The prayers and supplications of the righteous in Christ Jesus, who are submissive to the will of the Father, walking in the Spirit as they abide by His Word; are always heard even before they pray, and while they are praying He listens - granting them Divine solution to every petition brought before Him with clean hands and pure heart (Ps.24:3-4, Is.65:24). Even then, He allows the manifestation of His signs and wonders - known as miracles to take place as answers to our prayers so that many may respond in faith to the revelation of God's Love and goodwill towards all who believe in Him (John 12:27-30).
So, let's strongly hold on to our faith in Christ Jesus who is one with the Father, and our desires which are in line with God's will, will surely be fulfilled in due time without fail for the World to see and testify of the LORDS grace and glory in us.

PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Gracious Father, for always being there for me, attending to the voice of my supplications, and meeting me at the point of my needs. Please, continue to manifest Your Grace, Power, and Glory in my life,  so that many may come to the realization of Your existence and repent of their wrongdoing to receive You into their hearts in Jesus' name,

From John 11:41-42


The glory of the LORD is beyond human imagination and understanding; still, by trusting, anyone can see its manifestation through His miraculous works, hear what's recorded in the Bible and have a Divine revelation of it in full, by asking in Jesus' Name (Mk. 9:23).
Our Lord and Savior, Christ was conceived through the Holy Spirit as the Father' one and only Son, in whom we are destined to see the Glory of the LORD; as we faithfully serve Him in Truth and the Spirit, we will always remain gracefully shielded and endowed with the Glory and Power of God, which rebukes all evil and exposes deceptive manipulations of the Wicked one (John 1:14).
Therefore, being in right-standing with the LORD, graciously dwelling in His presence and experiencing the manifestation of His glory by faith in Christ Jesus, His Word and Son, we are Divinely sustained and empowered to declare His Glory and Praise to all nations, as Heirs of the Father, destined for the growth of His advancing Kingdom through the testimony of His Word and our personal participation as precious vessels, soft in His hands.

PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You Heavenly Father, for Your Grace, Power, and Glory, signifying and revealing Your purpose and presence in me as I live for Christ, proclaiming Your love to all. Please keep me strengthened, holy and mature so that, as I hold on to Your Right Hand, I may never fall short of Your glory, yet make it known for the Salvation of more souls,

From John 11:39 & 40


The revelation of God sharing love with humankind, expressed compassionately in Christ, His Salvation to all who are faithful to Him, shows that He wants what we want, He stood where we stand, He felt what we feel, and He understands intimately, even more than we can imagine, how deep our valleys are, having heard our cries, and come to face the same temptations (Heb. 4:15, Ps. 138:6, 139:17 & 18). This makes the LORD who cares for us, grieve in the Spirit when rejected by His Creation and weep through His Word, Jesus Christ when one is in danger of eternal death and condemnation as a result of the choice to sin - being a Truly loving God who wants to be at peace with us at any cost personally, as Friends (Luke 19:41-42, 1 Pt. 5:6 & 7).
Moreover, we are saved and sustained by His unchanging love for us, Christians preserved so that every word and action of ours may also express the love of Christ in us to all, changing the mindsets of many and bringing them to understand and experience that, "God is Love," for His glory (1John 4:16).

PRAYER: Thank You Ever-Loving LORD and Compassionate Father, for Your presence in my life keeps me safe from harm, grants me victory over death, and freedom from eternal condemnation, as an Heir of Your Kingdom. As I seek it first, please continue to strengthen me, both physically and spiritually, so that I may always prosper among the living, refined as an ambassador of Your Love shown to all by the survival, death, burial and Resurrection of Christ Jesus, our Savior,

From John 11:34-36


Whatever challenges are faced as we spin through space, ever closer to the Son, as faithful Children of God, we should be willing to weep together with those grieving in hospitals, prisons, dry or polluted beds, and naked in our very city streets, to help others realize our Heavenly Father understands, deeply feeling pity in the most Sacred Heart at others' pain, and is willing to harken to the voice of our cries in due time; having sent His Comforter without fail, at the honest confession of Jesus as Lord, whom we rejoice for in the Church especially, truly, and forever in the New Heavens - champions, as opposed to the lost chasing and faking "happiness" which depends upon circumstances brought about by the evil ruler of the world, quickly passing away with over 12 Billion souls on board - the lowly are able to be saved with your Help, today (John 11:27-32, Ps. 34:15-18 & 139:1-4, Rom. 12:15±). He has always planned to lovingly give His Word and only-begotten Son, the humble Christ-Child as first-fruits so that whoever will believe in Him might triumph over every circumstance trying to cause sorrow in this life or the over second death of those left weeping and gnashing their teeth alone; for God is the giver of life and our present help in times of need, who will wipe away every tear from our eyes, as we write to You (Ps. 46:1, Matt. 13:49-51, John 3:16, 1 Cor. 15:21-22).
Moreover, the only begotten Son of God was sent everywhere on Earth to put all who believe in Him in right-standing with God, triumphant over gravestones eternally, by His Grace, and for His glory and those whose Names are being written in the Book of Life. This reveals the LORD'S affection and compassion towards all who trust in Him, granting faithful Christians everlasting life, sealed as citizens of Heaven (John 11:25-26).
PRAYER: In Jesus' Name, thank You, LORD, Ever-Loving Father, for always understanding my situation and helping me out of every circumstance trying to cause grief to my soul so I reflect the image of God, even supplying mercy for those around the Church. Please, continue keeping me upright in the Spirit, risen to never fall without a hold on The Resurrection and Life which lasts, due to the abundance of Your Grace; as we long to know you more, be forever glorified,

