Friday, September 30, 2022


Your worship and service to God should never be forsaken or compromised for anything else, for He is the LORD and only Him deserves all the glory, honor and adoration as the Father of all creation. 

Therefore, you should always avoid giving the devil a chance in your life by overcoming the lust of the flesh, getting rid of every obsession to aquire more wealth and riches only for your pleasure and selfish reasons.

Acknowledging in your heart that His grace is sufficient for all and He will surely meet you at the point of your needs because He knows what you need and He will definitely provide them all for you in due time.

PRAYER: Dear LORD, thank you for the grace and opportunity given to us to love, worship and serve you with all our hearts and strength, overcoming every deception of the devil to embrace the path of truth and righteousness in Christ Jesus your Son amen.

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