No matter the level of our spiritual growth, strength, and edification of position in the body of Christ, we should always give room in the House of God, for the overflow of other vessels to be made manifest, and put to use, for God's glory. No sin is worse than another; as Christians, we are all equal in the body of Christ, united as one Church, not to quench the Holy Spirit in a form of culture, politics, nor religion, but to fulfill the Father's will, on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Therefore, we should never allow pride nor jealousy to get the better of us, as we exhort; yet, embrace and encourage one another more, even upcoming Ministers, that God's Love, which unites the Body of Christ, may be revealed to all, being worthy to be looked to, for the growth of the Church, in Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: Dear LORD and loving Father, thank you for the Divine use of your Word, which encourages unity and oneness in the body of Christ, to elevate and strengthen the Church, for the advancement of your Kingdom in Jesus' name,

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All born of God in Christ Jesus, the begotten of the Father, have received the grace, as members of the Body of Christ and co-heirs with Him...