Wednesday, December 7, 2022


Though Divine Wisdom is the fruit of the Spirit, giving to all who are faithful and submissive to the will of God, only her fruits produced from a true and faithful Christian, living in the Righteousness of God can testify of him who is gifted with her.
As a result of her not being accepted by the sons of men, who rely on carnal knowledge to satisfy their lust, feeling comfortable with the deception of the devil, to live for the temporal happiness that worldly possession gives.
Therefore, always endeavor to seek Divine Wisdom from the LORD through His Word, embracing her wholeheartedly, and you will always remain vindicated as vessels of God.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father and Omniscience God who knows all things, yet you blessed us with the knowledge of your existence and good works, through your Word Jesus Christ, graced with the Divine Wisdom of the Holy Spirit to remain vindicated and justified by faith as Sons of God.

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