distract the sons of men from the Truth, showing their true intentions to their captives once they've already separated them from the presence of the LORD, if possible, and friendships with other believers. 
Therefore, having God's Love in your heart requires receiving His Word preached through His chosen vessels; proving it means you will share what you have with fellow believers and do what you can for the lost World while you remain in the Spirit, meditating through the Scriptures, so that the Holy Spirit may reveal His faithful Ministers who proclaim the Gospel of Salvation in Truth, from an humble place of security in comprehending who Jesus is, as well as his Bride - who is so adored (Deuteronomy 13:1-4).
PRAYER: In Jesus' name, thank You, LORD, Ever-loving Father, for Your presence in me reveals Your Love, which strengthens my continuation of passionately declaring the Good News of Salvation to all, no matter what it looks like, for now. Please graciously lead me to all who need redemption, and help me through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit to change the mindsets of men from seeking glory in this life and being hurt by false Christians, so that they may receive Jesus Christ - the revelation of Your Love, into their hearts to stay,

From John 5:42-43


Being true Christians, abiding in the path of Truth and righteousness in Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior, we shouldn't be desiring to receive honor from humans, who only appreciate us as long as we keep striving to the satisfaction of their demands, for the sons of men are controlled by and cherish worldly honor, more than that which is Divinely given by the LORD (John 5:44). Rather, we should always endeavor to remain in right standing with God, living the life of Christ - proclaiming the Gospel of Salvation in love with God and to mankind, which places us in a position of Divine honor as co-heirs with Christ who, "for the joy set before Him, [...] scorned the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God (Heb 12:2)."
However, when we are placed in any position of honor or authority by the LORD, to serve and direct, we mustn't see it as an opportunity to make selfish and unnecessary demands, but be spiritually minded and humble to receive Wisdom, so that the Divine honor we are gracefully endowed with may yield much fruit, Christ Jesus making us deserving of His advancing Kingdom (1 Thess. 2:6).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for all I am now, is by Your Grace and not only my effort. Please, help me to Divinely utilize every position You've placed me, for Your glory, so that people may experience Your Love and come to the realization that furthering the Kingdom is greater than every honor mankind can ever confer, in Your Holy name,

From John 5:41


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...