Monday, April 24, 2023


Being faithful Brides, and devoted Servants, who are watching and waiting patiently for the second coming of Christ, the Bridegroom and Master of the universe, whom every authority in Heaven and on Earth belongs to, we are Divinely blessed and highly favored to be in the Lord's Vineyard, harvesting abundantly, even as we are given seed to sow. Yet, only those who keep themselves prepared and ready to meet Him face to face, keeping communion with the Father, through the Holy Spirit, and steadfastly looking for the second coming of Jesus Christ, our Lord, without giving any room for doubts nor distractions, influenced by the devil and his agents, through the lusts and temporary pleasures of the flesh to weaken their spirits, diverting their souls from Christ's supreme Calling; rather, those keeping themselves as a living sacrifice for the LORD, and discipling souls for the advancement of God's Kingdom, will surely be worthy of Christ's service, to recline in God's Kingdom.
Moreover, it's not all those who start the race who win the trophy; rather, all who work as unto the Lord, holding fast to the end, will be deserving of the Crown of Glory, in Christ Jesus. So, let's endeavor to remain watchful and fervent in prayers, with true dedication, that we may be deserving of God's Kingdom, dwelling with the saints on the last day, as Heirs of the Father, in His Son, who lives forever.
PRAYER: Thank you, Heavenly Father, for making me a Laborer in your Vineyard, Strengthened to disciple souls for your Kingdom, even as I continue to wait patiently as a faithful servant, watching for the second coming of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord;

From Luke 12:37-38

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...