Monday, February 27, 2023


The true character and qualities of a Child of God and faithful Christian, are known through one's compassionate behavior towards another, acting in love, even as one allows mercy to overcloud his thoughts towards all who offend him. Also, whenever he sees a neighbor in pain, troubled, or in a state of confusion, he not only prays in Jesus' name, but willingly renders help to the best of his ability, from the depth of his heart, because the love of the Father is in him, and he can never see his fellow man in pain and feel at ease.
Therefore, we should always endeavor to show the love of God in us to all, expressing it compassionately, and sharing without discrimination, that the Divine presence of Christ, through the Holy Spirit in us, may be seen by all, touching lives for the Salvation of souls, by Christ Jesus.
PRAYER: LORD, Ever-loving Father, thank you for showing your love through sending your Son, Jesus Christ, willing to accept all who are ready to receive Him; by living for Him we will show your love to all the world, for the Salvation of souls, in Jesus' name,

From Luke 10:36-37

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...