Friday, January 20, 2023


Always remain in communion with God, and never relent in aligning your prayers with God's Law and prophetic insights, for as you continue to do so, you will be Divinely transformed, and equipped by the Holy Spirit, to receive revelations, guiding you in the path of righteousness, to live for God's glory in Christ Jesus who died, likewise fulfilling and achieving your purpose as a child of God, and a vessel of His Divine will.
Our communion with God in the Spirit, and fervent prayers, keep us always abiding in God's life-changing presence, and this makes us uniquely different from the sons of men; for, we are refined for God's glory, to live for Christ, fulfilling the will of the Father, as brethren with Christ, advancing God's Kingdom, even as we diligently work according to our Calling, being led by the Holy Spirit, in the highly exalted Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Thank you, Heavenly Father, for transforming and restoring us, in your glorious Light, revealed through the knowledge of your Word, Jesus Christ, who dwells in our hearts, paving the way to fully commune with you, in Truth and in Spirit, for the Salvation of our souls, in Christ Jesus,

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...