Thursday, March 9, 2023


Every kingdom divided against itself is destined for a great fall; even the forces of darkness unite under a rebellious leader to cause the destruction of many, because they know: they only have a limited time to exist, the Sons of God are growing in multitude daily, advancing God's Kingdom in love and unity through the proclaimation of the Gospel, and where demons are being cast out, all over the World, people are being Saved, baptized in the same Holy Spirit, and likewise sent. The demons of darkness and agents of wickedness also unite to cause spiritual weakness by tempting God's vessels, with the intention of separating them from Divine protection, grace and glory. Yet, the lives of the Righteous in Christ Jesus, remain established and rest in the Hands of God, where they are always protected; for the LORD fights their battles, and keeps them safe from all evil.
Therefore, let's endeavor to remain united under the Lordship of Christ, never allowing anything or anyone to separate us from God's love and our Calling as Brethren in Christ, that we may remain spiritually Strengthened as Overcomers, being more than Conquerors in Christ Jesus, breaking barriers and strongholds of the devil, to fulfill our purpose in life as Christians; we are united with the mind of Christ.
PRAYER: LORD, Jesus Christ, thank you for uniting us as one in the body of Christ, to live for your glory, as every day, we strive to advance your Kingdom, which remains established and will always abide, because it's founded on love, through Christ our Lord, forever,

From Luke 11:17-18

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