Before a man dies the knowledge of the gospel will surely get to his reach, revealing the truth to him, that he might realize where he has fallen, repent from all is wrong doings and seek for salvation in Christ Jesus.

Moreover, as the truth is being revealed to us through the gospel, it's our personal decision to receive it or not, because salvation is necessary for our eternity with God the Father, yet it's not to be forcibly imposed on anyone, since it has to do with faith and sincerity.

Therefore, I request that you seek for salvation in Christ Jesus, repent of your sins and confess Him as Lord and Savior, for He is the way, the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father but by Him.

PRAYER: Thank you LORD for your World which dwells in our hearts, revealing the truth through the Holy Spirit, granting us the divine grace to overcome sin and death as the redeemed in Christ Jesus your Son amen.

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All born of God in Christ Jesus, the begotten of the Father, have received the grace, as members of the Body of Christ and co-heirs with Him...