Everyone goes through trials and temptations such as sicknesses, pain, lack, or other difficulties in life, at times, so that we can turn to the LORD and He may be glorified as we triumphantly overcome in Christ Jesus who lives in Believers (Ps. 108:13, Ecc. 3:1-8, 1 Cor. 15:57). So, let's remain courageous through every testing circumstance, holding onto our faith in the Word of God who never fails; for we've overcome all the efforts of the devil and his agents by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony - being unafraid of death, yet hopeful in the LORD who is mercifully present to help and gives life in abundance to all who choose to stay faithful to Him (Jos. 21:45, Is. 41:13, 55:11, Rev. 12:11).
Therefore, we should be patient in tribulation, never stop praying, always rejoice in the hope of a better tomorrow and eternity with the Father, and we shall never be subdued; rather, we will always stand upright, crowned as victorious in Christ Jesus who lives in every Believer, to the glory of God (Rom. 8:28-30, 9:22-23 & 12:12, James 1:12).

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for Your Word has come right on time and made me whole, redeemed from every sickness and pain, even as You fight my battles, making me an Overcomer in Your Mighty Name. Please, keep me motivated to always glorify Your Holy Name as a living testimony of Your love and awesome works on Earth,

From John 11:4


As channels of God's Grace, Power, and Anointing, declaring His Authority and revealing His Love to mankind, we should always endeavor to live an exemplary life that glorifies God for many to testify of (John 1:29 & 36). This is a life of self-sacrifice, solely to the LORD, which keeps every Christian in fellowship with one another yet separated from the sinful nature of the world, as ambassadors of Christ and Heirs of the Father, living on Earth.
Also, our Christ's Calling and new identity need to be testified of by all who come in contact with us, so that souls may be transformed and lives renewed to the glory and praise of the LORD as the Holy Spirit ministers through us, making us fruitful branches in the True Vine, destined for the advancement of God's Kingdom as many come to faith in the One who gave His life to be with us.
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Ever-Faithful Father, for making me a living example of Your Word, graciously testified by many as an ambassador of Your Kingdom. Please, continue to keep me equipped both spiritually and physically, graced with the sincere desire to live for Your glory, even as I ceaselessly bear fruits that remain, in Jesus' Name;

From John 10:41-42


Faith in God's marvelous works, done in the realm of the supernatural and made manifest by the Spirit through His anointed vessels ministering in His Holy name, unites us with the Father as we receive and acknowledge His presence in Christ Jesus - His unfailing Word, fulfilled in the lives of Believers. We are redeemed by faith in the testimony of His Word and the revelation of His Power revealed through His glorious actions so that we may share the Good News of our Salvation for others to believe in and be saved, too (Rom. 1:1-17, Eph. 2:8).
So, to overcome every form of disbelief, concerning any ministering channel, we should always endeavor to "test the spirits," using the discernment granted by the Holy Spirit so that we may identify the works of the LORD done through them; for our faith is built on Christ who lives and works in every faithful Christian, being joined together as the Spiritual temple of God on Earth (1 John 4:1, Eph. 2:21-22, John 6:29 & 14:10-11, 1 Cor. 3:16).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Jesus Christ, for Your Divine presence revealed through Your awesome and marvelous works in my life, always keeping me strengthened in the Spirit and graced with boldness to affirm that You are the Author and Finisher of my faith.
Please, continue to manifest Your Grace, Power, and Anointing through me, so more souls may believe and feel Your Divine presence as they receive You and likewise become one with the Father;

From John 10:37-38


Everyone serving the LORD in Truth and in the Spirit, from the depth of their hearts by faith in Christ Jesus, is safely preserved in the hands of God. Although storms may rise, trials may come, or temptation lingers, since those chosen in Him are one with Christ - the revelation of God's love to man - nothing will ever be able to separate us from our Heavenly Father; for Christ and the Father are one (Eph. 1:4, Rom. 8:38-39).
So, we need not fear, as sheep dwelling in the comfort of the Good Shepherd who will never leave us nor forsake us; rather, we should remain courageous, knowing that we are victorious in Christ Jesus - our Lord and Savior, who fought every battle and conquered the war for our redemption - nothing will ever snatch us from His grip (John 17:6 & 12).

