Tuesday, December 27, 2022


To us all, as Sons of God, who have been redeemed, restored, and saved by grace, through faith in Christ Jesus, to the glory of the Father, we have been given a new life in Christ, to continue testifying of the LORD'S goodness shown to us, through His unconditional love, tender mercy, and compassionate heart, by declaring His great and marvelous works, shown personally in our new lives, for the Salvation of many who knew us before.
This is the purpose of our Calling, as a chosen generation; to advance God's Kingdom by living openly for Christ, and bearing fruits for God's glory, so that our loved ones may have an understanding of Salvation, repenting by retracing their steps from the path of darkness through the way of Light, which the Word of God provides for the Salvation of souls.
So, let's endeavor to remain steadfast and seize every opportunity to declare and testify of the LORD'S goodness in our lives, so that others may acknowledge that we are serving the Living God, who never forsakes His own.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, our Blessed Redeemer, for delivering us from the bondage and captivity of the wicked, and accepting us into your Kingdom, first the Hebrew people, also gracing us with the Great Commission to declare and testify of your marvelous works over us, to a dying World.

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...