Tuesday, April 11, 2023


Being born-again Children of God, we need not worry about what we would eat or drink any more than the birds who live in fruit trees, for both our physical and spiritual needs will surely be met in every season, without fail, because our God is The Great Provider, who never ceases to meet His own at the point of their needs, providing our heart's desires in great abundance, that we may never lack, yet have enough to share, in love with others. Because of the Lamb of God, we are of great value to our Heavenly Father, who will never allow us to go hungry nor thirst of that which we deserve as Heirs of His Kingdom, so we need not to worry nor be disturbed about our basic physical and spiritual needs; rather, as we keep holding on to our faith in Christ Jesus, whatever we need or ask in His name will surely be granted unto us, in due time.
Furthermore, our position as Heirs of God, and brethren with Christ Jesus, has given us direct access to the Father, being highly favored by Him, that we may give out to nations but not borrow, and also have enough compassion to share with the needy whom we discern are receptive, even as we have gratefully accepted the Grace to help others with their spiritual needs.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus; for, you've made us lack nothing, yet you always provide for all that we need, to meet our basic and spiritual needs, and to help others with theirs too, in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 12:24

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...