Thursday, November 17, 2022


As true Christians, our character must remain uniquely different from the sons of men; this is because of having received with thanksgiving of Jesus' invisible Spirit, yet seen by all as favored Sons of God, doing the will of our Holy Father, glorifying Him, from the depths of our hearts, not striving for the praises of men, that we may receive a divine reward; being named worthy to dwell among the saints, as citizens of His Heavenly Kingdom.
Moreover, this is done by loving God and manifesting mercy to all, neglecting no one; for, the LORD brings rain and sunshine to both the just and unjust, wicked and righteous.
So, as we show loving-kindness to all, we are portraying the true nature of the Sons of God.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank you for making us worthy as Christians through your Son, Jesus Christ, to live for your glory, even as we portray the true nature of Christ, by likewise being loving, compassionate, and merciful to all.
O LORD, be Thou exalted, forevermore.

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