Monday, May 1, 2023


The lack of understanding and misinterpretation of the Gospel of Christ, leading to disagreement, causing division among men, even in the Church, is as a result of many who only seek to obey different traditions and doctrines in order to justify themselves, simply trying to satisfy their feelings, to proclaim self-righteousness before all. Yet living by these religious traditions of men, one can not be justified by works of the law, but by faith in perfect, innocent Christ Jesus (Galatians 2:16).
Furthermore, the acceptance of man-made doctrines, religious traditions, and sinners who selfishly call themselves believers, by some neglecting the teachings of the gospel in Christ Jesus, is the source of many divisions amongst family members, friends, and also in the Church; from here, deceivers need to be cast out and no longer associated with, even if no longer allowing evil deeds in the body leads to the creation of different denominations, having different standards of worship.
So, let's come together in great unity as Christians, only embracing the teachings of Christ in common, as the New Covenant, established in love for the Salvation of repentant souls, in Christ Jesus, the Righteousness of God, seeking wisdom through our communion with the Holy Spirit, for a Divine understanding of the Gospel, that souls may be discipled rightly, for the Vineyard service, when its rightful owner returns.
PRAYER: LORD, thank you for the revelation of the Gospel in Christ Jesus, through the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit, which gives us Divine understanding to live the life of Christ, being separated from all evil, for your glory in Christ Jesus;

From Luke 12:51-53

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