Wednesday, January 18, 2023


Always be willing to identify yourself first as a Christian; why ever be ashamed of your calling in Christ Jesus? You are a chosen vessel and one of a royal priesthood, ordained for His good works; to live as salt, changing and preserving the World, and graced with the glorious presence of the Holy Spirit, who reveals the Light of God in you, through the Gospel, which you proclaim.
Yet, those who hide themselves, being ashamed of what God did on the cross, in the grave, and what Jesus commanded them, are only proving themselves unworthy of following Him to the end, and this may lead to the loss of one's gifts. God rarely speaks to people hard of hearing.
So, never relent in listening to the whispering voice, and doing the work you are called to finish, as an ambassador of Christ, nor ever be ashamed, no matter the place or situations you find yourself in, for the LORD is always with the humble, and you will always stand triumphantly victorious, as you do His good will, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD for the gift of the Holy Spirit, freely bestowed upon us, to live for Christ as vessels of Light, graced with boldness to reveal the Good News of Salvation to all, that souls may be redeemed, for the advancement of God's Kingdom and glory, in Jesus' name,

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...