Monday, December 5, 2022


The fame and greatness of a man achieved through his good works does not make him greater than the saints in Heaven, who keep remaining faithful to Christ Jesus.
Though, he may be honored and respected by men, or praised for his good works, yet the end justifies the means; for all who work steadfastly to the end will be worthy of the crown of glory, being counted among the saints as overcomers in Christ Jesus, who said our work is to believe in the One sent from our Father in Heaven.
So, always remain humble and faithfully dedicated to your calling and never relent in your service as God's chosen vessel, called for His glory, that His divine purpose for your life may be fulfilled, as a citizen of His Heavenly Kingdom above, worthy of His Blood.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for the divine call of Salvation and the Great Commission to proclaim the gospel, minister to all in Christ Jesus, Strengthened through the Holy Spirit to remain willing and capable to work to the end, as worthy citizens of your Heavenly Kingdom above.

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