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, for making me Yours by grace, through faith in Your Word in whom I am redeemed to live in the safety of Your Comfort. Please, continue to keep me protected from the devil and his agents who are restlessly seeking for whom to devour, so l may never stop glorifying Your Name, being a ministering channel, commissioned for Your advancing Kingdom;

From John 10:29-30


As we faithfully listen to Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, obeying His words and inspired teachings which come through His Spirit-filled Ministers commissioned as channels of authority while living and walking in His footsteps as Christians, we are the Lord's sheep and He is the guide of all who will come to faith, keeping us safe in the comfort of His presence (Ps. 119:105, John 8:47). In Him everlasting life is found, through the Holy Spirit who dwells in every Believer, as the Witness of God, testifying of His Son and Living Word in our lives (1 John 5:9-13).
Therefore, as sheep in the fold of Christ, we shouldn't relent in our faithfulness to Love as Jesus, following Him in discipling others, teaching His commands as we harken to the Word of God at all times, and we will always remain in right-standing with Him, deserving of eternal protection and sustenance through trusting our Savior as His flock, called and preserved for His glory.

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, LORD, Eternal Father, for graciously counting me worthy of a place to live in Your sheepfold, although in my flesh, I'm still undeserving of grazing in the abundance of Your sweet pasture. Please help me to remain fruitful and obedient to Your Word, without fail, that I may be Yours, forever;

From John 10:26-28


The identity of every professing Believer serving the LORD in Truth and in Spirit, is made known by the manifestation of God's works done through him or her as a channel of His Love, Favor, and Power (John 5:36). Even when there is a reason for doubt, as humans, we should always allow the discernment of the Holy Spirit to take full control of our thoughts, rebuking all our fears and worries so that we may accurately identify the LORD'S chosen Ministers by the revelation of His grace and glory in their fruitful lives (John 2:7-11, 10:38).
Therefore, as Children of God proclaiming the Good News of Salvation, we should endeavor to remain living examples of Christ and ambassadors of the Kingdom, so that the testimony of our works and service to our Heavenly Father through His Spirit, may bring Light to all dwelling in darkness and redemption to many who are slaves to sin (Ps. 60:12).

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for the revelation of Your Word and the manifestation of Your awesome wonders in my life, as a channel and living letter testifying of Your Love in action. Please, always keep me renewed in the Spirit so that the manifestation of Your Grace, Power, and Glory in me may lead to the Salvation of more souls, in Jesus' mighty name;

From John 10:25


We as Christ's Beloved are loved and cherished by the LORD, our Heavenly Father. This is proven by Jesus' willingness to die for the World only to pick up His life again, ascend and then gift His Holy Spirit, empowering us to surely remain together as living sacrifices for the growth of His Kingdom - doing all things good through faith in the finished work of Christ who still lives through us, proclaiming Salvation to all those who are in the bondage of sin. This keeps every Minister protected and preserved by God, as the apple of His eyes, serving as channels of His Love, taking on the yoke of Christ for the redemption of all who receive the Word by faith: God is Love (Ps. 17:8, Is. 53:12, 1 J. 4:7-14).
This is the grace available to Believers, having our lives safely hidden in the everlasting hands of the LORD, and only we can choose to lay it down in surrender to God and for another in need, receiving Jesus' life's blood so that we may have authority to arise anew in Christ Jesus our Lord for His glory, to be shared in on the last day as Heirs of the Father.

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for being the Protector of my life forever, making me willing and able to live like you, the life of self-sacrifice with the fervent desire to continue until the end, gaining souls as Your Kingdom advances, bearing more fruits in the True Vine, for Your glory. Please, keep me strengthened and motivated, both physically and spiritually, having all I need and more, in order to love those who are weaker, to the fullest, the way I've been greatly forgiven, in Jesus' Name,

From John 10:17-18


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...