Tuesday, March 15, 2022


Do not be disturbed, worried or troubled by the situation of things around you, but always embrace the will of God and the presence of Christ in your life,
rejoicing in His majesty, and divine peace will always remain established in your life.

PRAYER: Eternal Father thank you for your presence in my life, which grants me divine peace and total restoration in every aspects of my life,
may your name be glorified in Jesus Christ name amen.


  1. And yes if Jesus be for me, who can be against me, God's word says it all and I believe it, For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son to die for our sins, to suffer our sins, to go through all the hurt, through all the pain, all the hate of the adversary, how can he not love us, I believe it so, God is my Rock, he is my refuge, he is my strength, He is my Fortress He is everything to me, I cannot be anything if he is not for me. Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world, The Armour of God: For all the things brothers, be Strengthened in our Lord and in the greatness of his power , be dressed with all the Armour of Godso you can stand firrm against all attacks that comes from Satan, because we do not have battle against blood and meat, but against principalities against pr, against the governors of darkness of this century against all all evil spirits and evil doings in the regions, meanwhile take up the Armour of god so you can resist in the bad day and having finished everything be firm, be therefore Firm and be dressed with justice and let thy feet be for the Evangelist of Peace more so, take the Sword of Faith with which you can cease all darting of bad fires and take your Salvation and the sword of the Spirit that is the Word of God, be in prayer at all times in supplication to the Spirit and awaiting with all the perseverance and supplication for all the saints, and for me at least that when my mouth is opened let it be done that word be given to me that it be given to the Mystery of the Evangelic truth for which I am ambassador in chains, that I be given tenuity to speak as I must speak.

  2. Thank you so much for sending me this note of confirmation, I have been praying that God touch me in some special way that he configures my scarred lungs and heals them as they can heal with proper care by doctors to give me some type of medical care for healing that I may be able to breathe, but am also happy that I am still here, because even though I have gone through everything that I have lived through with the aftermath of Covid19 since July 2020, I am still here, in July 2020 will be 2 years of suffering with this scarring of my lungs which is what Covid did to me, being that I had not seen a doctor for anything but just a yearly check up on how things were in my life every year, the doctor always said to me, you are as healthy as a jumping Hare, you don't need to come unless you have some type of fever or slight flu, because eventually you will begin to get ill as you age, and I always said , doctor, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus for the children of God do not get sick when they or when we are always in prayer and in the house of the Lord, fellowshipping with others or and also doing the works of talking to others about the Salvation he offers all manhood for eternal life. and the doctor always said to me, go and be happy in thy life. and I did!! I had never had so much hurt, I am hurting now, but I hurt and suffer it so with gladness, accepting god's love , , of course I am tired and about to give out, but I dare not give up , I go by what god says some to do, and what I do , I talk about what I have gone through as I feel I am a living testimony because of what I went through when I was In the hospital, they wanted to intubate me, I said no, they wanted me to see my family for the last time and they wanted me to sign paperwork, I said no, I just don't want to be intubate me they also wanted me to fill out a Directive so they know what to do in case I went bad and if I died they wanted to know what to do, I never filled out anything. I just know that I have to be praying at all times and to always be alert with a candle to my head, (and that is not a real candle I am talking about) I am talking about the fact that I am always alert according to god's word because I just await the sound of the Trumpet the announcement of God's coming for his people, as we will be caught up in the air whence our loved ones who are sleeping in Jesus, will leave firs, and then we will be caught up in air and unite with our heavenly father, that's the way it is for me, I could sit here and say so much for hours, I just wish I could write a book of all I have experienced since this happened to me, how I love god soooo much how I love Jesus how the holy spirits surrounds about me and takes care of me, so many people have died, and I am still here, why? because of my faith and God is my Faith , he is my strength, he is my fortress, He is my Rock, O thank you Lord, thank you Jesus, sodabadaja sanumake rayat, chanika lima ba duka , praise you jesus praise you lord, what am I doing, thank you father they word is my healing that you send upon my life, I am so in appreciation to my Father that I can stay here bad things are happening already in other countries, who knows if they come this way in as to how things will affect us all, but with Faith and the Armour of God we must unite and be ready for what comes our way, , and also be ready to speak Gods Word to all the lost souls out there that have yet to find God's way to suppress all their hurts this channel of blessings.



The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...