Thursday, December 22, 2022


The divine manifestations of God's grace, power, and glory are beyond the understanding of men, and it requires our faith in His Word, Jesus Christ, graced with the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, to understand and live with that which is needed, for His glory to be known; someday, we will be fully known to each other. 
The wonders of God produce great fear in hearts, to bolster our faith, and amaze all who experience any marvel, yet we all as Christians, the generation chosen for His glory, need to always affirm the Source of this authority, and meditate on God's Word, living by it, that our faith may continue to grow even stronger, to the glory of the Father. We, being established as vessels of His goodwill to perform miracles, signs, and wonders in His Name, do so from submission to Jesus Christ, that many who lacked the fear of God, return to faith in Christ and receive God's gift into their lives for the Salvation of their souls, finding the comfort of the Holy Spirit to be with them, they may experience the Divine touch of the Father, feeling everlasting Love.
PRAYER: Ever-faithful Father, and Omnipotent God,
thank you for your Divine grace and power in our lives, which makes us useful vessels of your goodwill, filled with the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit to live for your glory, performing miracles, signs, and wonders, through your Son, Jesus Christ who lives in us.

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...