From John 11:33

If you are moved to give towards these Ministers, please donate today, like Jesus and Miryam, who gave their first to better the world, helping bring Sampson and Cassandra's impoverished family together for life. Remembering, we are each Priests of God, starting with those closest, to Grace the globe with Love.



Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior who has been in the Father and the Father exists in, testified of through the Holy Spirit in His and others' marvelous actions, many published in the Holy Bible, is the Resurrection and only true Life in whom our faith is anchored, as Christians who have chosen to die to their sinful existence and are reborn in the Spirit, anointed to live forever and offer life to loved ones and Friends (1 Cor. 15:22). By His Grace, those choosing to believe Christ consistently, are redeemed from eternal condemnation brought about by the sins of humanity, so that we may rise up as Overcomers in the One who paid it all with His precious Blood, for us to live freed from mortality and blindness before the Messiah manifested by the remnant (John 3:36, Rom. 3:24).
Furthermore, the initial death of the flesh is necessary to deal with and let go of - a dust-deriven body which is of the world - so that we may not depend primarily upon microbial DNA, but live in all perfection, Holy to the glory of our Father, overcoming the power of death as merely a transition necessary to literally becoming part of the Spiritual Body of Christ and Heirs of God's coming Kingdom - free from eternal guilt through faithfulness to the Faithful and True (Luke 9:60 & Da. 12:2-3).

PRAYER: Thank You LORD, Omnipresent Father, for I am resurrected to Life by Your Word, overcoming death and triumphing over sin by Faith in the Risen King of Kings! Please, continue to keep Me preserved in the Comfort of Your everlasting Love and Grace, sustained so I may remain a living testimony of Your resurrection-power, in Jesus' mighty Name;

From John 11:25-26


Our faith in Jesus the Son of God, who is one with the Father, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin, keeps us as Christians or Messianic Jews, redeemed from the grave by grace and favored by the LORD to rise, so whatever we ask, in His Name, will be permitted, even at the Throne of Mercy and Judgment (Dt. 30:15-20, Matt. 7:7-8 & 18:18). Still, our faith must be worked out through actions that declare our love to God and man, for this to be actualized; because "faith without works is dead," and our Heavenly Father always attends to the voices of all who faithfully worship Him in the Spirit and Truth (Ps. 34:15, John 9:31, Ja. 2:17).
So, let's remain committed to our Christ's calling, faithfully converting and discipling souls for God's glory as we remain exemplary ambassadors of Christ our Lord, to all. By carrying the cross and bearing fruits for His advancing Kingdom, as Heirs of the Father, born again of the Spirit, we will always have our requests granted in Wisdom (Luke 14:27).
PRAYER: Thank You, LORD, Heavenly Father, for Divine authority over death, present in Your Bride, given through the Holy Spirit, so as I ask, the Truth is granted to Your favored ones, who remain available to meet face to face. Please, keep me guided in the Spirit that I may humbly seek to hear Your Word, doing rightly as long as I'm alive and endure evil, for others to be blessed and receive Comfort today, according to Your will in the Lord, Jesus (Heb. 12:14-15).

From John 11:20-23


Now is the Day in which we need to walk, overcoming every trial along the way to eternal rest, peace, and comfort; for our life on the surface of the Earth only lasts for a little while (Ecc. 3:2, John 12:35). Besides, the Great Harvest of souls is near; hence, we endeavor to live to the fulfillment of our Christ's Calling without fear, bearing more fruits that remain for the Lord's coming, being fruitful branches in the True Vine, commissioned for advancing God's Kingdom over which Christ and those who are faithful until the end will return to reign (John 9:4, Rev. 20:4-6).
Also, having the God-shaped-hole in our hearts filled with His Love and given the ability to work all the day long in the Holy Spirit, as Christians, we dwell with the Light of God, Jesus Christ, who illuminates all who receive Him wholeheartedly to the Truth and keeps us out of the kingdom of darkness so that we, as Heirs of the Father, may not stumble into sin but reflect the brightness of the Son of God.

PRAYER: Thank You LORD, Glorious Father, for Your Divine presence in my life keeps me in the Light - separated from darkness and living in the fulfillment of Your Word, as a channel of Your glorious works to the World today, through Christ who lives in me. Please, lead me to many who need Your Light, equipping me both spiritually and physically to declare Your Salvation, so that those You've sent disciples to have the choice to be redeemed as they receive Your Spirit to live in the light of Your Word, by faith in Christ Jesus;

From John 11:9-10


Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ is the Door open to all willing to enter and be part of the Kingdom by grace through faith so that we may ...