Ones salvation, redemption and breakthrough comes through his faith in Christ Jesus and as he receives the divine baptism of the Holy Spirit he becomes completely saved in the hands of God.
This website exists to Proclaim the Good News of Christ through Gospel teachings inspired by the Holy Spirit. Evangelism and the affirmation of Truth with Love, to bring breakthrough, give hope, and deliver all who need God's redeeming grace given by His Word and the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit for the Salvation of souls is our commitment so we may continue to bear fruits into God's Kingdom for its advancement through all the Earth. Good to see you!
Ones salvation, redemption and breakthrough comes through his faith in Christ Jesus and as he receives the divine baptism of the Holy Spirit he becomes completely saved in the hands of God.
Every christian and faithful child of God who belongs to the body of Christ has been given the great commission to proclaim the gospel to everyman, therefore our level of edification is not an issue because it's our calling and responsibility to do so as true ambassadors of Christ on earth.
Rejoice for you have no reason to be worried as a true christian and faithful child of God because all your troubles and difficulties are already resolved by the LORD, for Christ as risen and your trouble times are over.
He who is faithful to the LORD from the depth of his heart is also courageous, having the boldness through the Holy Spirit to withstand and overcome every challenge that stands between him and the kingdom of God.
The death and resorection of Jesus Christ brought redemption from sin to all and grants everyone who worship the LORD in truth and in spirit direct access to the Father.
Also the Temple's vail that was torn signifies the breaking of the barrier that separates man from God, which is basically the lust of the flesh, thereby granting us, His faithfuls, direct access to the Father through His Son Jesus Christ.
Every accusation, mockery or persecution set against the righteous in heart is a stepping stone into a position of greatness and glory, for the LORD protects the righteous in heart and defends the just in all his ways.
Jesus Christ Himself affirmed even before His persecutors that He is the son of God and after His death and resurrection His words was visualized by His disciples, as He was seen ascending before their eyes in Act 1:9 and revealed in Hebrews 10:12 that He sits at the right hand of God.
Therefore as christians we have to declare our faithfulness to the LORD without fear, even in the midst of persecution and trials.
Be spiritually vigilant and always pray without season, that you may remain strengthened, having all it takes to overcome the weakness of the flesh and stand triumphantly victorious over every trial or temptation that comes your way.
Let's endeavor to always remain submissive to God and embrace His divine will in any given situation we find ourselves, for by doing this we will surely be blessed with divine peace and eternal salvation in Christ Jesus.
Jesus Christ is the lamb of the new convenant and His blood was shed for all, that everyone who receives Him may be set free from the law of sin and death.
Jesus Christ is the Word of God which is the bread of life, and as we open our hearts to receive Him we will always remain spiritually nurished, having all it takes to live in the righteousness of Christ and advance is kingdom on earth as the living vessels of His glorious light.
Every good deed done from the depth of ones heart to the glory of God that magnifies His name before men, will surely be remembered by many for generations as a testimony to all.
So let's endeavor to always live in the righteousness of Christ that we may remain a living example of His glorious works on earth.
Let's always be prepared for the second coming of Christ that we may be found worthy of His acceptance, for no one except the God the Father knows the exact time when this will take place and the event may be shocking to those who are unprepared.
Let's all be watchful and not relent in prayers, for we do not know when the end shall come.
Yet once faithfulness and total submission to God's will, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, keeps him prepared for the second coming of Christ.
The word of God is powerful and it never fails, for it is established and our faithfulness brings it to fulfilment in our lives as joints heirs with His Son Jesus Christ.
Before anything ends there are always signs and happenings which reveals it beforehand, that we may be prepared and not be caught unawares.
For the signs of the end times are already talking place, so as christians we have to remain faithfully dedicated to our calling, that we may remain accepted by the Lord on the last day.
Be watchful for the truth has been revealed to all through the Word of God and the wisdom of the Holy Spirit before hand, that you may not fall, yet remain established in His grace, power and glory as the elect and chosen vessel of God.
For the end times are here and many false christs, prophets and teachers are scattered all over the face of the earth just to decieve many, yet you should always remain faithful to your calling as a christian, being in communion with the Holy Spirit, that no matter the deception you may always be in a righstanding with God.
In your strive for the sake of the gospel you may be faced with hatred or persecution from friends and loved ones, this should not discourage you rather you should endeavor to remain steadfast with an enduring heart, that you may remain divinely saved by the Lord on the last day.
Whenever you are being challenged or presecuted as a christian for the sake of the gospel, you should not be worried or feel disturbed concerning what to say or do.
For the LORD is your defense and the Holy Spirit will surely speak for you as a divine advocate, that you may be vindicated.
Times and seasons have never been in the hands of anyone except our Heavenly Father and the Creator of all things, who has placed these unde...