Wednesday, April 26, 2023


As faithful Children of God, we need to be properly preserved for our LORD and Master, Jesus Christ, by the same Holy Spirit, constantly meditating and affirming His Word from within our hearts, taking the Gospel to the reach of all, who are equally in need of God's Salvation, teaching them to observe and uphold the Love of God, and to express it to others too; that our souls may remain refreshed, and our spirits Strengthened for His service, which is our Christ-Calling and purpose in life, keeping watch, even as we are being nourished by the Holy Spirit within us, serving as the Oil of His Divine Grace and Authority, to keep us fit for the Master's embrace.
Moreover, Christ's second coming results with a reward, to give to each and everyone charge over the Kingdom, according to his or her deeds; for, the Righteous in Christ Jesus, will surely be honored with eternal life, as an Overcomer and faithful Steward, deserving of the Crown of Glory, being Heir of the Father. So, let's never relent in our faithfulness to the LORD, for the end justifies the means.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for the hope and assurance of a Divine reward to all, who are faithful to the end. Please, let our will and desire for your service continue to remain Strengthened and refreshed, for your glory, that we may remain deserving of your eternal rewards, in Jesus' mighty name;

From Luke 12:43-44

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...