Friday, April 7, 2023


We all should continue laying up our treasures for God, towards eternity in His Heavenly Kingdom above, and not only to aquire worldly possessions, which can distract one's attention from his Divine Calling. By him choosing to be obsessed with accumulating and possessive over his acquired possessions and position, thereby one is forsaking his Divine purpose, which is to live in the righteousness of Christ Jesus, fulfilling the will of the Father in love and compassionate deeds for others, in order to advance His Kingdom by bearing fruits for His glory. This makes many who gather treasures for themselves to be spiritually poor and too weak to continue wrestling for the Salvation of souls, and because of focusing on what is seen, sometimes one loses track of their Calling as a vessel of God. 
Therefore, let's endeavor to live a life of self-sacrifice, by living the life of Christ and remaining dedicated to fulfill the Father's will as brethren with Christ, striving always to gather treasures in Heaven, and not on Earth, for, "what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?"
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for your presence in our lives, through your Word and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, which has made us realize the truth; that laying up treasures on Earth profits nothing, yet as we sacrifice all for the sake of Salvation in Christ Jesus, we will receive eternal rewards in the comfort of God's Kingdom, in Your mighty name; Amen. 

From Luke 12:16-21

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