Friday, May 26, 2023


When a man realizes he is missing his mark, he is humbled, and because pride is taken away, as a result of his deep fall, which makes him to be in dire need of help, and willing to repent; breakthrough, deliverance, and lasting resolution comes, only from God the Father, through Our Blessed Redeemer. Though Christ Jesus died for all, only when we come into repentance, seeking for God's Salvation by faith, gratefully believing in Christ as the only Way that leads to eternal life, we will be worthy of His acceptance by Grace and Love as His own.
Moreover, even after a man realizes his guilt and stains, He still needs to take the bold step of repentance and confession in humility, completely letting go of his arrogance and old ways, that he may be worthy of God's Grace and Divine restoration, as a soul redeemed by Christ Jesus. So, let's not stop declaring the Good News of Salvation to those still in need of a place to rest eternally, that more lost souls may come to the realization that Jesus Christ is the only one who cleanses everyone who receives Him, by His precious blood.
PRAYER: LORD, Jesus Christ, thank you Blessed Redeemer, for giving us a second chance, even as we've realized our wrongdoings, and repent from them all, for our personal Salvation,

From Luke 15:17-19

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