Tuesday, April 18, 2023


By giving your all for God's service, living a life of self-sacrifice and surrendering your precious and valuable time, wealth, and possessions to live the life of Christ, the Righteousness of God, you are also investing towards the advancement of God's Kingdom, which comes with the Divine reward of eternity, graced with treasures attained through your selfless service, even as you endlessly proclaim the gospel of Salvation in Christ Jesus. This reward is definite, coming with the Blessed Assurance from the LORD, to all who are faithful until this, the end.
Moreover, without any reason for doubts, every one of our efforts, our dedication to live for Christ, and to fulfill the Father's will as faithful Christians, Holy to the LORD, as the chosen generation commissioned to advance God's Kingdom, will surely be rewarded, with treasures in Heaven solely for our inheritance, as Overcomers in Christ Jesus.

PRAYER: Thank you LORD, for our treasures are safe in your hands, and every one of our endless services towards bearing fruits worthy of your Kingdom, will surely be rewarded with eternity with Christ Jesus;

From Luke 12:33

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...