When true ministers, priests and servants of God speak, it touches the hearts of men, producing great impact in their lives because of the authority of Christ working in them.
It also makes many who listen to them realize where they have fallen and repent of all their sins for their personal salvation in Christ Jesus.
Therefore, as a chosen generation who are called to proclaim the gospel to all, we should not relent in our faithful service to the LORD, for we have been given the authority to declare the Truth to all and are Strengthened by the Holy Spirit, that no force or manipulation of the wicked would be able to stand against the authority of Christ in us.

PRAYER: Thank you Lord Jesus Christ, for the grace and authority given to us to proclaim your gospel to all, even as we are being Strengthened by the Holy Spirit to overcome every barrier and obstacle that stands in our way.
O Lord, be thou exalted forevermore.

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All born of God in Christ Jesus, the begotten of the Father, have received the grace, as members of the Body of Christ and co-heirs with Him...