Jesus Christ is the lamb of the new convenant and His blood was shed for all, that everyone who receives Him may be set free from the law of sin and death.
This website exists to Proclaim the Good News of Christ through Gospel teachings inspired by the Holy Spirit. Evangelism and the affirmation of Truth with Love, to bring breakthrough, give hope, and deliver all who need God's redeeming grace given by His Word and the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit for the Salvation of souls is our commitment so we may continue to bear fruits into God's Kingdom for its advancement through all the Earth. Good to see you!
Jesus Christ is the lamb of the new convenant and His blood was shed for all, that everyone who receives Him may be set free from the law of sin and death.
The sins of mankind separate them from the presence of the LORD and all who sincerely love Him, as a result of an unrepentant nature igniti...
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