Monday, January 30, 2023


The life of an Evangelist is soley purposed to seek for lost souls, by bringing the knowledge of Salvation in Christ Jesus, to their doorsteps, even as he continuously breaks barriers, overcomes mountains, crosses over valleys, and moves through oceans, to reach more souls. This makes most evangelical Ministers remain mobile; having no permanent or specific location, moving from place to place, only to do the Father's will, by living in obedience to Christ, as His true ambassadors.
So, once you have discovered your purpose in life as an Evangelist and submit, you should forgo considering a permanent location for yourself to become comfortable, yet always allow the LORD to be your guide through the Divine direction of the Holy Spirit in you, because your visible body is only an earthen vessel in the hands of God, and He has prepare a place for you in His Heavenly Kingdom above.
PRAYER: LORD, thanks for the glorious call of Salvation and the Great Commission to go and teach the gospel of Christ to every nation, as evangelical vessels, nurtured for your glory, to advance your Kingdom, even as we live for Christ, following the Way as Sons of God, in Jesus' name,

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