Friday, May 5, 2023


Every Christian needs to be faithfully active by working and living in God's Word, not just by meditating and affirming it to oneself alone; still, we have to continuously move ahead, taking the knowledge of the gospel of Christ to the reach of all, searching through the sea and fields, fishing and seeking for souls who need redemption, that we may remain spiritually and faithfully active, bearing fruits that remain, for God's glory, in Christ Jesus. Gaining souls for Christ and nurturing them develops our Faith, making it to grow, even as we become more fruitful in the Lord's Vineyard; converting souls, and discipling them for the advancement of God's Kingdom.
So, let's not relent in our faithful service to the LORD, even as we work in love, to remain fruitful for His glory, being readily prepared for the final harvest, as labourers in His Vineyard, waiting patiently for the Master's coming.
PRAYER: Thank you LORD, Jesus Christ, for nurishing me in your Vineyard, being Strengthened by the Holy Spirit to reach more souls, bearing fruits that remains for your glory in Jesus' mighty name;

From Luke 13:6-9

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The Word of God, Jesus Christ, never fails; for the same way He ascended into Heaven, received in a cloud, to be with "the Ancient of D...