Monday, September 26, 2022


Being baptized with water brings us closer to the Father and it shows our willingness to abide by His words, even as we receive Jesus Christ into our hearts as repentant souls, yet the divine baptism of the Holy Spirit which Christ Himself renders us His faithfuls, makes us sons and daughters of God, worthy to be in His presence and sanctified for His glory has chosen vessels commissioned to do the Father's will, by living in the righteousness of Christ proclaiming the gospel to all and bearing fruits for God's kingdom.
Moreover, the baptism of the Holy Spirit is attained through our dedication and commitment in doing the will of God, that we may remain strengthened as overcomers in Christ Jesus with His divine armor to advance God's kingdom as vessels of His glory bringing the gospel to all men.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for the call of salvation and the divine baptism of the Holy Spirit in our lives, which strengthens us and makes us worthy of your glory, chosen to advance your kingdom on earth. 
LORD be thou glorified forevermore in Jesus Christ name amen.

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