Wednesday, September 21, 2022


Always endeavor to remain fruitful, advancing God's kingdom through your faithfulness in Him which is revealed by the words of your mouth and your sincere character.
For by our godly manners we bring others closer to God and with the words of our mouths we testify of His goodwill to all, making all who hear and believe the gospel which we proclaim to receive salvation in Christ Jesus by faith.
Moreover, let's not relent in our service to the LORD as a faithful branch in the True Vine, bearing good fruits for God's kingdom because the end is near and the Lord is coming very soon to judge everyman according to his works.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, we give you all the glory for making us fruitful in your vineyard as chosen vessels called to advance your kingdom on earth by reaching more souls even as we are strengthened through the Holy Spirit to bring the gospel to their door steps.
O LORD be thou exalted in Jesus Christ name amen.

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The sins of mankind separate them from the presence of the LORD and all who sincerely love Him, as a result of  an unrepentant nature igniti...